A/N: Wow, I'm actually doing this. This is my first fic like ever, so please be benevolent with the comments. I wanna thank to my lovely betta motherfckinDuck ;) I'll make you cookies the next time I see you. This is from a prompt of the glee kink meme.

Warnings: Boypussy, age difference, mpreg, character death (just in this chapter)

01. Just shake me up

The constant beeping of the machine was the only thing in the room that made sense. The smell of disinfectant didn't help the situation, it just made him sicker and scarier and unreal. Just a week ago he was planning his new life in his dreamed city, arguing about clothes with his father and trying to spend all the time he could with his family. Now, all was gone, a simple coincidence and everything went to pieces, a simple call and all his life was shattered and without sense.

The door opened and the doctor went in the room " , I'm sorry but we need you to decide what you want to do" he said.

"What? Oh, yeah... I just need five more minutes, please." Kurt said drying his eyes.

"Okay, don't worry, just try not stay long and know that you need to take a decision soon" the doctor said closing the door.

"Okay. Thank you so much. For everything" Kurt said, meaning every word.

Kurt looked at his father's face, covered with a mask that made him feel unreal, and he could even pretend that the man on the bed wasn't his father. But he was, and nothing could change that, no matter how much he wanted it.

"You broke your promise... You promised that you would be with me when I won my first Tony or the day of my first fashion show and now you won't even get to see my first apartment in New York..." his voice became tight and choked. "I love you so much dad, and I don't know if I'll be able to do this without you, but I'm going to try. For you, dad. I'm going to New York and I'll become the star you always said I was." he stood up and gave his father an awkward hug. "I love you dad. Thank you for giving me the best life a child could ask for." he kissed his forehead while some tears fell on his bald head.

Kurt left the room to talk to the doctor, who was waiting for him in the hallway. "You can disconnect him" he said with the bravest voice he could muster. "Just tell me where I need to sign."

After signing the papers that would shut off his father forever he ran away. He ran away from the hospital, the beeping machine, the pain, and the memories. When his lungs began to ache he stopped and dropped himself against the nearest wall and just let the pain leave as bitter tears fell.

The August heat had made the air heavier and it made Kurt feel uncomfortable. Well, maybe the uncomfortable feeling didn't come from the air itself but from the task he was doing. Who would have thought packing your life would be so claustrophobic? What had been a happy home, with a family atmosphere, was now nothing more than cold walls and scratched wallpapers.

The empty wardrobe was just another fragile reminder of the promises that now would never be reached. Kurt looked at the clock and realized that his father's funeral had begun half an hour ago, but he didn't see the point in going and watching how a priest told some people that pretended to care for his father how he had been such a good man. Like they knew him at all...

Kurt stood up, grabbed his two suitcases – unbelievably, he had managed to fit all his belongings in just two big suitcases –, looked at the house where he had lived so many happy times in one more time, and left.

The woman beside him kept telling him everything about his grandson and the lovely girl he just got engaged to. Not that he was paying attention, but the woman was kind of persistent and shrilly.

"Passengers for the ride to New York City please go to platform 12. Passengers for..." a robotic voice said through the speaker. Kurt stood up, happy he didn't have to keep pretending to listen to the loud woman, and head towards his future.

Blaine looked at his reflection one more time, gave the last touches to his hair. Perfectly sexy, he thought as he went out the theater where his boyfriend was waiting for him.

"Hey honey, did you enjoy the show?" he asked Patrick with a peck on the lips.

"Yeah... it was great" his boyfriend answered awkwardly.

Blaine sighed with resignation. He didn't even know why he kept inviting his boyfriend to his shows. "So you didn't like it, did you?"

"No! Of course I liked it, you were amazing!" Patrick blurted. "It's just that theater and musicals aren't my thing. I'm sorry Blaine. Yeah, the music was great and you were amazing, but I was kind of bored. It's just not my thing"

"No, no, I totally understand. Don't worry." Blaine decided to let it pass, like he had done so many times before. "Let's get going to dinner, we have reservations and it wouldn't be nice if we're late to our own anniversary celebration" he said smiling.

"Yeah, happy sixth anniversary, by the way" Patrick kissed him sweetly. Blaine grabbed his hand and they headed up to the lovely Italian where they celebrated their first anniversary.

Dinner was great, it wasn't the best anniversary they could had had, but it is because I'm still a little upset about the theater issue, Blaine though as he watched Patrick talk moving his hands. His blonde hair reached just above hisears and his lightly tanned skin made him look like a Californian surfer.

"... and then Carl said he slept with the guy! Can you believe it? Blaine, Blaine! Are you listening to me?" Patrick sounded annoyed.

"I think we should have a baby" the statement surprised him too.

"WHAT?!" Patrick's face would have been funny to Blaine if he hadn't spitted water all over him. "Are you high or something? You're not serious, right? Right, Blaine?"

Okay, his face is hilarious, Blaine though while he dried his own with a napkin. "Actually, I'm pretty serious. Come on, think about it, we've been together for six years and maybe we're not in our best moment as a couple, but I just think we need something to connect about, something we can do together. So, yeah, I think having a baby it's a good idea." his face was the real expression of hope and pleading.

Patrick was kind of torn because Blaine was right about them not being in their best moment and needing something to bond over, but he didn't think a baby was the best option. The refusal died in his lips when he saw Blaine's face. "Okay. Okay, maybe this could be the push our relationship needs"

Blaine's face broke into a happy grin. "Really? You would do that for me? Oh, honey, I love you."

"Love you too, Blaine." Sweet smiles appeared on their faces.

Well, this is the first chapter, let me know what you think =)