Hiya, for some apparent reason. I'm making another story, and apparently there are OC's in it. I know, people are probably going to rage for starting a new story. Also, this story's protagonist is Elsword and Aisha. Mainly Elsword.

As well, you can ask if you want your character to be in the story. All OC's can either be minor or sub-character(Character's that will appear frequent in the story. But are not the main character's)

Also here are the classes and ages:

Elsword, Age 16-18. (Sword Knight-Lord Knight)

Aisha, Age 16-18. (Battle Magician-Dimension Witch) *Updated*

Rena, Age Unknown. (Grand Archer)

Raven, Age 27-29. (Reckless Fist)

Eve, Age 17-19 (Code Exotic-Code Nemesis )

Chung, Age 17-19 (Shelling Guardian- Tactical Trooper)

Ara, Age 21-23 (Sakra Devanam)

The reason why Rena, Raven, and Ara. Are at their 2nd job. Rather than the others. Is that they are practically fully experienced and masters at what they do. Also, i'm also going to make Raven a Nasod. Because in this story Eve and Raven are siblings.

Well Enjoy :)


The Messenger Boy

Opening my eye, the bright sun glows onto my face, with its radiance and blinding light. I stood up scratching my head, while sitting in the old but living tree. How long, have I been asleep? I wondered for some time, wiping the dust off my uniform and cleaning up my cap. As the bright light started to get more clear, I saw my destination. Hamel, the capital of Elrios. Looking at the letter of whom I was to deliver to, I read the name of the receiver. Someone by the name of Ara Hann. Hurrying, towards the city, since the deadline of this message was today. Oh I forgot to introduce myself.

My name is Elsword Everhart. I'm the son of a courier and one myself. I'm 16 years old and live in a village called Ruben, with my older sister Elsa. Though we are somewhat poor and I'm doing my best to support both of us. My dream is nothing more but to make my sister happy. I earn up to 50 ED per delivery which isn't so bad. Hurrying to find my client. I crashed into someone, making me crashed down along with all the letters that fell out of my bag. "Oh no, I'm going to get my salary cut for sure." As I quickly put up all the mail and was about to retrieve the last, the person I crashed into crushed the letter. It was a girl, that had purple-void hair, with a dark look in her eyes.

"Hmph, what gives you the right to do that to a noble." Ignoring her, I was more focused on the crumbled up mail. Getting the letter out of her foot and un crumbling. I was relieved.

"Thanks miss, i'll be going." Leaving her, before she could finish her speech. However, the purple-haired girl catched up to me and a angry looked on her face. Yelling at me, I closed my ears to avoid getting deaf from her loud voice.

"Hey, how dare you leave me. Before, I could finish my sentence! What gives you the right to crash into a lady and then ignore her!"

"Look, i'm sorry miss..." I paused, due to me not knowing her name.

"Its Aisha Vinylake!" You replied, rudely while giving me a pouty face. Honestly, I don't have time to deal with her so I simply gave her a quick response.

"Listen, ma'am i'm sorry. But, i'm in a hurry so if you'll excuse me I'll be leaving." I began to walk away, but she stopped me again.

"Not so fast! Redhead. You're going to have to apologize!" Tugging my arm, making she let me go.

"Look, I already said I'm sorry. So please let me go, if I don't deliver this letter in the next..." I looked at my clock and saw that I had 10 minutes to deliver this letter. Pulling my arm away from the fare violent hair girl grasp. I began to run, to look for the address. While, doing so. The girl was chasing me. As I looked at the address location, I saw I was already there. It seemed like my client's must worked in a guild. Before entering, I looked around to see if that girl was still chasing. Making sure, she wasn't there. It was like she vanish into thin air. Taking a breath of relief. I slowly turn the doorknob and what I saw was a bunch of people with weapon and heavy armor gathering around at a board, having a drink, or chatting and hanging with each other. As I walked towards the counter, the man on the counter notice me.

"May, I help you. Young man?" I took out the message out of my bag and gave it to him.

"I have a message, for Ara Hann. Also that'll be 50 ED for the delivery." I put out my other hand to get the money. Exchanging the letter with the silver coins. I left the guild building and decided to check out a few stuff before heading back to Ruben. Looking at all the shops, hoping to find a souvenir for sis. I saw familiar purple-haired girl. Standing at the gate waiting for me. I thought of doing a facepalm, but instead I casually walked towards her.

"Oh its you. Mind moving aside?"

"Just, who do you think you're talking to!?" The girl, said all high and mighty.

"Simple i'm... um..." Taking a while to think, I had no idea who this girl was. Because I was focusing on my delivery. "Sorry, what was your name again? I forgot." Casually spoke to her, while scratching my head. However, I don't think that's the answer she wanted.

"H-h-how dare you!" A wand then appeared out of the air and she grabbed it, pointing at me.

"You'll pay for insulting me. The Lord Advisor Daughter!" I then remembered her name know.

"Oh you're Aisha Vinylake. Daughter of Lord Advisor Haervun. Right?" I said surprised. Instead, of a positive look from her. I only got a aura of intent to kill.

"You-you. Out of all the commoners, I see. You're the worst of the worst! I'll kill you!." A glow appeared on the tip of the wand. When it became clear it was a fireball. She began shooting it at me. I swiftly dodged it, before it hit me.

"What are you doing?! We just met and now you're trying to kill me. What's wrong with you?!" I said, as if she was crazy. In the process, she created multiple fireballs in the process.

"Are you psycho?!" I said, with a blank stare. The fireballs took shapes of blades now.

"Go to hell!" She began crying. Shooting them and dodging them. A whole crowd was soon attracted to what's happening. Dodging all her magic attacks and looking at her. She seemed very tired.

(If I don't finish that redhead off. I'll shame my whole family. I'll have to finish him off with this spell)

Sweating from dodging the attacks of this girl and almost had my uniform burnt off. I saw her starting to chant something. A giant tornado started appearing out of her wand, just as she was about to cast it. It started fading away and soon she started to get dizzy and soon fainted and fell into the water. Everyone, was surprised. We looked at the bottom of the bridge lake and saw her struggling in the water.

"Help... I ca... n't swim!" She was drowning and I knew I had to do something. I placed my bag and cap down and jumped into the lake and swimmed to her. Grabbing her and swimming to the land, everyone then circled around me and her. I began to check her breathing. It seemed like she wasn't breathing. It seemed like I had little option, there were no guards near and she wouldn't make it if I didn't do CPR. Which I did, and what's embarrassing was it was mouth-to mouth and after several of it. She finally woke up.

"What happened?" I just ignored her and grabbed my bag and put on my cap and left back to Ruben. Before the guards appeared. But still, I touch my lips. That was my first kiss, even if it was CPR. I blushed a bit, for a moment and continued on home. Hoping, nobody would find me suspicious.

Thats when my journey started.

~To Be Continued~

Yay, I'm done with the first chapter. Also, if you want your OC to make an appearance. PM me your character's name, race, and appearance. Weapons if your characters going to fight. I won't character's that you put in the review. So only PM me.

Also Please leave a Suggestion :)