Four months later...
The Guardians had gathered one again. This was Jack's first meeting as an official Guardian. He was a tad excited about it, but mostly for what he was planning afterwards. Today was also Roxy's birthday. He planned to make it a very special one. Once again, it was Sandy that noticed the Man in the Moon. He alerted the Guardians to the lingering presence.
"Oh, hello, Manny!" North called, waving at the moon.
A moonbeam touched down and the crystal began to rise. "What, another Guardian?" Tooth asked, growing a bit excited.
"Still hope it ain't the Groundhog," Bunnymund muttered.
The light touched the crystal, showing an image of the new Guardian. The form was different but the face was unmistakable. Jack's eyebrows made friends with his hairline.
"Roxy?" North asked.
Then, the image changed again. This time, it was Bonnie. "And Bonnie?!" Bunnymund asked.
The crystal began to fade, taking the images with it. "Well," North said. "That's little strange. But nonetheless, Man in Moon is never wrong. So Jack, why don't you and Bunny–"
"Do I have to?" Bunnymund asked, sagging in his shoulders.
"I could get them both," Jack offered.
North nodded. "Well, go then. We will prep for ceremony," he said, handing Jack a snow globe.
Jack imagined Burgess, Pennsylvania. The snow globe showed his hometown. He tossed the snow globe and walked through the portal. Once he was in Burgess, Jack quickly checked the Bennett house for his friends. Sadly, Roxy was not there so he went to check Bonnie's house. Looking through the windows, Jack finally spotted Roxy with Bonnie sleeping on the living room floor. He opened the window and stepped into the room, his chill waking the sleeping girls.
"Jack!" Roxy acknowledged, getting out of her sleeping bag. She quickly rushed to him and through her arms around his neck. He eagerly returned the embrace, and even picked her up and twirled her around before setting her back on her feet.
"Geez, and I thought Pitch was obsessive," Bonnie said, rubbing her eyes awake. After Roxy had discovered Pitch was still around, she had left a note for when Jack when he returned. In it she explained what had occurred between Pitch and Bonnie after the Nightmares attacked, and that Pitch had gone from "evil" to "chaotic neutral." The Guardians were still uneasy about the whole thing, but nevertheless, as long as Pitch wasn't causing trouble, they let it slide.
Roxy rolled her eyes and asked, "Jack, what are you doing here?"
Jack rubbed the back of his neck. "Well, we kinda need your guys' help again."
"How can we be of assistance?" Bonnie asked.
"You girls up for a trip to the North Pole?" he asked.
At the nodding of their heads, Jack gently took another snow globe from his pocket. He opened a portal to the North Pole. Bonnie skipped merrily through, her ever-faithful Buterfluff tucked into the crook of her arm. Roxy quickly went to the kitchen and got out a piece of paper and a pen, scribbling a note for Bonnie's parents saying that she and Bonnie had gone out for a bit, but would be back later. She then placed the note on the kitchen counter. When she returned, Jack offered her his hand. Roxy blushed again, taking the chilled hand and they stepped through.
They were met by the sight of all the other Guardians gathered and Bonnie glomped onto Bunnymund. She was murmuring, "Pet the fluffy bunny," over and over while petting the giant rabbit. Bunnymund had a slightly aggravated look on his face. Roxy and Jamie parted their hands, each feeling the lingering sensations the other's hand had left behind.
"Ah Roxy, good to see you," North said with a bright smile
"Nice to see you again, North," Roxy said, returning his smile.
"Now, maybe someone could tell us why we are here," Bonnie said, letting go of Bunnymund.
"You are new Guardians," North said happily.
"Say what?!" Roxie shouted. "What do you mean we're Guardians? How the– Who the– What the heck? I thought we were brought here cause you guys needed our help?" She turned and glared at Jack, actually causing him to flinch. She walked over and stared him down. "A little warning would have been nice, ya know."
"Sorry but I thought it would be a fun little surprise," Jack said innocently.
"Oh sure…surprise," Bonnie said sarcastically, rolling her eyes. "Besides, Jack told us how he was turned and I have an aversion to dying." Bonnie said, "And, I don't think that this is going to work out..."
"How would this not work?" Bunnymund asked, giving Bonnie a puzzled look.
"Well, if I'm a Guardian, then my...friendship...with Pitch will get all screwy. I wouldn't want that," Bonnie explained, choosing her words carefully.
"There is solution," North said, flipping through the pages of the Guardian book. "We turn you into Guardian, but you remain with the children until normal life is over. Then, you become as you are now. Is how I was made Guardian."
"That could work," Bonnie replied, looking over at Roxy.
"Sure, why not?" she replied with a shrug of her shoulders.
"Excellent!" North cheered, clapping the book shut, thus starting the ceremony.
Elves played music while the Yetis put the final touches of the actual ceremony space. Rota, Bonnie's Yeti friend, approached her and she gave him Butterfluff to hold. Despite her love of the bunny, she wanted him safe during this whole ordeal. Jack laughed when a pair of Yetis hauled Roxy and Bonnie onto their shoulders for a little bit of an parade. Roxy was laughing while Bonnie looked terrified. They lowered them again, the music finished and North began to read the actual making of a Guardian.
"Will you, Roxana Bennett, vow to watch over the children of the world? To guard them with your life, their hopes, their wishes, and their dreams? For they are all we have, all that we are, and all that we will ever be."
"Yes, I will," Roxy replied, a gentle glow surrounding her.
"And will you, Bonita Clyde, vow to watch over the children of the world? To guard them with your life, their hopes, their wishes, and their dreams? For they are all we have, all that we are, and all that we will ever be."
Bonnie nodded before saying, "Yes, I will." A soft glow surrounded her as well.
North looked up to the Man in the Moon and gave him a nod. "Then, I now pronounce you both now and forevermore, Guardians!"
The glow surrounding the girls grew in brightness until the light blinded everyone. When the light had faded and everyone could see again, Bonnie and Roxy had been entirely transformed.
Bonnie's white nightgown had been replaced by a form fitting near white blue dress. The dress was a strapless number, with delicate patterns of stars and flowers embroidered onto the fabric. Around her waist was a nylon belt sheath. She opened it to find silver and black throwing stars. A pair of dainty crystal shoes adorned her feet while a pair of matching gloves reached her elbows. Her black sand necklace was perfectly visible from the dress cut. A delicate looking hair décor with near white blue flowers and silver bands had woven itself into her hair. A large pair of blue butterfly wings, similar to that of a Morpho Blue Butterfly, now appeared from her back.
As for Roxy, she no longer wore a pair of striped pajama shorts and a grey tank top, but instead, she had been given a royal blue tank top to match her new ice-blue silk pants. She also wore a white long-sleeved, hooded white shawl that reached just to the back of her calves. She was barefoot, but delicate silver bands swirled around her toes and up her calves. Matching bands of silver climbed up her arms and had pale blue roses scattered on them. A think black belt encircled her waist. Attached was a leather scabbard reinforced by a metal throat and chape, with intricate designs that looked like frost. Pulling the sword from the scabbard, Roxy discovered it was a rapier, with black leather grip wrapping and a three-ring swept hilt. The blade was a clear as ice, making it almost invisible. She replaced the blade and looked over her other changes. She also had a set of sai attached to her belt. Her hair had been changed from white blond to pure silver, while retaining a faint blue hue. Matching blue roses made a crown about her head. She also had wings, but Roxy's were pure white and feathered like a Snowy Owl.
Both girls looked otherworldly in their new forms.
"Wow this is… It's amazing!" Roxy exclaimed as she twirled around in her new outfit. When she caught sight of her wings, her eyes lit up. "Okay, not that I'm not loving the wings, but are all female Guardians fairies?"
North, Sandy, and Bunnymund tried to explain, but in truth, they hadn't a clue to why the girls received wings. Everyone immediately turned to the Tooth Fairy for an answer. She hovered in the air among a few of her fairies before answering.
"Well, everybody loves a fairy."
Roxy and Bonnie agreed with the simple logic. The others were not so easy to convince.
"What? I am Santa Claus, all the childrens love me!" North exclaimed.
Sandy mimed with dream sand that he brought good dreams to the children.
"Oie, what about me? Everyone loves a large rabbit!" Bunnymund said.
"Don't forget fluffy. Large, fluffy bunny," Bonnie said with a sheepish smile. Bunnymund just groaned.
Then, there was a crashing sound as a figure fell from the rafters and into Rota's freshly painted red robots. Rota shouted and everyone prepared for a fight. Pitch suddenly stumbled out of the ruined pyramid, shaking off the dust and paint flecks from his clothing.
"Oh, hello," he said with a shy wave.
"Pitch?" North asked.
"Pitch!" Bunnymund warned.
"Pitch!" Bonnie cheered, a smile cracking her face. She skipped over to him and threw her arms around his neck. Pitch gently hugged her back before putting her at arm's length.
"Are you alright Bonnie?" he asked, moving some hair out of her face. "I felt a wave of fear come off you and I came here." He cupped her chin, making their eyes meet.
Her heart raced and she blushed. "I'm alright," she whispered, blinking rapidly a couple of times.
He smiled. Roxy coughed said, "Others in the room."
Pitch dropped his hands and clasped them behind his back. "Well," he began, at a slight loss for words due to Bonnie's altered appearance. "You look...beautiful, Bonnie. I especially like the wings."
He brushed one, his hand passing through it. "Hey, easy on the wings," Bonnie chided, gently slapping his hand away.
"Bonnie, they're not made of glass," Roxy said, giving her a sweet smile.
"Well, I happen to like my wings." Bonnie replied before catching sight of Jack. "So Jack, what do you think about our new fairy wings?" she asked, drawing all attention to the Winter Spirit.
Everyone immediately turned to Jack and awaited his answer. Jack felt like he had been backed into a corner with no means of escape. As he tried to find the words his eyes fell on Roxana's Guardian form. Her smile was full of encouragement, but her eyes spoke of anticipation for his answer.
"I uh… I-I like fairies," he finally said with a shrug.
The other male Guardians weren't convinced. Seeing that his answer was weak, Roxy decided to give her favorite mischievous sprite a hand.
"Uh, let me explain. You guys are well loved characters, but you are more like...like..." She grabbed a large teddy bear from Phil and held it up as an example. "Like giant teddy bears! Everyone loves you guys and can't resist wanting to hug you." Bonnie had been creeping towards Bunnymund and glomped him from the side. Bunnymund groaned while Pitch glared daggers at him. Roxy rolled her eyes, but smiled, and continued her explanation.
"Whereas fairies are more elegant, whimsical, and..." Roxy finished before returning the teddy bear to Phil. She turned to face Jack, and placed a shy kiss right on his nose before sprinting away. "Harder to catch." She leapt into the air, beating her wings rapidly and flew off through an open window in the roof.
Jack blushed a heavy red shade before sprinting after here, shouting, "Hey, get back here!"
They left, leaving Pitch and Bonnie alone with the Guardians, plus thousands of elves and Yetis. There was an awkward pause broken by Rota returning Butterfluff to Bonnie. She cuddled the bunny plush close to her face. Pitch felt a smile on his face, catching the eyes of the Guardians. He snatched the bunny, making Bonnie scowl. He then tickled her under her chin with the rabbit's ears, making her giggle before he pressed Butterfluff's nose to her cheek in a bunny like kiss. She snatched her rabbit away with a smile and looked up at Pitch through her eyelashes.
"Awe, he really does care," Tooth said softly, making all her fairies agree with delicate awes.
Bunnymund was nodding his head in agreement.
"I still not understand," North said.
Wanting to see just how far the relationship was going, he caught the attention of one of his elves. He handed a sprig of mistletoe to the elf, whispering to him. The elf nodded and headed towards Rota. The tan Yeti looked down at the elf pulling on his leg hair then to North. The large Russian man nodded. Rota rolled his eyes and lifted the elf above Pitch and Bonnie. He scurried to tie the mistletoe and dropped it down. He then ran as fast as he could.
The mini fairies saw the mistletoe and all gasped, staring at the plant. This drew the attention of everyone else in the workshop. Bonnie saw all them staring at something above her and Pitch. She glanced up and saw the mistletoe. Her eyes widened.
"What is it?" Pitch asked, noting her slightly flushed face. Bonnie pointed up. Pitch looked and actually blushed.
"Pitch, are you turning purple?" Tooth asked, noting the flushed face of Pitch.
"What? No, I'm–" Pitch began but was cut off by Bonnie pressing a soft kiss to the side of his mouth.
He froze as did the entire workshop. Pitch turned and faced Bonnie. Her eyes were dilated and her breathing was slightly heavy. He gently took her shoulders before cupping the back of her neck and kissed her fully on the lips. Bonnie stood stone still a moment before her wings began to flutter wildly. Her hands went to rest on Pitch's chest while one of his hands traced down her body and pressed her into him. The entire workshop hooted and hollered as they pulled away, both breathless and eyes hungry for more.
Up above another fairy was staring down at the sweet sight.
"Bought time, Pitch," Roxy mumbled to herself. She was really happy for her friend. Since the Guardians had defeated Pitch four months ago, Bonnie couldn't stop talking about him (okay, talking way more than usual), so of course Roxy suspected the feelings between the two had grown. Now here was the proof before her eyes. She sighed.
Roxy turned around and saw a very disgruntled Jack Frost hovering behind her. She smiled mischievously and stood up.
"Well, I see you finally managed to stop circling that glacier." With a quick flutter of her wings, and a, "Keep up," Roxy took off into the sky.
Jack got an equally mischievous grin and took off after her. He was impressed with how fast Roxy could fly with her new wings. She'd hardly had them for ten minutes, and yet it was as if she had been born with them. But she still wasn't as fast as he was. The only reason she managed to avoid him was her last minute maneuvers. But now he was catching up.
Roxy looked back to see Jack gaining on her. In truth, this little game of cat-and-mouse was getting a little old. Looking around she spotted a maze of icebergs and got an idea. She beat her wings faster and headed for the maze. After swerving through a couple of glaciers Roxy dove behind one and watched as Jack flew right past her. She waited a minute before peeking out to see if the coast was clear.
Suddenly Roxy was taken by surprise as two arms wrapped around her waist, and lifted her into the air. Roxy squealed in surprise and turned to see Jack smiling that devilish grin as he soared them higher into the sky. Finally when he thought they were high enough, Jack manipulated the wind currents so he and Roxy could hover in the air. He then turned Roxy around so that she faced him. Her hands were pressed to his chest while he held her tightly to him. With how close she was, Jack got a better look at her new Guardian form. Her hair almost the same shade as his own, but he was still paler than her. With her feathered wings Roxy looked more like an angel than a fairy. But the biggest change was her eyes. Without a mirror, Roxy couldn't see that her eyes had changed from cocoa-brown to ocean-blue. They really suited her.
He pressed his forehead to her temple and whispered, "Looks like I caught you."
Roxy laughed. "Yeah, ya caught me alright."
"So tell me, Snow Sprite. What happens when someone manages to catch a fairy?" Jack gently squeezed her waist, causing Roxy to laugh more. He knew she was ticklish, but best not to bring that up way up here.
Roxy felt her heart flutter at his question. She pulled back and looked as if she was seriously contemplating the answer.
"Well," Roxy explained. "Usually, when someone catches a fairy, they learn the fairy's name. Once you have their name, you can summon them to you whenever you wish. But in this case…" Roxy moved her arms to wrap around Jack's neck, pulling her closer to him. "In this case, you may ask for one wish."
"A wish, huh?" Jack cocked an eyebrow, thinking over what he could ask for. Then he gave her a smile that made Roxy tense.
"I wish for…" He shifted then to the side so that they were facing the sun. "You to share this moment with me."
When Roxy turned her head, she felt her heart melt at the sight before her. The sun was setting just over the horizon, painting the sky in various hues of orange and soft pinks. The light reflected off the snow and ice to create a Winter Wonderland before her eyes. Then, as if the moment was still not just right, Jack conjured up a flurry of snow and created two small figures. Roxy's eyes started to tear as she recognized the images from her dream long ago, when she wished to fly along the Northern Lights with Jack. Only now the images were of her older, and instead of flying among the lights, they were dancing among the snowflakes.
Seeing her smile brought a warm glow to Jack's heart. He leaned his head forward to rest his chin on her shoulder. His cool breath sent a shiver over her neck, as he whispered sweetly in her ear.
"Happy birthday Roxy."
Roxy was completely caught off guard by his statement. She hadn't really wanted to celebrate her birthday, but she was beyond words at the gift Jack had given her. It was the most thoughtful and caring gift she had ever received. Turning back to him, Roxy smiled and a single, shimmering tear slid down her cheek.
Seeing the lonely tear, Jack removed his hand from her waist and brushed it away with his thumb.
"Hey, don't cry. What's wrong?"
Roxy closed her eyes and shook her head. "Nothing's wrong, Jack. Everything is just wonderful. Thank you." She drew him close and embraced him with all her heart, pouring out all that his gift had done for her in that one moment.
Jack held her to him wishing he never had to let her go. For all the time he had known her, he never before realized how much this girl had meant to him. It wasn't that she danced so gracefully on the ice, or could now fly elegantly through the air. It wasn't that she had grown from the sweet little girl who skated on his frozen lake, into a beautiful woman that would now share in keeping Winter a special time for children all over the world. No. It was all because she saw him when no one else could. All that time when no one wanted to believe, when he even doubted in himself, she never gave up on him. Jack then did something bold, more bold than anything he had ever done before.
Pulling back from their embrace, Jack lightly traced his fingertips from her temple to cup her soft cheek in his hand. Roxy smiled at him and nuzzled into his touch. The way she looked at him, her eyes full of trust and… Could he dare to hope? Well, one way to find out.
He gently squeezed her waist as he pulled her closer. Her eyes became half lidded as Jack leaned his head down closer to hers, their lips just a breathe away from the other. Taking one last look, Jack saw Roxana close her eyes and tilted her head up just enough for him to make the first move. That was enough for him. His eyes drifted closed and his icy lips melded into her soft, warm mouth. Once their lips met, a spark coursed through their veins and soon what was meant to be a chaste kiss, became more passionate. Jack's hands pressed behind her neck and the small of her back, drawing her as close to him as possible, while Roxana's hands intertwined themselves in his soft silvery hair.
What seemed to last forever soon ended as they each drew back. Their eyes were locked on each other, not a word needed to be spoken. Everything and more had been said in that one, single kiss.
"We should-We should probably be getting back," Jack finally broke the silence. "They'll be wondering where we are. Plus you and Bonnie still need to get home before your parents worry. I think you're mom said she was throwing you a birthday party."
"Okay," Roxy agreed. "But, Jack, can I ask you something before we go?"
Like I could say no after that, he thought to himself with a chuckle. "Anything, little Snow Angel."
Rosy blushed at the pet name. She looked at him with a smile that lit up her new ocean-blue eyes. "Think you can join me for a moonlight skate after my party tonight?"
Jack just smiled his famous trickster's smile.
"Wild Nightmares couldn't keep me away."
A dark figure watched as Jack Frost led the silvered-haired fairy back toward the workshop. His grin grew as he watched them disappear. Little did the Guardians know just what was to come. For now that the dark heart of the Nightmare King had been tamed and brought over to the light, a new and more powerful force could rise.
The dark figure chuckled and began to make his way back toward the West. He had to hurry while the fools were caught up in their festivities. But before the he could depart he looked up toward the moon.
"So, you think you've won by defeating Kozmotis? You fool! Soon darkness will reign once again. And no one, not even your pathetic Guardians, can stop me."
The End?
AN: Ooooo! Possible sequel. To answer that question, yes, there shall be a sequel. Only it will be written on Cosmic Horse's page, since it centers more on Pitch and Bonnie, like how this one focused more on Jack and Roxie. Hope to hear your thoughts on this little Cosmic/Jewel collar, and hope you all had a Happy Easter (I know it's a day late, but so what?).