Alrighty all my peeps and darlings! This is the last chapter of Ready When You Are. If you ever get a chance, look that title up. It's a song by Trapt and it goes awfully well with this story, which is why it's named after it ^.^
But actually, this is the last chapter, but there will be a bonus chapter! One of my reviews, long and true fan, IWishIWasACheesecake, brought something to my attention. She wanted to have me put up what Sasuke was thinking when he found out about Naruto's secret, sooo
I'm going to let you guys give me small scenes where you want to know what someone else was thinking at the moment. You can chose any scene throughout the entire story and I will dedicate it to you. If you have the same idea as someone else, I will also write your name. I'll only take nine more or less if I don't get that many, but that'll be a bonus chapter! You can inbox it to me or put it in a review, but do it quick so you can see what you want to see.
Yep, mhm. Alright then
Read on!^.^
Chapter Fourteen
So, I don't think I ever told you guys about what happened in my Sophomore year. You know, with the whole knives and pitchforks thing where everyone threw me out the school.
Yeah, I am over exaggerating, but only a little.
Around the beginning of Sophomore year, I kind of came to the conclusion that I was gay. I don't know what made the decision come to my attention, but it was there all of a sudden and it sort of made sense. Why I was never really into kissing girls. Why when hot abs on T.V came on and I wanted to squeal just as much as Sakura. Why I felt like I forced myself to want to be with a girl. It was just all coming together and I accepted it.
I kept it to myself for months, but I think my mom figured it out. When I told her I broke up with one of my girlfriends I had been dating at the time, she asked me why and I almost spilled the beans, but I changed my mind at the last second and kept my mouth shut. Then one day she asked me if I was and I denied it. I don't know why, but I was embarrassed to tell her. I thought she and my dad might disown me and I definitely didn't want Ino to know.
But soon it just got too unbearable for me to keep the secret and one nigh after dinner I sat my parents down in the Living Room. Ino, against my will, sat down too, just to 'observe' and after like twenty minutes of talking about a bunch of random shit, I finally just said that I was gay. Ino was shocked, my mom just smiled at me and my dad…well, he had an expression that I could only confirm as confusion. He didn't talk to me for two whole days after that. I think it was because that most guys are usually against the whole gay thing and it took him a second to cope with his own son being gay. Ino said she wouldn't tell anyone, the lying bitch, and my dad accepted me fully after his silent treatment. I was kind of happy I had that chip off my shoulder.
But of course, no good things last forever. Well, sometimes they do, but not all the time. Anyways, I guess Ino started telling everyone at school a Monday that I was absent and apparently she gathered everyone who opposed my decision and formed a giant plan. So, in the morning I came to school and was greeted, more like cornered, by a line of students not letting me go any further into the school. They all kept telling me I wasn't allowed to go to school anymore, but I told them I was going to go anyways. Of course, I would rather go home, but I didn't want them to run me out the school. Though they did end up getting me out the school.
With water balloons.
Well, they weren't water balloons, instead of water, they had filled them up with paint. So, when they threw it at me, I got doused in green and blue and red and all those happy colors. It got in my eyes and my mouth and I decided that I really needed to get out of there. So I ran. I ran all the way home, crying and feeling like shit. And I knew. I knew Ino had told them all, because no one else knew. I never really got a good look at anyone who had been throwing them, but I knew some people who weren't there. Sasuke, Kiba and Neji. I don't remember if Zaku was there or not, but I had a feeling Neji would of joined in, if Kiba hadn't pulled him away. That's what I'm guessing.
Anyways, there's the story of my outing. My big sorrow filled fest that you guys never knew about. Well, now you know and it kind of sucks hearing about it, doesn't it? I don't really care anymore.
"So, I know that wasn't the best of the best of birthdays, but was it nice?" My mom asked me from the passenger seat as we pulled into the driveway. Me, her, my dad, Ino and Sasuke had all gone out for dinner for my big Eighteenth birthday. It was now June and school was just about to be out and I was almost officially a senior, which was exciting. And now I'm an actual adult. I can go buy cigarettes I don't smoke.
Everything had pretty much settled down. Ino went back to being her bitchy self, but me and her were a lot nicer to each and her and Sakura were best friends again. Though Sakura was also my best friend. We sort of shared her. My parents let me see Sasuke now, so we were together practically everyday.
Okay, not everyday, because that would be annoying as fuck.
But it all seemed to be looking up so I didn't care if I did nothing for my birthday except got some presents and went out to dinner with my family and Sasuke. Though if Sakura could of came, it would have been nice too, but she said she couldn't.
"Yeah," I grinned at my mom, unbuckling my seatbelt. "It was great. Thank you." She smiled brightly at me and we all got out the car. Sasuke took a hold of my hand as we walked up towards my door and I smiled at him. I couldn't wait to go up to my room with him, finally be able to close my door and turn on the T.V I got for my birthday and cuddle with him on my bed and fall asleep. Sounded like a plan. My parents and Ino were lagging behind, so I pushed open the front door, yawning loudly and kicking my shoes off. My dad turned on the light as I shrugged off my coat. Sasuke followed my lead and eventually we were all walking towards the kitchen so we could put away our take out from the restaurant. Guess what I ate? That's right.
Thought I'd try something new.
I felt against the wall for the light, then flicked it on. And oh boy.
"SURPRISE!" A bunch of kids screamed. A bunch of kids from my school. A bunch of kids that I knew. I actually stumbled back into Sasuke, my eyes wide as I looked at all of them. Sakura was grinning at the front of the crowd, Zaku at her side. Neji and Kiba were standing equally close. Shikamaru and the Gaara kid I use to talk to were holding up a banner that said 'Happy Birthday!' on it. Shika had one of those noise makers in his mouth and he blew it loudly while they all waited for me to react. Hinata was there and so was that girl that gave me makeup one day. What was her name again…Kimi! Yeah! Her. She was there. Itachi was also there, with Deidara and Sasori and Kisame and Hidan and they were all grinning at me. Other than Itachi and Sasori. They were smirking softly. Then there were a lot of other kids who I knew faintly from school and…
I started crying.
"Awe Naruto!" Sakura giggled loudly and I felt something hard hit my head, making me look up at Neji.
"Stop crying you big baby." He said, holding a wrapped box in his hand, then shoving it into mine. "Happy Birthday." I looked down at it. He definitely got me a bomb. I flipped it over and over, trying to find something that would resemble a wire before Neji grunted. "There's not a bomb in there or anything, just open the freaking box." He nearly shouted and I could tell being nice was hard for him. Kiba snickered from the background. Sighing, I ripped the wrapping paper and found a shoe box staring back at me. Feeling excited, I lifted the lid and nearly screamed. He had gotten me spikes! OhmmyyyygosehmgoodlordthankGod! I wanted to hug him, but I held back.
"Thank you!" I said happily, nearly bouncing around. He rolled his eyes.
"Thank Kiba, he picked them out."
So, the onslaught of presents came. Sakura got me Beats and Shikamaru had bought me a cook book, which I laughed at for like twenty minutes. I can't cook. Zaku, which I'm surprised he got me anything, got me a silver watch. It was actually really nice. Kimi handed me a bottle of foundation that matched me and we secretly laughed about that. Hinata got me hoodie, with a bottle of cologne and it smelled like Heaven. Itachi, Sasori, Deidara and Kisame all chipped in a bought me a fucking laptop! Like fuck yeah. And Hidan ended up bringing alcohol. My parents only said yes for tonight.
And for the night I drank my life away. Okay, it was still there and it wasn't depressing so I guess I wasn't drinking anything away, but oh well. I drank dammit and that's the point of this whole fucking story! Me drinking!
Okay, not really.
We all know what the point of this story was. It was about my lovely Sasuke dropping all of his own pride and finally telling me how he felt. And I guess it had to a little with me since, you know, I was narrating the whole thing. I guess I made this a little more about me than I should have. It must have been hard for Sasuke to want me so bad and me be such a dick. All that inner turmoil must have been tearing him up inside. Be mean to Naruto to look cool. Be nice to Naruto so he'll love me. Try not to be hated by Ino, who in turn, makes her parents hate me. Hope I don't make a fool out of myself. Keep my temper in check. In the back of my mind, think about Itachi and my dead parents.
Life must of sucked for him.
And I just sort of got the brunt of it, but I'm glad he stuck around and fought me. Showing me that I needed to get over my fear of myself so we could be together. It was only me that was holding me back and like am I making any sense right now? Because I don't think I am. But if I am, then good, because honestly Sasuke is the strongest guy I know. Physically and mentally. He doesn't give up on what he believes in and he believed in me and I love him for that. I always will.
Speaking of my undying love for Sasuke, I just happen to upstairs in my room with the God like Sasori, showing him my new T.V. I was kind of plastered, so I don't even know what I was saying, but he nodded along like he understood me. Maybe he did.
"So…like it was like bigger than the T.V I didn't have…" I slurred to Sasori, wobbling in my place, then focusing on my new plasma. "I don't even know where this came from." I mumbled, scratching my head with my cup that I had downed two minutes ago. Sasori chuckled softly, then walked over to my bed, stumbling some and then righting himself. So, I wasn't the only one who was drunk. He fell, more like sat down really hard, onto the edge of my bed and leaned back on his hands.
"So like, Naruto…" He paused, patting the empty space next to him. I made my way over there, sitting down and blinking slowly. His beautiful half lidded eyes stared back at me. "I have to ask you something." Sasori rocked forward some, then leaned back really far, almost laying down before straightening up.
"Hm?" I raised an eyebrow. At least…I think I did.
"Did you…did you like the birthday present we got you?" There was a slight slur to Sasori's words, but I could barley tell. My eyes widened and I grabbed his arm. Did he think I didn't like the present? Other than my T.V and spikes, that laptop was my favorite thing!
"Sasori, I love that present. It was like…amazing. I don't even know why…you would spend that much money on me. Like you barley know me." I use like a lot when I'm drunk. And maybe when I'm sober. I don't know. Sasori smirked softly.
"Itachi likes you a lot because you make Sasuke happy. Kisame likes you because he likes everyone Itachi likes. Deidara likes you for obvious reasons."
"And why do you like me?" I asked, leaning a little closer than I should have. Sasori turned to face me.
"Because your cute." He tapped my nose and I scrunched it up, blinking curiously at him.
"You think I'm cute?" I wondered. Shouldn't of asked that. Really shouldn't of.
"Of course, but…" He shrugged softly, looking across my room. "You have a boyfriend." Don't respond, don't respond.
"If I didn't have a boyfriend, what would you do?" I really, really, really wish I wouldn't have drank as much as I had. Or maybe I do. I don't know! Sasori looked back at me, smirking again.
"You really want to know?" He asked. No. Maybe…yes…fuck yes!
"Definitely." I nodded in a sloppy manner and Sasori's smirk got wider, but he still kept it under a smile. He placed his hand over mine, then leaned towards me. I knew he was going to kiss me and I wanted him to, but I didn't at the same time. He was just so gorgeously attractive, I wanted to rip all his clothes off, but I wouldn't do that. Because of Sasuke. But he was just that one piece of candy I just had to test taste, before buying the entire bag of my favorite candy. The favorite candy that would never get old. I didn't want to try something new, I just wanted to pop a Hot Head in my mouth for the first time and never try again.
Analogy for cheating.
Sasori's nose, a nose that was just too perfect to be real, touched mine gently as his lips brushed against my lips. Uh, why was he keeping me waiting?! I leaned towards him, but he backed up, chuckling softly as I groaned. Then, finally, pressed his lips firmly onto mine and,…and….
Wow. It just felt like kissing someone.
Like he made my stomach flutter some and my eyes close shut, but it wasn't…well, it wasn't like kissing Sasuke. Sasuke's kisses made the hair on my arms and neck stand up and chills chase each other down and up my spine. Sasuke's kisses made my toes curls and my heart go crazy. Sasuke's kisses made electricity burn in my veins. Sasuke's kisses were amazing. Sasori's kisses were…good. He was a great fucking kisser, let me tell you that, way better than Sasuke. Sasuke was a good kisser, but Sasori just knocked that shit out the water. Though Sasori could never do something Sasuke did to me.
And it was make me feel the kiss.
Not just feel it physically, but mentally and emotionally and it drove me crazy. And I needed to tell him that. Let him know.
I pulled away from the kiss, breathing heavily and staring wide eyed at Sasori. He gave me a confused look, before his eyes fell back into their normal half lidded state and he smiled at me. Like an actual smile. Now that made my heart race.
"I know." He nodded and I knew he knew. He knew I knew this was wrong. "I just really wanted to kiss you and I knew you wanted to kiss me so…" He shrugged and I blushed, standing up and stumbling some. There were too many 'knew' being passed around.
"You…you," My blush increased. "If I wasn't in love with someone else Sasori, dammit, I'd sure as hell love you." I leaned down, kissed him again, then stomped away, listening to him laugh at me. I was a bad, bad, bad, bad boy, but I don't think Sasuke will react that bad to it. He'll understand I was drunk and once I explain to him my sappy love reason, he should be okay. I hope….
I found my boyfriend sitting on the couch in my Living Room, talking to another football player I didn't know. I told him I needed to talk to him in private and he followed me out my house into my backyard, where no one was and it was quiet and eerie and the perfect place and time for him to kill me. Not that he would…
"What's up birthday boy?" Sasuke asked, leaning against the house. I don't think he was as drunk as I was, but he was still under the influence. And technically, it was one A.M, so it wasn't my birthday anymore. I bit my lip nervously, then sighed.
"I kissed Sasori." The smirk, the lazy posture, the calm airiness around him disappeared in an instant and he gave me a blank stare. Oh God, I should start calling for help now. It was quiet, that kind of quiet that happens in scary movies before the killer jumps out, between us. I kept looking at him, then looking away, afraid his eyes would freeze me on the spot.
"What?" His voice was as icy as his gaze. Suddenly, I wasn't very drunk anymore.
"I-I-!" What was I supposed to say? It was an accident? I fell on him? He kissed me. I kissed him back. I was far too guilty to try and make up excuses, so I knew what the right thing to do was. Even if it was the scariest. "We kissed…and I…I um…wanted him t-to kiss me…" I swallowed the lead that had formed in my throat and it landed hard into my stomach. "I-I-I know it was wrong, but…I don't know…I just wanted-"
"To cheat on me?" Sasuke interrupted me, guessing my sentence, which was wrong! I wasn't cheating on him…okay, I was. Well, not currently. God, I was staring to sweat. This was becoming too much. "Because I think that's what you meant to do."
"No!" I shouted, running a hand through my hair. The roots were damp. "I didn't mean to do it."
"Then what did you mean to do, Naruto?" Sasuke pushed off the wall and glared heavily, taking few steps towards me. I could tell a million things were flashing in and out of his mind, making him angrier. This was not going to end well. "I know you guys have been texting ever since you first met him and you flirt every time you're together, so I'm not sure why I didn't think this was going to happen." Suddenly, I felt as though I needed to lay down and sleep. He was scaring me. What if he broke up with me? I couldn't do this. I can't do this. "Actually, I do know why. Because I trusted you. I trusted you not to go prance off and make out with my brother's best friend!" Now he was yelling and for some odd reason I was thirsty. Like painfully, dry throated thirsty. And I couldn't breathe, I really couldn't breathe. "So, please explain to me-" Suddenly his words dropped off. Remember how I always say I'm going to throw up in situations that sort of get out of hand, but I never do? Well, I'm gonna throw up and I'm actually going to throw up this time. "Naruto, are you…?" Sasuke stepped towards me and I stepped back, because I felt the bile burning the back of my throat. I turned around and leaned on my knees, retching loudly and dropping half my stomach on the ground. Alcohol did not taste as good coming up.
The world spun. My vision blurred. My equilibrium was out of whack. I started falling and falling and God, it was such a long fall. It felt like it took forever just to land on the ground. Or maybe that was someone's arms I landed into. Well, nothing hurt too bad. It was just kind of hard to breathe. I wonder if I was having a seizure. Maybe I was going into Shock or something.
"Someone! Someone help!" I heard Sasuke scream above me in a frantic voice. His hand, which was sweaty, slapped my face hard and I opened my eyes. I didn't even notice I closed them. "Naruto! Keep your eyes open, okay?"
"What's going on?" I heard a female voice ask loudly a couple minutes later. There were footsteps all around me and I felt the air get tense and whispers scratched my ear. Ugh, it was so annoying.
"He just collapsed." Sasuke answered whoever asked the question. There were more footsteps, loud ones, then I felt hands touching me, but I couldn't see who it was.
"Minato, call the ambulance!" The female shouted. Hm, my mom. I'm sure of it.
"No!" Another female voice screeched. There was a thud right next to me and someone's fingers gripped the collar of my shirt. The next thing I knew, there was a loud rip and the night air hit my bare chest. Aah, cool air felt nice right now, but it wasn't making it any easier to breathe. "You'll get in trouble, because there's alcohol in his system."
"But Sakura-"
"It's fine. I know what to do. He's going into Shock," Sakura hm? That sort of wasn't surprising. Her soft, slightly sweaty hand felt my forehead. So I was right about the Shock. I wonder if it was because of Sasuke scaring me with the whole yelling at me. I think he was going to break up with me. That made my throat close up. "Sasuke, keep talking to him." She said and there was some hesitation, before Sasuke's soothing voice started speaking. There he goes again, keeping his voice calm.
"Naruto, can you hear me?" I wanted to nod, but I couldn't. "I'm here okay? We're all here, so don't worry. Sakura's going to take care of you and you'll be fine. You'll just need some rest and you'll be shoving pizza down your throat tomorrow morning. I'll even make you some, okay?" Mmm, Sasuke's homemade pizza was the best.
"Sasuke, get his head off your legs. Kiba, lift his feet onto your lap." Suddenly, my head was lowered onto the grass and my feet were lifted. For some reason, that felt a lot better. "Can you breathe Naruto?"
Yes. Was my answer, but I couldn't speak. I don't know why. I felt hair brush my face and I opened my eyes, once again, not knowing when I had closed them. Sakura's bright green eyes were looking back at me, worried. I opened and closed my mouth several times, before words broke.
"Am…I…going to die?" I asked in a gravely voice and Sakura's eyes filled with tears, but she laughed. A laugh that sounded oddly muffled to my ears. Black dots were shadowing my vision.
"No, if this was from a bleeding injury, then maybe, but no. You just need to relax, okay? And breathe." She coaxed to me softly. I parted my lips and tried to breathe in, but it was hard. I lifted my eyes and focused on the two people who were right above me. Sasuke and my mom. They both looked ready to pass the fuck out. At least they could see.
"Sakura, are you sure we don't need to call an ambulance?" My mom asked my best friend, not taking her eyes off of me. I don't know if I ever mentioned this, but Sakura always wanted to be a nurse. So, I felt safe in her hands, even though I was pretty sure I was going to die in about three seconds. How long can I go without breathing?
"Yes, I'm sure. I'm mean, it would be safe, but also unnecessary. He's not suffering from any trauma or bleeding, so nothing's going to kill him. He just must of went into Shock from an nervous overload. Not surprising from him." Sakura explained, rolling her eyes and I wanted to glare at her. She said that as if I'm some twitchy, nervous weirdo. I mean, come on, I don't twitch.
"Should we get him some water?" Kiba asked from the end of me, which I'm not sure where that was. His voice was as muffled as everyone else's.
"Not right now." Sakura shook her head.
"This is my fault." A new voice said, it was pretty monotone, but I could hear a slight franticness to it. Sounded like that red head I kissed.
"Damn straight this is your fault." Sasuke growled. Ooh, not good.
"Whoa, how is this your fault?" Sakura asked, looking up at Sasori who sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose and blushing slightly.
"He kissed Naruto!" Sasuke nearly screamed, pointing at Sasori.
"Well, damn Naruto. You get all the guys, don't you?" Ino's unmistakably voice said from my side and I looked over at her. She was kneeling on my other side. I hadn't even noticed her. Her eyes softened and she grabbed my other hand, wrapping her fingers around it tightly. "Just breathe correctly, you num nut. You're ruining your birthday." I don't know how. Or even honestly why. But for some reason, Ino's hand and voice calmed me and I felt my throat lessen slightly. It took a second, because I really forgot how to breathe, but I finally let some air into my lungs. It was a loud, rattling breath, making everyone around me sigh heavily. The black dots in my vision faded and everything I heard was loud and clear. I breathed out and back in, exhaling and inhaling for a few seconds, before smiling some.
"Is it time to cut the cake?" I asked and they all laughed.
"Well, now that you've caused a disruption among everyone and practically ruin the party mood, along with my anger, I'm just going to forget whatever happened with Sasori." Sasuke said as he held me in my bed around four something in the morning. After my episode, everyone decided it was a good time to get the hell out of there. It was fun while it lasted. Sasori, even though Sasuke was pretty much right next to me the entire time after I stood up, came over to me and apologized, telling me he'd text me. If that boy had one thing, it was balls. Or maybe that be something's.
I backed up from Sasuke's tight embrace and knitted my eyebrows at him. I should of accepted that. Just laid down and said Thank God, but no. I had to be difficult.
"No, you can't." I told him firmly and he gave me a apprehensive look. He probably thought I had gone insane. I probably have. Haha kidding, that boat sailed a long time ago. With me on it.
"I…can't…?" He repeated slowly. "Do you want me to finish what I was going to say to you outside?" He asked, knowing I knew it wasn't going to be good and my eyes widened, making me shake my head.
"Definitely not. But." I bit my lip and thought hard. Where would I be in life if I didn't act like everyone needed to know my deepest darkest feelings? Or everyone needed to not know. If that makes sense. "I just…I don't want you to think I…had a reason to kiss Sasori." Ready for me to sound like a douche bag and a romantic? "There was really no reason. I wanted to kiss him and I did, point blank." Sasuke looked like he had been slapped in the face. By me. "But I'm glad I kissed him, because-"
"Just stop…" Sasuke tried to push me away, but I held him tighter. He wasn't looking at me anymore.
"Because," I pressed on. "I know that there isn't anyone else but you. Sasori might be God like hot and a great kisser, but he doesn't make me feel the way you do. I could have someone as hot as Brad Pitt or Orlando Bloom," Mmm. "But their kisses wouldn't send me into another world. Their smiles wouldn't give me chills. Their touches wouldn't make me feel like I was on fire. And…" Finally he was looking at me again and I stared back hard. "When they told me they loved me, I would never feel the same, because I only and will only love one person in the duration of my entire life. And it's you." Gosh, I felt like crying. "It's…it's always been you. And it will never be anyone else." For a while, Sasuke just stared at me with a blank face, before smiling and shaking his head, wrapping his arms back around me. He pulled me close and kissed me passionately. In fact, fuck passionately, he kissed fervently. Yep, definitely just threw a curve ball at ya there, didn't I?
"You're amazing." Sasuke whispered, kissing every inch of my face and trailing his fingers up and down my sides. I wanted to say 'I know', but I held it back. "I am so in love with you." And that was all he said, because honestly, what else did he have to say? That pretty much summed up our relationship. Love. I mean, it was the most powerful feeling in the entire world, right? Without love, me and Sasuke would of gave up on each other a long time ago. Without love, I would of killed Ino a really long time ago. Without love, I wouldn't even of had my eighteenth birthday.
Oh wait.
"Hey." I pulled out the kiss Sasuke had placed on my lips and blinked at him, knitting my eyebrows. "You never gave me a present." I pouted. Not like he wasn't present enough….okay, I'm lying. He wasn't enough. Sasuke's eyebrows shot up.
"Oh right!" Practically throwing me off of him, he jumped up and ran into my bathroom, closing the door. Once again, I just blinked, feeling lost. Well, then. That was abrupt. I waited for like, ten minutes, before Sasuke opened the door back up. Oh my God, this idiot.
Sasuke Uchiha, the love of my life and my boyfriend, came out my bathroom with nothing on except some basketball shorts and a huge red ribbon tied around his waist. I immediately started laughing because that image was freaking hilarious. Like insanely funny. He did a couple playful poses, before strutting over to my bed.
"If you start stripping, I'm leaving." I said, shaking my head as he sat down on the bed, grinning like an idiot. He chuckled and pulled me close to him.
"No, I'm not going to start stripping. But I am yours forever." He kissed my forehead sweetly and dear God, I swooned. "But this isn't your only present from me." Digging in his pocket, I heard a clanking of metal and raised an eyebrow. Then he pulled out two dog chains and I stared at them, watching the light catch the smooth metal. "One's for you and one's for me." He pulled them apart and pressed on in my hand. I looked at it. On one side was his name written in cursive and the date we started dating right underneath it. January 24th, I'm surprised he remembered, because I didn't. "Flip it over." Sasuke instructed and I nodded, turning it over.
I've fallen in love many times…always with you.
I think my heart grew about sixteen feet in my chest when I read that. My smile got bigger and bigger, because I read it over and over. It was so sweet, so Sasuke like, and I was going to wear it forever and never take it off, because it needed to be as close as it could to my heart without surgery. I looked over at Sasuke, who was holding the other dog tag.
"What's yours say?" I asked. He smiled and showed me.
"Your name and the same date on this side," He turned it over. "It says: Home is wherever I am with you. Because that's how I feel. I don't care if we're here or at my house or Sakura's or the school or skipping class or sitting under a tree or walking in the rain, as long as your with me…" He shrugged his shoulders and gave me a soft look. "I don't need anything else."
"Other than food and water." I didn't want to ruin the moment, but I was only being me and I hoped that was the person Sasuke fell in love with. He grinned and brushed his hand through my hair, kissing my nose.
"Yes, other than food or water." He agreed and I put my new necklace on, watching the metal shine. I looked back to him, raising an eyebrow.
"I come first, right?" I asked and he chuckled, pushing me onto my back.
"Always." Sasuke kissed me gently and I smiled into it, kissing him back.
I wish I could of ended this story a different way. Maybe with like an explosion and me and Sasuke walking away from an empty car. Or even someone dying, but no one too important to me, because I can't handle that. But I think it's fine this way honestly. With a hard knock life that I've lived, I guess I do deserve a happy ending, but this isn't the end of course. I'm still growing everyday and I'm going to face a new challenge around every corner. But it will be different, you know. I have amazing parents who love me for who I am. A sister that's a little difficult at times, but underneath it all has a heart like Satan.
I mean a teddy bear.
A best friend who has a quick temper, but never gives up on me. Friends who actually know the real me and like me for that. And of course, who could forget the perfect, great, enchanting, loving and beautiful…Naruto Uzumaki. The funniest Narrator ever.
Oh, and I can't forget Sasuke.
I'll never forget Sasuke.
Aaahh! It over! I'm sooo sad, but soo happy. But not a happy happy, it's like, I feel accomplished happy. And now, I'm must write out a list of all me reviewers, because I love you guys! ^.^ 3 Lots of love and thank you's tooooooo:
Om0cha- My first freaking reviewer!
Who really Knows- You're wrote me like thee longest review ever, but I love it! Haha^.^
unheard cries
IWishIWasACheesecake- Thank you again for the bonus chapter idea!
Beautifully TaintedRed
Tanto Storm- Yes, you are a real fan ahah
Snipperita- ^.^
Xdevil-child- You wrote the same thing every time, but it always made me happy haha
Hermes right hand dude
Black Blazing Cypress
Mudbloods are in
Shiona Acitiu
Neko no Minaoshi
Itooshii koneko
Guh! A lot of names, but all worth my time to go through my reviews and write down every single on then type them out. Which I'm kind of glad I don't have like a hundred or more reviews, because I'd just be like fuck it, I'll group shout you out Hahah
But yes, don't forget about the bonus chapter, inbox me whatever. And thank you for reviewing, everyone I mention or even if I didn't mention, I still love you. THANK YOU!
Review more and favorite and la di da ^.^