Chapter 5
As the small child woke from her peaceful slumber, she became aware of the fact that she was in a new bed and not in her pajamas. She slowly detangled herself from the bed sheets and made her way across the room towards the door. Quietly, Catherine peered around the doorframe taking in her new surroundings. Cautiously she stepped into the unfamiliar living room and made her way towards the nearest open door where she hoped to find her mother sleeping within. Just as she suspected, her mother was peacefully sleeping during the early morning hours. Mac was spooned against Harm with one of his arms protectively wrapped around her middle. The other arm was stretched out across her pillow underneath her head. He had laced his fingers with hers as he held gently held her right hand. Harm's face was nuzzled against her neck with his mouth just below her ear.
Catherine slowly walked around the large bed to where her mother was and just stood quietly. Mac felt a presence staring at her through her sleep. Once a heavy sleeper, Mac now woke to the littlest disturbance; something motherhood had instilled in her. Gradually she opened one eye and peeked out toward the presence. Catherine stood beside the bed, chin in her hands resting on the mattress, leveling her gaze with Mac's. With a warm smile, Mac softly whispered, "Good morning, Baby."
Without missing a beat, Catherine inquisitively asked, "Mommy, why is Daddy in your bed?"
Mac had told hold back a laugh so as not to wake said Daddy and replied, "Because he belongs there, Honey."
"Oh." Was Catherine's simple reply. "Does this mean that we can't snuggle anymore like we used to at home?"
Home. That one simple word carried so much meaning. THIS was their home; it always had been, even though Catherine never knew that. "Catherine this is your home. And just because Daddy is in my bed doesn't mean that we can't snuggle. It just means that you get twice as much snuggling." Mac sounded enthusiastic but in her head she was grappling with the fact the she was going to have to explain exactly WHERE they had been her whole life if it wasn't 'home'.
"Come here." Mac had scooted closer to Harm and lifted up the comforter welcoming Catherine into its warmth. Catherine gladly climbed in and was immediately wrapped in the comforter and her mother's arms. Positioned so that Catherine's back was to her, Mac looked upon her innocent face and lightly kissed her on the top of her head.
After a few minutes of silence, Catherine broke the stillness, "Mommy, does Daddy like having me here?"
Mac was stunned at her question. Harm had done nothing to warrant Catherine feeling unloved; in fact, he had done the complete opposite. She was also amazed at the complex level of her question; Catherine understood that she was a completely unexpected surprise by Harm.
"Oh, Baby. He loves you so much." Mac's sincere voice did little to cover the tears that were in her eyes. Unbeknownst to Mac and Catherine, Harm had been awake the whole time. He reached over Mac with both hands and picked Catherine up. He hugged her to his chest while stroking her long curls.
"Catherine, I have loved you since I first laid eyes on you. I've loved you since before you were born and I will always love you." Harm had a teary voice filled with conviction and Mac felt more love than she ever thought possible towards the man beside her. Mac turned to her side, laid her head on Harm's shoulder and draped her arm over Catherine who was snuggled on top of Harm's chest. Harm thought life couldn't get better. The last 24 hours had been life changing and he loved every minute of it.
"I need to go to the bathroom." Catherine rolled off of Harm and out of Mac's embrace.
Pointing Catherine towards the bathroom, Mac gestured, "It's right through there, Honey. Make sure you wash your hands." Mac had a stern look on her face.
"Yes, Ma'am."
Even though this was a natural exchange between mother and daughter, Harm watched with interest. He had known Mac would make a great mother, but actually seeing her in action filled his heart with love. "You're a great mother Sarah." Harm's loving compliment caught Mac off-guard.
"I try." Mac was absorbed by the vast blue depths of Harm's eyes and could only stare into them before breaking out of her reverie with a quick kiss to Harm's lips. "So, what do you have on your schedule for today?"
Mac's head was resting on Harm's chest where Catherine had previously been. "The Admiral gave me the rest of the week off, but I have to go in this morning for the closing arguments of a big case I've been working on. I'm really sorry, I wish I could stay here with you girls."
Smiling, "Hey, I know how it goes. Don't worry; we're not going anywhere." After a slight pause, "Are you prosecuting or defending?"
"Prosecuting. I hope to nail this guy with life and hard labor. God knows he deserves it."
"Well, I know that you'll do just fine. Maybe we could do lunch or something. You've still got the SUV right?"
"Sure do. You know, I haven't been out to lunch in a long time." Harm got a thoughtful look on his face.
"You're kidding, right? Harm gave her a small smile and a shake of the head.
"What I'm I going to do with you?" Mac laughed and Harm remembered how often he had spent dreaming about that great laugh. Now he could hear it whenever he wanted to and he was determined to make sure that was often. "You should go get ready, no need to be late." Mac had a playful twinkle in her eye.
Knowing that Mac was thinking back on how he could never seem to be on time he shot back. "For your information, I haven't been late in a couple of years. I usually get there quite early actually." Harm's voice had a childish tone to it that caused Mac to give him a playful shove off the bed and a giggle.
Harm and Catherine passed each other in front of the bathroom and Harm gave her a loving rub on the head sub-consciously before entering the bathroom. Catherine joined her mother on the bed again and laid her head on her stomach perpendicular to Mac. Mac was gently running her fingers though Catherine's hair. "Mommy, I'm hungry."
Catherine had inherited Mac's great love of food and almost insatiable appetite. "You're always hungry, Munchkin." Mac laughed teasingly.
"Am not." Catherine grabbed the nearest pillow and tried with all the might of a four year old to hit Mac with it.
"Ohhhhh. You think you're going to get away with that? This means war!" Mac tried to give a sinister laugh while tickling Catherine. Mac was on her knees over Catherine tickling her sides while Catherine squirmed looking for more pillows to defend herself with.
Harm entered the bedroom with clean boxers and an undershirt on to see Mac on her knees and Catherine standing up on the bed each with a pillow in hand whacking the other with it. "Did someone start a pillow fight and not tell me?" Harm charged the bed and tackled Mac, tickling her sides. Catherine continued to hit Mac as hard as she could, which wasn't very hard, with the pillow.
Mac was laughing hard and having trouble catching her breath. "Hey, hey. No double-teaming. That's not fair!" Mac was on her back with Harm and Catherine hovering over her, assailing her with their attack. After a few more minutes of the attack, Harm collapsed on the bed next to Mac.
"Whew! I'm tired."
"Getting old, Flyboy?" Mac teasingly poked his side.
"Daddy's old?" Catherine's face was contorted with confusion. "He doesn't look old like Martin." Catherine said the name with a perfect Spanish accent.
"Well, he's not quite as old as Martin. Martin was VERY old." Catherine accepted this answer and willingly went with Mac as she pulled her off of the bed. "I think it's time to get you dressed so we can eat breakfast, okay." At Harm's questioning glance, Mac mouthed, 'Later'.
Harm exited the bedroom after dressing in his uniform. He spotted Mac in the kitchen making coffee and Catherine sitting on the counter next to her, legs dangling over the edge. He approached Mac from behind. Wrapping one arm around her waist he kissed her cheek. "I'll see you guys at lunch. Don't have too much fun without me." He winked at Catherine and affectionately kissed her forehead before turning to Mac and kissing her one last time on her lips.
Mac and Catherine walked into JAG headquarters, much the same as yesterday. Except today there was no uncertainty and no worries. Mac was dressed in casual kaki pants with a white camisole topped by a partially buttoned blue jean shirt. Catherine had on her favorite purple sundress and matching sandals. Her curly hair was somewhat contained in two French braids tied off with yellow bows. They approached the information desk and Mac asked Ensign Miller if Harm was still in court.
"He should be out in a few minutes, Ma'am. Would you like for me to show you the way to the courtroom?"
"No, that's okay. I know where it is. Thank-you, Ensign." Ensign Miller stared after Mac; she must be some woman she thought as she remembered that morning's events.
Captain Rabb had arrived uncharacteristically late, only 15 minutes, but that was hours in his standards. As he leisurely strolled into the bullpen, she jumped to attention and said good morning. She had done that every morning since her assignment to JAG and every morning the Captain would walk right on past. On a good day he would give an incomprehensible grunt or a nod, but most days he just flat ignored her. This morning when she stood attention and said good morning while noting his tardiness, she was awarded a big smile and a hardy "Good morning Ensign Miller." She did a double take as the Captain walked by and would have been more stunned except she remembered that Lt. Greggs was currently in the Captain's office. She personally did not care for Greggs cocky attitude and smug demeanor and she inwardly smiled at the rebuke that was sure to be coming his way.
Harm approached his office with cover and briefcase in hand. As he entered he looked up to see Lt. Greggs with his feet propped up on his desk, leaning back in his chair while playing a computer game. At the sight of the Captain, Greggs popped up out of the chair and stood at attention. Harm chuckled inwardly and for a brief moment an evil grin fluttered past his face. "Lt. Greggs, what a surprise." After a slight pause, "Are you cleaning my office?" Harm looked Greggs over and gave him a steady glare.
"Of course, Sir. I thought you were going to be o- out today so I thought I would take the opportunity…" Greggs paused and swallowed, momentarily wondering what he got himself into, "…to clean your office, Sir."
"How kind of you to do that. As you can see, I'm here this morning but you can come back after lunch and finishing your cleaning." Harm gave him a smug smile. "That's all, Lieutenant, dismissed."
"Aye, aye. Captain." Greggs exhaled, silently thanking the Gods for his obvious good fortune while he made his way out of the Captain's office.
Before Greggs could escape completely, Harm continued, "Oh, Lieutenant, Captain Turner's computer has better games than mine."
"Yes, Sir." Greggs replied dumbfounded.
Greggs retreated from the Captain's office only to be bombarded with curious looks. Most of the bullpen had seen Captain Rabb walk in; abnormally greeting every one he made eye contact with. They also knew that Lt. Greggs was in his office and they were waiting for the yelling to be begin. One of the other Lieutenants from the bullpen cornered Greggs and asked what happened. "I'm not really sure." Greggs replied, stunned. "I think he was joking with me." Greggs looked into the Lieutenant's eyes with a quizzical expression before continuing to his own desk.
Ensign Miller shook her head and wondered what else might happen now that the new woman was present.
When Mac turned to head towards the courtroom she ran smack into Harriet Roberts. "Excuse me, Ma'am. I didn't see you there." Harriet looked up to Mac's face and let out a happy yelp. "Mac! I can' believe your back! The Captain told me you had come home and that you were coming to lunch today. He seemed so excited." Harriet rambled on with Mac watching amusingly. "Bud was excited and so was A.J. when he told him. Although I don't think he directly remembers you. We're having a party tonight at McMurphy's to celebrate and the Captain said that you would be able to come…"
Laughing at Harriet's exuberance, "Harriet, it's ok. Breath. I'm here and yes we'll come to your party tonight."
"Oh Mac, I'm so glad that your back. I know it's only been a day but the Captain has changed so much already. He truly loves you." Harriet smiled at Mac then noticed the small girl clinging to Mac's hand.
Mac picked Catherine up and introduced her to Harriet, "Harriet, I'd like you to meet Catherine, our daughter. Catherine, this is your Aunt Harriet, A.J.'s mommy." Catherine knew A.J. from the only picture Mac had of her past. She also knew all about Bud and Harriet through Mac's descriptions.
"Your daughter?" Harriet asked with wonder. "She's so adorable. It's nice to meet you Catherine, I'm sure your mother is very proud of you."
Mac smiled, "Yes her mother is very proud of her." Mac looked to Harriet and continued, "We're going to watch Harm finish up in court but we'll see you tonight Harriett. We should get together and have dinner soon. We have lots of catching up to do."
"That we do, Mac. That we do." Harriet replied and smiled before heading towards the bullpen.
Once inside the courtroom, Mac found a seat in the back. Apparently this was a big trail because there were very few spots open to sit and reporters lined the sides of the courtroom. Mac sat with Catherine in her lap closely watching Harm come to an end in his closing arguments.
"Mommy, what is Daddy doing?" Catherine whispered, having picked up on the quiet atmosphere.
"He's being a lawyer." Mac responded somewhat distractedly because she was so engrossed in what Harm was doing. How she missed being a lawyer- a JAG lawyer.
"What is 'being a lawyer'?" Catherine asked in her childlike voice.
Mac smiled at Catherine, trying to think of the best way of explaining a lawyer's job to a four year old. "Well. You see the guy on the left?" An affirmative nod from Catherine let her continue. "He's been accused of a crime, a bad thing. The guy sitting with him is trying to prove…show… that he didn't do it." Mac looked to Catherine and she seemed to understand. "The people on the right, like Daddy, are trying to show that he did do the bad crime and should go to jail."
Catherine's mouth had an 'o' shape to it and she was intently watching her dad give his closing arguments. Although she didn't understand most of what was going it was still very interesting to watch. Mac watched Catherine with amusement and thought only their child would find closing arguments fascinating.
Harm picked up his briefcase and shook hands with the opposing council before heading out of the courtroom. He saw Mac and Catherine sitting in the back. As soon as Catherine spotted him, she jumped off her mother's lap and ran towards Harm. He scooped her up with one arm and planted a wet kiss on her cheek. Catherine squealed and wrapped her arms around Harm's neck. "Did you put the bad man in jail, Daddy?"
He gave Mac an amused look and replied to Catherine, "We wont know if he goes to jail until the jury comes back. Which could take a long time." Catherine had a confused look on her face at the word 'jury' and looked to her mother for an answer.
Mac was laughing, "I'll explain it later, honey."
"Are you guys ready for lunch? Lets go to my office and drop of my briefcase then we can go, okay." The group headed towards the bullpen. "So what did my girls do this morning?"
"We went and had pancakes. All we had to do was sit at a table and the lady brought them to us. There were lots of other people there too, but not all of them had pancakes." Leaning toward Mac so she could see her, "Mommy what did you call the place we went to?" Catherine could barely contain her excitement at her new adventure.
Harm was amused. "We went to IHOP. It was Catherine's first restaurant experience."
"Rest-ront." Catherine was pleased with the new word she learned. "Can we go again sometime, Mommy?"
"We're going to a restaurant for lunch." Harm answered.
"Can I get more pancakes from the nice lady?" Catherine didn't quite have the idea of a restaurant down, yet.
Not wanting to have to go into a great explanation, Mac smiled, "We'll see, Honey."
"So my little girl likes pancakes, huh?" Harm was learning all kinds of new things.
"Uh huh, Mommy makes the best pancakes in the whole world." Catherine had a serious expression on her cute face.
Harm had a mock shock look on his face. "Mommy makes you pancakes? Mommy never made me pancakes." Harm was remembering all the times Mac cooked; which totaled about two.
Mac rolled her eyes, teasing, "You never asked."
The whole bullpen discreetly watched as Harm laughed his way through the bullpen carrying Catherine and looking at Mac. "Ah, there you are. I thought I gave you the week off, Captain?" The Admiral had a jovial glint in his eye.
"Well, yes, Sir. I had to give closing arguments today; but you won't see me tomorrow." Harm reassured him.
"Oh, right. How did it go? You think Henderson will be going to jail for a long time?"
"I think so. He'll get what's coming to him." Harm had a serious look on his face.
"Good job, Captain. Are you heading out for lunch?" The Admiral had a somewhat surprised look on his face.
"Yep. Sarah and Catherine are taking me." Harm was proud.
"Good thing. You need to make sure you get him out more often." The Admiral was looking at Mac.
"No problem, Sir", Mac smiled.
Harm placed his briefcase in his office and gestured for Mac to lead the way out. The Admiral turned to head to his office then remembered, "Oh Colonel, before I forget, I need to see you in my office. How about after lunch?"
Colonel. Mac hadn't heard that being said in reference to her in 5 years. Shocked she almost forgot to answer. "Yes, Sir. I'll be there."
"Alright, carry-on." The Admiral smiled and turned to head towards his office. Harm placed his hand on Mac's back and guided her towards the elevator. She was silent as they walked, contemplating what the Admiral wanted to talk about.
Colonel. The mysterious woman was a Colonel. The same thing was running through all the minds of the people in the bullpen. Was she in the infamous Colonel Mackenzie that had suddenly disappeared? She was a legend among the new members of JAG. No one who knew of her never spoke of her because Captain Rabb had forbid it. They just pushed her back to the far recess of their minds and silently grieved for the Captain. There had been plenty of scuttlebutt about the Colonel but no one knew she had any connection with Captain Rabb. Was Colonel Mackenzie the force responsible for causing Captain Rabb to live in a world of hate and anger for the last 5 years?