sweeter, a prompted drabble compilation
warning: sexual situations and adult themes

There are two moments in her life when Korra truly feels as if she will float away with nothing to tether her to the ground.

The first is whenever Asami touches her. There's something about the softness of the tips of her fingers, the gentle way her lips smooth out her worries, the way that her body curves against Korra's easily. Asami is never rough, even when Korra begs her; she's painstakingly slow, rubbing circles against her stomach, teasing her nipples with her nails, lavishing her clit with attention from her tongue. It's slow, but Korra enjoys the mounting tension between them until she feels it all coming to a head, bursting out of her and shattering her into a dozen pieces that are scattered to the wind by a subtle breeze. Asami always laughs and wraps her arms around Korra's waist, and it's truly the only thing that keeps her from floating to the ceiling, unable to come down until she is tempted to let Asami touch her again.

The second is when she watches Asami walk away with her hand threaded in between Mako's fingers, a smile gracing her lips, her eyes alit as she looks up at him. It's that moment where Korra feels like there is nothing worthy of anchoring her to the world around her and she just wants to float away, into the vast, endless sky where she can just as easily run out of breath the same way she does as she watches the two of them together again. Everyone tries to soothe her, tries to keep her grounded, but all of the hurt that bubbles up inside of her at the sight of them needs to be released.

But Korra loves Asami, so she takes this feeling with a grain of salt.

notes: and we're finished! i'm sorry about the pairing debacle - i added asami and korra first and then threw in mako cause two of these were from his point of view, but then it started showing up as makorra when it really isn't.