Mary was not shocked when as she walked into Lady Samantha's bedchamber. The young lady went to bed later after the feast of last night much like most of Winterfell.

"Come now, Lady Sam. It is time to rise." The maid as she shook the girl awake. "You have slept long enough; everyone has already started their day. Lord Robb has already had his sword practice with Theon and Jon while Arya and Sansa are at their classes and young Lord Bran – "

"BRAN! Oh my god, where is he?!" Sam screamed as she shot out of bed and rushed around trying to get dressed.

"Lady Sam! What are you in such a hurry?" asked Mary as she tried to calm the girl down and stop her scurrying around.

"I do not have time for this Mary!" Sam said to her maid as she Mary shushed her and made her sit while she did her saying she had to look perfect since the King and Queen where here. Sam was ready to slap Mary because she didn't care about how she looked; she needed to get to Bran.

With much fighting and arguing Sam finally got out of there after 15 minutes and was running around Winterfell.

Where is he? I need to find him! Sam thought as she stopped and caught her breath Ok, Sam breath! Think! Ok, why not just go stand guard by the room they sleep together? CRAP! THAT PLAN WOULD WORK IF I KNEW WHOSE ROOM! Please god, help me….

Sam's thoughts were cut off by a scream. "Please god no…." Sam whispered as she ran toward the scream.

As Sam came into the courtyard, she was greeted by the sight of people crowding around in a circle and many of the women were crying. As Sam pushed her way through the crowded, she felt her breathing stop as tears sprang into her eyes. Sam placed a hand over her mouth to stop the scream that wanted to come from her throat. Sam's hand moved from her mouth to her heart which she could feel was beating in overdrive and she could feel herself shaking. Her vision started to get fuzzy as she tried to remember how to breathe but her breaths came out shallow and erratic she was completely frozen in shock. Sam had never had a panic attack nor fainted but today seemed to be a day of firsts because within minutes Sam's world was engulfed in black.

Sam's head was pounding as she awoke and her sitting up didn't help the pain.

"Lady Sam, how do you feel?" Mary asked as she rose from the chair next to Sam's bed.

"May I please have some water?" Sam asked as she tried to get her bearings.

"Mary, what happened? What time is it?" Sam asked as she sipped her water.

"It is just past dinner, you fainted m' lady, when you saw poor young Lord Bran…" Mary trailed off.

Tears welled up in Sam's eyes as she remembered seeing Bran lying there, even though she knew he would live it was still painful. It was a sign that she failed; failed her 'destiny' and more importantly Bran.

"I'm sorry m' lady! I did not mean to cause you further pain!" Mary stated as she saw a tear fall down Sam's face.

"It's not your fault Mary..." It was my fault

Sam hated crying in front of people, she hated to be pitied. "Mary, could you please draw me a bath?" Sam needed to be alone and sort everything out.

"Of course m' lady but first let me inform the Lord and Lady of your well being."

"Wait no! Mary you can NOT!" Sam could not face them right now, she was a emotional wreckage for all she knew she could blurt everything out or bawl her eyes out in front of them and that was not something they needed right now. "Mary, please give me 30 minutes to bath. That's all I ask!"

"I will give you 30 minutes that is all." Mary stated as she watched the young girl. She couldn't help but feel bad for the poor girl; her life was filled with such pain.

"Thank you." Sam said as she watched Mary draw her bath.

Soon enough, Sam shut the door to the bath and then discarded her robe and sunk into the bath. The bath was slightly hot but Sam was too numb to feel it. Seconds later the room was filled with the sound of her cries.

Sam's inability to save Bran showed how incapable she was to do this job of saving everyone. An 18 year old is not well suited enough to saves the lives of everyone and she was sure that she was not going to get a happy ending in this story either. Although she prayed for adventure and romantic, the weight of saving this whole world was crushing her and making her wish for her old boring life back.

Once her cries had stopped coming from her throat and the tears stopped coming from her eyes, Sam fully submerged herself under the now cool water in hopes to clear her head. Sam knew how to swim but wasn't such a fan, she'd rather tan by the pool than swim in it, but she did enjoy looking at the world from underwater and it helped clear her head.

But it was all cut short but the shouts and slamming of doors going on from her room. As Sam sat up and wrung out her hair and twisted it into a bun, the bath door was swung open and there stood a bloodshot eyed Robb.

"Lord Robb this is most wrong! You cannot just barge into Lady Sam's bath!"

Mary yells were ignored by both youths; both just stared at each other. Both probably should have cared that Sam was naked but they both were too drained to care.

"You are dismissed Mary." Informed Robb as he didn't break eye contact with Sam.

"Lord Robb! – "Mary was cut off by Sam who told Mary she should go. Mary just stared at the two and then gave up and left.

"Get out of the bath." Demanded Robb.


"Get out, NOW." Robb demanded again more forcefully which earned a bark from Greywind who stood at his owner's feet and then went over to Sam and nudged her with his nose as a sign meaning for her to get out .

Sam let out a sigh and then stood up from the bath and grabbed her robe that was sitting next to the tub. Once the robe was on her body, Sam moved to stand in front of Robb as Greywind circled around his parents.

Before Sam could get a word out, Robb crushed Sam into his chest. Sam moved her arms to hold Robb back. The two of them didn't talk for a whole, they just held each other as if the world was ending and in some ways, it was.

After a few minutes, Robb broke the silence. "I thought I lost you. I do not know what I would do if you were not in my world."

"You cannot get rid of me that easily." Sam said as she moved to look into Robb's blue eyes that were full of tears.

"Would it be wrong of me to ask to spend the night? I just want to hold you and know that not everything is ruined…Poor Bran, he he will-" Robb broke off as his voice cracked.

"Shhh, everything will be ok. Bran is a strong boy, he is Stark after all." Sam said as she guided Robb to sit on her bed and wiped his tears. "And I was going to ask you to stay the night also; I do not think I could sleep well alone."

"You probably think I am a pansy for crying." Robb said as he looked away.

Sam took Robb by the chin and made him look at her "The thought never crossed my mind. Crying does not indicate that you are weak. Since birth, it has always been a sign that you are alive."

"I love you, I really do not know what I would do without you" Robb said as he moved a piece of hair that fell from her bun. Greywind barked in a agreement and climbed into Sam's lap and nuzzled her under chin.

After preparing for bed, Sam rested her head on Robb's shoulder while placing her hand onto his chest, his arm instantly wrapping itself around her back to hold her body close to his while Greywind was cuddled up at their feet. As the two were about to drift off, a knock came to the door which started them both.

"Come in." Sam called as sat up.

As the door opened, it revealed a shy looking Arya with Nymeria . "Sam, you are ok! Um, I was wondering if I could sleep with you tonight…"

"Of course you can Arya." Sam said with a smile at girl, Sam couldn't blame the girl for not wanting to sleep alone, she didn't want to either.

"Me also!" screamed Rickon who ran into the room and onto Sam's lap with Shaggydog close behind.

"Robb when did you get here?" Arya asked

"I'll have you know I was here first."Robb said as he was lying in Sam's bed watching Sam interact with his siblings as she broke up their fight over who was going to sleep next o her. No matter how dark the world got, she was always going to be his sun.

Just as everyone was finally settling down, another knock came to the door and they found it to be Sansa.

Hello Sansa, is everything ok?" Sam asked the eldest Stark girl. Although she and Sam never made up after their little fight, it didn't stop her from seeing that it hurt her and she needed comfort.

"Oh um, it's nothing…" Sansa said as she looked over at Sam's full bed.

"You and Lady could join us also. The more the merrier." Sam said as she watched Sansa go back and forth between a decision.

"Come on Sansa, join the party." Encouraged Robb.

"She won't do it, it's to 'babyish' for her." Mocked Arya

"Arya stop it. Come on Sansa, no way to get a better night sleep than in a squished in a bed."

After much fighting and bickering over whom was going to sleep where since apparently everyone wanted to be next to Sam. The sleeping arrangement ended with Sansa on Sam's right, Rickon asleep on her chest, Arya asleep on her left shoulder and Robb to her far left. What better way to fall asleep than sweatily squished against drooling children and four direwolves at the foot of your bed.

Sam let out a sigh as she tried to find a comfy position.

"I imagine this is what it will be like when we have kids." Robb whispered as he took Sam's hand and placed a kiss on the knuckle "And I would not miss it for anything"

Family is what gets you through hard times and the Starks knew that best.

Reviews are welcome :)