Mother of all...IDK I am so sorry! I didn't to make you all wait so long. Can you find it anywhere in your hearts to forgive this noob? Yes? O thank you! I love you! I have decided to change my profile name to YourDeomon'sSoul just because I am awesome like that (jk..No I'm not). Finally I have been able to develop Part 2 after so much thought, so part two is going to be the calm before the storm what do you guys think? Yes? But anyways you guys have probably been waiting for a long time right? You guys have been so patient, and I thank you. Sorry so on with the story? Ciel?

Ciel: What?

Me: Want to say the disclaimer?

Ciel: Sebastian say the disclaimer.

Me: *sweatdrop* kinda meant for you-

Sebastian: Of course my Lord.

*Sebastian faces the readers*

Me: No wait! Sebas-

Sebastian: YourDemon'sSoul does not own Kuroshitsuji it all belongs to Yana Toboso. Thank you and enjoy.

Me: I quit… You two are so...nvm….*goes sulk* enjoy the story guys~

Tangled With A Twist

Chapter 2: The Race, The Tower, The Fated Encounter Part 2

His latest painting was one that was above the fireplace, he made sure that all the details that he put into it was perfect and precise that you would have almost thought that it was made by a professional. In the painting was a midnight dark sky with gray clouds hanging around, but not at random. Within the sky he placed stars that looked so real that they seemed to be actually glowing on the wall. In the painting he included himself sitting on top of the tallest snow filled tree in the forest that was painted, his golden hair hanged down as it was flowing in the cold "air"{A/N this is sounding so cheesy to me's making me sick but it's for best for the story man!}. He was looking up at the night sky staring at a trail of lights or what he thought were stars as well glowing much more brighter than any of the stars that he has ever seen.

He smiled as he stood there looking at his masterpiece, sighing in content he picked up his most prized possession, Bitter Rabbit, that his mother gave to him the day he was born.

"Today is the day Bitter Rabbit. I am finally going to ask her. I am sure she won't be able to say no, I mean she's never said no to anything I've asked about having before," he said with enthusiasm clear in his voice. He bent down to put away his paints and and brushes in his wooden chest, and that is when he heard a familiar voice calling his name. Looking at the window his smiled brightened as he heard his mother's angelic {You can decide if you want the pun intended or no...for me I add as pun (but to Ciel really her voice is angelic) in this story} voice coming from below the tower. Before he went to the window he grabbed the curtains that were next to his painting and pulled them together hiding the painting from anyone's view if they didn't look at the small crack between the curtains.

"Ciel~ I'm not getting any younger down here~," her voice flowed up toward the window as she was waiting for her "son" to let down his long and beautiful hair. She outstretched her hands as soon as she saw Ciel throw his hair up into the air and latch itself onto the hook that was located above the only entrance of the whole tower (or so Angela made Ciel think). His 6o ft hair fell right into her arms grabbing the end of his hair she twisted it around her wrist she folded it upwards making an open gap in between his hair. She placed both of her feet in the gap and softly tugged on her son's hair. Getting the message he pulled on his hair lifting her up toward him. By the time she made into the tower he was already panting under his breath. Angela helped him unhook the reaming of his hair as he greeted her,

"Hello mother. Did you find any herbs today?" he asked still panting.

"Not yet..I am thinking about going to southern patch so I came to tell you as well as take a break from being outside in the cold for so long. I only hope this winter isn't too harsh on us. And what have you been up to my dear flower?" she asked as she took off her gray-white fur cloak that went well with her lavender-white gown that seemed to be made out of feathers at the end. Her violet eyes followed Ciel as he walked towards the small dining table talking about his reading the new book she got for him and playing his violin; he placed her herbs basket on the surface of the table, she could sense that the boy wanted to ask her something, she smiled at him when he turned around to face him, "My sweet do you need anything?"

The young boy looked startled at her, but calmed down a few seconds later smiling at her, "You know me so well Mother."

"But before you tell me can you sing for me? Mother is feeling a bit worn out today." she said as she massaged the back of her neck.

"Uh. Um. Yes. I mean of course mother!" he quickly got his mother's favorite chair and placed in front of the fireplace, dashing to the other side of the room he got the wooden stool he sat on when he always sang to her. And before sitting down he climbed the stairs leading up to his room two at a time grabbing the hairbrush his mother always used to brush his hair with while he sang. Angela sat down while her son got everything else ready, usually they would prepare the singing preparation together, but it seemed that her son didn't want to walk around their abode slowly today. She smiled at her golden-blue flower, her time with Ciel had made her actually care of the boy as more than just a possession, but as an actual child she was never able to have. Her smile grew even bigger at that thought, but it didn't last long as her thoughts flooded into the unknown dark abyss. However, if anyone were to find him and try to take him from her she would not hesitate to kill or torture the person and figure out why and how (s)he found them. Her thoughts broke away as she felt Ciel put the brush in her lap, she looked to see the boy looking at her with a worried gaze his bright blue eyes were even more worried though.


She smiled at him and reassured him,"Don't worry my boy I am fine. Like I said before I am bit exhausted."

Yes exhausted. Exhausted because a man almost found them. Exhausted because she had to take care of him. She could still remember his blue, that were not even close to be compared of those of her son's, looking at her with fear as he felt her knife go right through him tearing his life apart. His dirty brown-red hair was stained with more red as he felt his blood make its way toward his face. He felt himself gasping for air as the woman repeated to stab him and asking him questions like, how did you find me and Ciel and who sent you. However he was not able to answer her before she took the final stab. He began to scream in agony and pain as he felt the woman dig her weapon into his heart and with that he took his final breath, but unbeknownst to her before he said his final farewell to the world he was able to dig his right hand into the snow covered ground and spell two words in the soil.



Angela shook her head mentally and put her mind on Ciel."Now then my dear let me hear you sing for me."

The young boy nodded his head and sat down in front of her, his back facing her he saw his mother beginning to age and he did not want that so he began to sang his alto-tenor voice filling the room and reaching his mother's ears.

Flower gleam and glow

And thus Angela began to brush his hair as her flower began to glow as brightly as the night it was before it was taken away from her fifteen years ago, but she had it back now and that is what mattered the most.

Let your power shine.

The glow was slowly making its way down Ciel's hair traveling through tangles and knots.

Make the clock reverse

Bring back what once was mine

Ciel closed his eyes willing his power into his mother. Healing her old age. The gray in her hair was slowly dismissing itself returning it back to its usual platinum color. Her wrinkles were slowly disappearing from her features.

Heal what has been hurt

Change the fates design

Save what has been lost

Angela closed her eyes as she felt her flower's power flow through her and rejuvenate her being. Into her body it went the warmth and love that Ciel was grown with.

Bring back what once was mine.

What once was mine

His voice came to an end and he slowly opened his eyes revealing his bright navy blue eyes. From the corner of his eyes he looked above the fireplace remembering the painting. "Anyways mother as I was saying earlier. I am pretty sure you already know this but I am just going to remind you that," he stopped hoping it would provide a dramatic effect before he continued, "it's my birthday tomorrow!"

Angela laughed and smiled at the young boy's enthusiasm,"Is that time already? I almost forgot all about it! But it is not everyday that my only child will be turning fifteen."

"You say that every year mother."

"The reason more so," she laughed."Now I should probably make you a special cake just for you~ Now which flavor will it be this year? Velvet? Chocolate? Cafe? Marble? Strawberry? Or would you like to try a different flavor this year?"

"Mother," he began a little hesitated but he soon brought up his courage to clear his thoughts. "Mother. I don't want any cake. All I what I have always wanted since the day I could walk, is to go outside."

Angela's head snapped up her eyes wide as she looked at the lost Prince, she slowly began shaking her head as she looked at the back of the boy's head.

"I want to see the floating lights," he continued getting up and heading toward the fireplace, climbing up it and pushing the curtains back to reveal his painting to his mother. "I want to follow their trail. I want to see where they come from! Oh mother ple-"

"NO! Ciel...I am sorry. No. You will NOT go outside."

"But mother! It's only one day! And I'll be with you!"

"Ciel! You have no idea what is out there. Even if you did have me with you I would not be able to protect both of us! In fact haven't I told you a million times why we stay up in this tower?! We stay here to protect you! I am doing all of this for you! I will not let anyone take you away from me! There are thugs and thieves that will take you! Use you. Harm you. Do things to you that I don't even want to imagine. Please. Please don't ever ask for this ever again. I only do this to keep you safe and sound," begged the witch.

Ciel looked at his mother as she continued crying as much as he wanted reason with her about this he couldn't he just could not- no would not -disobey his mother. He looked at his painting once more and silently pulled them together again. He silently climbed down the fireplace and walked toward his mother, taking her hands in his he breathed in and out slowly trying to find his voice again. He slowly voiced his thought out, "Do not worry mother I will not ask you again then."

At the end he smiled at the women, a sad smile at that, she looked at him and nodded getting up slowly wiping away her tears that were falling down her cheeks.

"I hate to leave you after we just had a discussion such as this Ciel. But if I don't go now I may not be able to find any herbs before the storm comes. I will be back as soon as I find herbs for the food. Now will you help get down Love?"

The golden haired boy nodded and began to get up walking towards the window. He picked up his hair as he always did and threw it up onto the hook. He looked back to his mother as she placed her fur cloak back on and picked up her herbs basket. She walked to him and caressed his cheek. Leaning down she kissed the young boy's forehead, "That's my boy. I will see you soon."

"I love you mom."

"I love you the most."

Ciel slowly lowered his mother down the tower and onto the snow covered ground.

Hope you guys liked part two you guys! I am now going to work on part three and after that next chapter the next one will, hopefully, not be cut into parts.

See you all next time and enjoy this! I love you all and appreciate your support. :)