Author's Note – My first fic in 3yrs is a Thomas one… Omagurd. After reading an article about how the economics on Sodor would work in the real world, going back to watch the new and old Thomas episodes, and the idea of trains with human emotions and the concept love came to mind. And since it's been stuck in my head, I'm going to write a story about it. After reviewing the characters and their personalities I decided to use Gordon as my test subject. James is far too snooty and Henry would be too easy. Gordon has just the right amount of narcissism. Besides, he could use a girlfriend. And yes, I did do my train research! To the best of my ability, anyway.

Chapter 1 – A New Face

'You may be grand but you're also old. And kind of an asshole…'

It was a warm summer's eve on the island of Sodor. The sun was setting and engines were beginning to return back to Tidmouth Sheds from another long day at work. After everyone had settled, Thomas spoke. "Did you hear?" he asked, "Sir Topham Hatt is bringing in a new engine."

Gordon grunted, "Why?"

Thomas looked down, "I don't know… But I heard she's from America."

Emily's face brightened, finally, another female engine. Sure there was already Rosie, Mavis, and Belle but there was always room for more. It would be a nice change of pace to have another female in the sheds. "Oh, I hope she's nice! Another girl to talk to, I can tell her all about flowers and the football team and - -"

James cut her off, "Is she a diesel?"

"I don't think so," Thomas answered. "But I heard she's a tender engine."

"Thomas, where's America?" Percy asked softly.

"I don't know…"

"Is it far away?"

"I don't know, Percy."

"Do you know what she looks like?" Emily asked, still overjoyed that the newcomer would be female.

"Are you sure she's not a diesel?"

"Why is he bringing in another tender engine? If anything, we need more tanks."

"Thomas, is America far away?"

"Is she attractive?"

"Is she old?"

Before Thomas could even begin to answer the barrage of questions being thrown at him, the Fat Controller's car pulled up in front of them. He stepped out to address the group. "A new engine is on the way, she's from California. Her name is Erika." He turned his attention solely towards James and Gordon, "and I hope to God that you treat her well." James scoffed as he turned towards Gordon, "She's going to be helping you with the passenger trains during the summer. So I want you to spend tomorrow teaching her the ropes."

Percy was confused, 'California?' he thought. 'I thought she was from America?'

Gordon felted insulted. He was Gordon the Grand, the fastest, strongest engine in Sodor. He did not need help, especially from some California-American, wherever the hell she was from, engine. "Sir, I don't need any help. And even if I did, why not use any of the engines we already have? Why not use Henry? James? What about - -"

The Fat Controller sighed; he really wasn't in the mood. He knew Gordon would complain, but then again, Gordon complains about everything and anything. "She's strictly a passenger engine and designed to pull heavy trains like you. And, with the overwhelming amount of tourism this year, we need all the power we can get. Besides you like being bossy, I'd thought you like to have someone to order around!"

"Yeah Gordon, you're getting to old to be pulling such heavy loads anymore. You might break something!" James stated and starting laughing. Gordon was unamused but said nothing.

"Does she like football?" Emily asked.


Suddenly, a low, deep sound echoed through the yard. It grew louder and louder as it came closer and closer. No one had heard anything like it; it sounded like an elephant being tortured with a chainsaw. Percy backed into his shed in fear, James and Gordon cringed. Henry was concerned, who would want to harm an elephant? A black figure loomed over the horizon as the sound became louder. The engines braced themselves for whatever was approaching. The Fat Controller looked at his pocket watch, "Ah that must be her, right on time too!" The black figure made its way to the turntable and stopped, steam hissed from underneath. "Everyone," the Fat Controller said, turning around, "meet Erika."

The smoke had cleared to reveal a black, blue, and silver engine. Erika was a Southern Pacific 4449. She stood proudly on the turntable with a small grin on her face. She was nothing the other engines had ever seen before. Her face didn't look like any of the female engines either; she kind of had a vintage look going on. She whistled again which took the others aback. Even Thomas was a bit frightened, he'd never heard a whistle quite like that and wasn't sure if he wanted too. Gordon looked her up and down from wheels to funnel, he wasn't impressed. She wasn't anything special, not to him anyway. He didn't realize he had met eyes with her until she spoke. "Hello, my name is Erika." She said.

"Well," the Fat Controller said as he got back into his car. "I'll let you all get to know each other, and be nice."

After he left the sheds grew quiet. After sometime, Percy had come out of his shed to glance at the new engine. She was big and kind of intimidating. "Um, excuse me… Erika, but where is Ca-li-for-nia?" he asked shyly.

The bigger engine looked at Percy, "California is in America."

"Oh… Where's America?"

"It's very far away."


"Do you like football? What about flowers?" Emily piped in.

"Not really, flowers are nice thought!" Emily smiled at Erika's answer.

"What's California like?" Edward asked.

"It's warm nearly all year round, and it doesn't snow… Well, it does, but not where I lived." Edward and Emily were surprised. A place where it doesn't snow? Sounded like heaven to them.

James stared at Erika, she was big, and she didn't look like a steam engine. Not one he'd ever seen before. Where was her funnel, her dome? Why didn't she have a buffer? "Are you a diesel?" he asked.

"Do I look like one? I may run on liquid fuel but I'm certainly no diesel."

"So, you use special fuel?" Henry asked.

"I guess so?" This was becoming awkward. They were asking her all these stupid questions and she didn't even know their names yet. Were all the engines like that on this island?

Thomas noticed their lack of introduction and tried to make up for it, "Oh, I'm Thomas. That's Percy, then Gordon, Henry, James, Emily, and Edward! Welcome to Sodor!"

"So you're Gordon the Grand!" Erika said as she met his eyes again. "You don't look all that grand to me!" Her comment had struck a nerve with the big blue engine but he retained his unimpressed expression. Erika continued, "You're short too."

"Well, other than your horribly loud whistle, what's so great about you?" Gordon finally asked, clearly upset at this point.

"I'm glad you asked! I use to pull passenger cars up and down the Californian cost. They called me the most beautiful engine in the nation. People would flock to gaze upon me and my sisters. I'm sure I could teach you a few things about pulling passenger trains." The new engine grinned; she seemed to engine watching Gordon become flustered. It was like she was doing it on purpose. As she talked, it was becoming more and more obvious to Gordon that this wasn't going to work. She was arrogant, rude, loud, and the list just went on. He didn't need help, he didn't need her help nor did he want it.

"I'm sure whatever you plan on teaching isn't anything I don't already know. I'm called Gordon the Grand for a reason."

"I'm sure."

"I've set records."

"I can break them and set new ones. I know about you Gordon, you haven't done anything I haven't. And if so, I can do it better."

"Oh, really?"

"Yeah… really."

"I don't think so."

Thomas' gazed shifted from Erika to Gordon then back to Erika. The two were glaring at each other at this point; trying to intimidate the other but neither would stand down. This was starting to get ugly. "Um, guys - -"

"You think you're so high and mighty," Erika continued, ignoring the smaller engine. "But you're not."

"If you think you're better than me, then why not prove it?"

"Fine, I will."

"Guys - -?"

"You're going to be gravely disappointed."

"For your sake, I hope you're right." Erika let off some steam as she backed herself onto the turntable, all while holding her glare with Gordon until she was able to back into the shed next to Emily who has happy to have the new engine right next to her. Oh the things they'd talk about! Emily scanned Erika with her eyes slowly. She was different from the others and Emily found it to be a positive trait. Erika noticed the shorter engine was staring, "Is there a problem?"

The question broke Emily's gaze, "Oh, no. Nothing's wrong." The two fell silent for a moment. "You know. That was pretty bold of you, challenging Gordon like that. He's the fastest - -"

"Yeah, I know. And I'm supposed to be helping him. I don't need help. The Fat Controller sent me here to do a job and I'll do it, alone." The shed went quiet again and that entire night, Erika didn't sleep. She continued to stare off into the distance, occasionally looking in Gordon's direction. She was well aware that Gordon wasn't one who liked working with others or asking for help, the Fat Controller had warned her. Well, that was good because she didn't either, especially from some old, snooty engine. She was going to show him the power of an American steam engine and hopefully, knock Gordon off that high horse of his.

At some point or another, Erika had finally fallen asleep. She was sleeping peacefully in her new home until she heard a sound. It was loud; she slowly opened her eyes before closing them again due to the sun shining through the shed's glass windows. It was morning, early morning. The sound continued and became more and more annoying as it went on. Finally, Erika managed to drag herself out of the shed. The sound turned out to be Gordon's whistle. He was still upset, "You're slow. You should have been up by now." He said dryly. Erika chose to ignore him as she got onto the turn table and then next to Gordon, who just had to park himself where the sun would be right in her eyes. She had been out of work for decades and wasn't use to getting up this early, she wasn't sure if she liked it. Erika yawned, it was too early. Why was she up again? Gordon puffed ahead of her, "Come on, we have to work to do and you're not going to make me late." That's right; she was stuck with Gordon all day, and pretty much every day. She was his helper.

Erika quickly caught up to Gordon, "Wow, you sure are slow. I know you can do better than that! Race you to Knapford?"

Gordon grinned, was she actually challenging him to a race? She was going to lose, badly and he liked that idea. "Sure," was all he said as the two raced off towards Knapford.