Thanks to Raccon Girl, The Not-So-Ultimate Writer, Emiliee D, Wilfrerapo13, Tellingitkeitis1541, Sobe James, almp15, Skylar the Swifthearted, TwitchyTeagan, JustSomeAverageGuy, Loyal-LeoBlade, I support PewDieCry, Ghastly bloody blade, WhatNames, Lonewo1f28, Iluvvanellopevonschweetz, godessdestruction, mario681, Gamma102, dancer4813, Shyfrost, Sam L. Manson, estoniamakeasparkle, annabre24, PokeBakuFanfics, Swiftshadow2000, Anabelle624 for reviewing/following/favoriting!
Psych! You guys thought it was the end, didn't you? *broken beer bottle flies at head, I dodge it barely* O…kay, so you guys are a little mad…. Whatever! Late April fools! Enjoy the real last chapter!
Chapter 13: Carry On
Though I've never been through hell like that, I've closed enough windows to know you can never look back
Tessa POV
At first I didn't open my eyes, I just listened. I smiled I heard a song. It was 'Your dying Heart' by Adrian von Ziegler. I opened my eyes and looked to my side. On the bedside is the little music box I made for Taffyta. I started to sit up and paused. It was a little painful but I sat up nonetheless I looked around saw I was alone. I cocked my head to the side and listened.
"I hope she's gonna be okay" That was Vanellope.
"Don't worry; did you see how Speed put the whoop on Turbo? She'll be fine" I smirked at Twist's always cool nature. I slid off my bed and looked at my clothes. To my surprise I was back in my own clothes. I took a step and winced. I was sore. I realized I probably had a ton of stitches.
"I agree with Swizzle. She's tough" My eyes widened. That was Lady Luck! I paused at the doorframe and looked out. Just down the hall is the waiting room and to my shock most of the racers are there. Vanellope is sitting in a chair and her back is to me. In fact all the racers backs are to me. I smiled and walked very quietly over to them.
"Don't worry Vanellope, it'll be okay" Gloyd said to Vanellope and I chuckled lightly. I set a hand down on her shoulder.
"Y'know for once Pumpkin's right. I'm fine" I said and Vanellope's eyes widened. Everyone around her gasped and she looked at my hand then turned her head fully and looked at me. I smiled at her.
"You didn't you could get rid of me that easily, didya coach?" I asked her. She leaped up and attack-hugged me.
"Ohmigob! Never scare me like that again!" She yelled and cried into my shoulder. I hugged her back and smiled softly.
"Hey, calm down. It's okay, I'm right here" I said and rubbed her back. She pulled away and smiled a few tears still falling from her eyes. I then looked at the other racers and frowned slightly. I sighed and shook my head.
"I'm sorry" I said looking at them "I should have told you guys the truth, instead of lying to you and stooping to my father's level" I said and bowed my head. I felt someone put their hand on my shoulder. I looked up and saw Taffyta smiling at me.
"Do you honestly think we'd accept you if we knew the truth first thing?" She asked and I smiled softly.
"You're okay Tessa" Gloyd said and gave me a thumbs up. I smiled.
"Really?" I asked and they nodded.
"Really. Tessa that thing may have been your dad. But you're you" Candlehead said
"A great mechanic" Swizzle said and I smiled at him, my cheeks burning lightly.
"An amazing friend" Gloyd said and I chuckled, understanding what he was referencing to.
"And a true hero" Taffyta said. Little tears were at the corners of my eyes. I smiled.
"You're all awesome" I said
"That's true" Swizzle said and I smirked.
"Hey we've all gotta ask, what did you mean when Turbo asked 'Why do you get up?' and you said: 'Because I have to, because of them, because I have nowhere else to go' what'd you mean by that? I'm sure you could've found another game" Taffyta asked.
"Because Lady Luck, I care about each and every one of you" I answered simply "Even if there was the chance that after revealing my true self, you wouldn't accept me. I didn't care. I love this place, I love my friends and I love the fact that I have a home, a real home. I couldn't just let him take over again. I couldn't" I smiled and nodded "I'll always protect this place and the people in it, always. Until my last breath"
Everyone nodded and a few people clapped for me. Vanellope gave me a thumbs up.
"This is your home" She confirmed. I smiled.
"And you're my family" I said and hugged her.
And that's it! But don't worry there shall be one-shots about the adventures and mishaps of Tessa!