There he was in front of it, the basement door. Every time Italy had gotten upset he had always wanted to go into the basement of Germany's house for some odd reason. He pulled the key from his pocket, his heart racing. The basement door was right in the lobby behind the counter, it had been right in front of his face his whole time. He inserts the key and turns, successfully unlocking the door. He turns the knob and runs into the room, not wanting to waste anymore time.

Germany quickly walks down the dark damp stairs. He carefully takes each step while keeping his hands against the cold dusty walls.

It was pitch black, barely able to a foot even in front of your face. Step by step, Germany walks down the stairs that seem endless. By the time he makes it to the end he's made a rythme and almost falls over but catches himself before he can face-plant the hard stone floor.

His eyes had started to adjust to the darkness, he rethinks all that has happen so far. Everything must of had a reason for being there, then he realized, the day his life changed! The day that the German man who was to pay off Germany's debt was the same day as Italy's birthday. How on Earth did he not realize it before?! Now he was determined to find Italy, dead or alive.

His vision had cleared up nicely, the German could see almost everything in the room now.

A few more minutes of walk and he found nothing yet, he looks around and spots a door on the other side of the room. He runs to the door and swings it open.

The room has a small cot with a blanket, he notices red-brown hair sticking out.

Germany runs over to the cot and starts shaking the man on the bed.

"Italy! Vake up now!" Germany yelled but no response. Tears started escaping his eyes. "God damn it Italy! Vake up! You can't die! I... I-I love you..." He said shaking the Italian more frantically but once again there is no response. "Italy, if you do not vake up now no more pasta!"

The Italian shot straight up crying.

"V-ve, I'm up I'm up! PLEASE DON'T TAKE MY PASTA AWAY GERMANY!... Wait, Germany~!?" Italy threw his arms around Germany grinning. "You found me ve~!" The Italian said as he cuddled up to his friend. Germany hugged back tightly relieved that he was ok and thankful that Italy has yet to notice the tears that stained his face. "I love you too ve~"

Germany blushed, "I thought you were gone... I'd never see your smile again..." Germany said trying to sound manly in his moment of weakness. "I'm sorry I yelled at you and forgot your birthday, I'm so glad you are okay zo..."

Italy smiled happily. "Ve, I could never stay mad at you Germany!" Italy pulled away and stared into Germany's crystal blue eyes. Germany smiled and pulled them into a gingerly kiss.

Roses are red, violets are blue. Be true to myself, I love you.

~the end~

I hope you enjoyed this fanfic~