It was a peaceful afternoon. The waves crashed rhythmically on the beach, only a few fluffy white clouds dotted the otherwise clear blue sky, and the slight breeze coming of the ocean made the sun's rays feel less intense.

Steve McGarrett and his partner Danny Williams sat together on the beach front in Steve's back yard, drinking ice cold beers and watching Grace – Danny's daughter – splashing around happily in the warm, shallow water. The only sounds to be heard were the waves and Grace's playful laughter as she ran through them.

The peacefulness was broken by the sound of a phone ringing, Danny's phone. He reached into his pocket, took it out and looked at the caller ID. It was Kono. He had been wondering where she had got to, she was supposed to have joined them half an hour ago.

'Hey, Kono, what's taking you so long?' Steve could only hear the muffled reply from Danny's phone, but he didn't have to wait long for an explanation. 'Kono's broken down,' Danny explained, 'she is only a few miles out, I'm gonna go and help her. Will you keep an eye on Grace for me?'

'Sure' replied Steve, 'Go ahead, see you in a bit '. Danny got up out of his chair, stretched, and started to walk back up to the house. Steve watched him go, and then went back to relaxing in the late afternoon sun.

'Where did Danno go?' Steve opened his eyes to see Grace standing in front of him. 'He's gone to help Kono, she's having some car trouble. Don't worry, he'll be back soon.' Grace smiled and asked if Steve wanted to play cards. 'Not if you're going to beat me like last time!' Steve teased, and winked at her. 'The cards are in the dresser in the living room, be quick.' Grace ran, laughing, up to the house. Steve sat back in his chair, smiling, and closed his eyes. This is what he loved about Hawaii, it was a place where you could waste away the evening in the sun, with friends, laughing and joking. This was home.

A crash from the house woke Steve from his trance. Immediately he was alert, his eyes searching the yard for any sign of movement. He walked slowly up to the house, careful not to make a sound. He peered in the kitchen window; there was a pile of papers on the floor, which had definitely been on the counter earlier. Steve drew his gun, carefully opened the back door, and slipped inside. There was no other sign of disturbance in the kitchen, so he tip-toed across the floor to the living room.

He gasped. A ski-masked man was standing in the middle of the room, holding the tip of his gun to Grace's head. 'Uncle Steve…' her voice shook with fear.

Before Steve could say a word, a floorboard creaked just behind him, and before he had time to react, Steve felt a sharp pain on the side of his neck. He was paralysed by the electric shock from the taser, and as his knees buckled and he fell to the floor, the last thing he heard before he blacked out, was Grace's high pitched voice scream out his name.