-Cybertron-to-English Dictionary-

ber – gambling token (Introduced in Children of Megatron)

Eichne – Stop (Introduced in Soundwave's Secret)

Plok ul nyom - Proper address, 'a child is present.'

- Plok – present, here, in attendance

- ul – Proper singular term – a, an

- nyom – Proper form of 'nyo' – new-spark, sparkling, child(Introduced in Soundwave's Secret)

Tshelgin – fragile spark, gentle light, tender soul. A rare, valuable and extremely fragile gem found near and around metallic ore deposits on Cybertron. Approximate hardness of blown glass on earth. The process of mining the ore usually destroys the gems. (Introduced in Soundwave's Secret)

'Uhsh-nu' – Noble dialect of Cybertronian. (Introduced in Soundwave's Secret)

Vohl-yop - Rebuke, 'bad word.'

- Vohl – word

- yop – bad, improper(Introduced in Soundwave's Secret)