This is a prompt from the 30 days OTP challenge, but of course being the rusher I am decided to just do it all in two days lol.
Oh, and this is really rated T for this chapter you've been warned O.o.
Disclaimer: I do not own and will never own anything, but seriously this chapter is why I rated this story T so if you don't like turn back now.
Edit: I fixed some errors, thank you to all those who caught them.
One True Pairing
#01 Holding Hands
Naruto learned pretty quickly after their first kiss that, despite appearances, Cynthia was fine—in fact maybe turned on—by public displays of affection. Sure, she didn't like make out with him in the middle of the street (there were always children around after all), but she did kiss him on the cheek, and if he was lucky lips, or sometimes even his neck.
At first he was embarrassed, kissing in public was not frowned upon or anything of the sort back, in Konaha but people rarely did it; and he didn't exactly know much about any displays of affections, since both his parents and relationships outside of friendship were basically nonexistent.
So when Cynthia first kissed him in public it was like dropping a bomb, his cheeks exploding with fire, and eyes widening to the size of small craters, an unintelligent noise escaping his open mouth.
Cynthia had laughed at him, before kissing his mouth close, and then proceeding to lace her fingers with his, gripping his hand firmly as they continued (Naruto stumbling slightly) down the street.
As Naruto regained his balance, and began to match her pace with his own, he had a chance to eye their interlocked hands, a smile slowly forming on his whiskered face.
Her lips, he decided, were just as soft as her hands.
#02 Cuddling somewhere
As said before Naruto was a cuddler.
Whether it be in a car, a restaurant, or at one of many Cynthia's rental homes he'd put his arm around her and simply relish in the warmth she seemed to liberate when he held her close.
He was so proud when he finally passed her up—even when she wore heels he was about a half an inch taller—he had bragged about it the whole week—enjoying being able to place his chin on top of her head as they snuggled, or kissing her forehead when she woke up.
As for Cynthia, well, she liked being shorter than him, his chest a comfortable pillow as any, and his arms warm and tight embraces.
She although soon found out, that sometimes she needed to be the one to contribute in starting the cuddling, especially when he'd wake up sobbing uncontrollably, and then proceed into curling up into a Naruto-sized ball.
It then had to be her chest, and her arms that provided him comfort, and as he sobbed into her neck, she only held him close, running a her hand through his hair, while saying:
"It's ok, you're here, you're safe, I won't let you go…"
#03 Gaming
With Cynthia being four years older, there were things that she could do that Naruto was restricted from doing himself; and one of the things was gambling. Luckily though, many casino owners were pretty lax of who they let play their games, with the legal drinking age here being eighteen, many owners said "What the heck", and allowed some minors to crash at the game corners.
And this was a restriction the owners wished they enforced now.
"Jackpot!" Both blondes shot surprised looks at one another, before simultaneously bursting out laughing.
As it turned out both Naruto and Cynthia were incredibly lucky.
"I bet I can win more money than you." Naruto said teasingly, a competitive gleam in his eyes.
Cynthia returned his look with a smirk. "We'll see about that."
And they were also both really competitive.
#04 On a Date
Naruto stared at the menu, then back at Cynthia, menu, then Cynthia.
"… You want to go get ice cream instead."
The other blonde closed the menu with a snap. "Yes please, I'd take that over Slugma any day."
#05 Kissing
I'm not whipped.
Shut up Kouta, I'm not. Naruto insisted glaring at the Lucario across from him.
And Cynthia doesn't have your penis in her purse.
… You're disgusting.
You two are the disgusting ones.
I'm not whippe—
"Naruto can you stop having a staring contest with Kouta and help me please?"
"Coming dear." Naruto sighed, as he walked towards the entrance to their shared rental home.
He's so whipped.
He, I know right. Kouta paused thoughtfully, turning towards the other Lucario before thinking (literally). I think he does it for the kiss.
For the what?
The kiss—Hey where are you going?
#06 Wearing each others clothes
They were in the middle of a make out session—a really hot make out session—when the doorbell rang.
"I—mm—have too—" Cynthia sucked in a breath, when Naruto all but pushed her onto the bed, his lips reattaching to hers instantly.
"It's probably just the mail man." Naruto breathed, when they separated again. "We can—"
Ding, dong.
Cynthia sighed, gently pushing Naruto off her, "I'll get it… damn it, where's my shirt?"
"Here." Naruto tossed her a black t-shirt.
Cynthia caught it and put it on without a second glance, blinking when she realized just how large and baggy it was. "This is yours."
"Eh, uh, sorry you also had a black shirt and I just—"
Ding, dong.
"Of all days for Jervis to be off—put a shirt on I'll get it."
"But you have my—"
Ding dong.
"Coming!" Cynthia called making her way out of the room, and down the steps. She heard Naruto curse quietly as he searched around their bedroom for another top. "Hello—" The Champion stopped, and blushed the words, oh crap, replaying over and over in her head.
"Uh, hey Cynthia, nice… shirt?"
"Er, Lance, Steven, Diantha, how nice to see you all…" She said awkwardly, really hoping Naruto didn't leave any hickeys. "Uh, come in." She gestured into the house.
"Sorry we came here unannounced." Lance chuckled uneasily, as he entered. "We wanted to surprise you… We… weren't interrupting anything whe—"
"Cynthia who was it…" Naruto stopped half way down the stairs, eyes widening once he realized the Champions of the Hoenn, Kanto, and Kalos region were all in his house. "Uhhh…"
That was the first time Cynthia wore his clothes, and the first time Naruto met her friends.
#07 Cosplaying
"… BWAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA." Naruto twitched as he watched his usually very calm, and collected girlfriend topple over in laughter. "Oh—hahaha—my god—" She burst into another fit of giggles and Naruto pouted.
From the side Seika let out a low growl, not quite believing she's agreed to this, as she shifted uncomfortably in her orange jacket.
"You two are so cute." Cynthia grinned at the two of them. "Are you going to go trick or treating?"
"Oh shut up." Naruto scowled, trying to move his tails out of the way to sit more naturally. "These damn tails are such a headache." He muttered.
Seika rolled her eyes, her partners hopes of seducing his girlfriend weren't seeming to work…
"Would you be more comfortable if I helped you take them off?"
And that was her cue, with as much dignity she could muster with the top of her head dyed yellow, and fur spiked all around her body, to leave.
The things she does for her partner.
#08 Shopping
Lumiose City was beautiful.
It was also very big, and a very popular tourist attraction.
And it also had the most expensive and fashionable style options in what they claimed to be the whole world.
In other words, it was Naruto's greatest nightmare, especially with the amount of food stands around this place.
Cynthia on the other hand was having the time of her life looking through all the trinkets, and browsing through all clothing lines. She hadn't bought anything yet, but already Naruto felt his wallet getting lighter, and lighter… it also didn't help that Lumiose City had a huge recording studio, with the paparazzi's cameras flashing outside, to the couple of older fans who got wayyy too close, Naruto wasn't comfortable.
The only upside of this particular store was that they were real nitpicky on who can come in and who can't, so much in fact the glass was one way, and the shop already had their own security guards.
Well, at least Cynthia wouldn't need to call her own yet…
"Hey, uh, what is that?" Naruto asked, eyeing the single black pearl necklace with interest.
The woman behind the desk smiled at him, eyes sparkling. "It's a Tahitian Black Pearl necklace, they're very rare, a special kind of Clampearl have to be bred in order to get the pearl this color."
"How much?"
The cashiers smile continued to grow wider as she leaned forward, obviously interested in the gossip the boyfriend of such a well known icon could/would reveal. "Why, are you thinking of buying it for the Sinnoh League Champion?"
"How much?" Naruto repeated.
"I'll take it." The blonde said without hesitation, although wincing slightly as he pulled out his wallet, thank god there were so many random battlers in these streets.
"Would you like it wrapped."
"Yes please."
"Oh and no refunds sir, have a nice day."
Man... it would suck if Cynthia didn't like it.
#9 Hanging with Friends
After their first initial encounter Naruto wasn't too sure how the other Champions reactions to him would be after he and Cynthia were fully dressed; but when he came back he was greeted as a friend.
Lance, despite all the rumors, was pretty relaxed, and took a liking to the blonde almost instantly. Naruto had actually fanboyed over Diantha for a bit—while he never did admit it to Cynthia—he took a liking to some of the flicks his blonde counterpart watched, many of those the said Kalos champion starred in.
Steven, well, Steven was Steven, calm, cool, relaxed, and a lot like Cynthia, he didn't talk much, but Naruto liked him. And despite all their welcoming to him, it helped that Cynthia was sitting next to him and holding his hand throughout the whole evening, making plans with all of them to spend a few more days in the city to relax.
And when they finally all left, Naruto turned towards Cynthia and said, "I liked them."
#10 With animal ears
"Pursian ears." Cynthia smiled, reaching for them, and checking out the headband curiously. She then turned to Naruto and grinned. "Put these on!"
"Aren't those for girls?" Naruto said blandly, eyeing the piece wearily.
"No, guys wear them too… I'm pretty sure I saw Lucian wear them once."
"… Again they're for girls." The whiskered blonde insisted with crossed arms, and a mocking scowl.
He stiffened slightly when he felt her hand run through his hair, the warning bells in his ears going off as she tilted his head towards her.
"Please…" Her one visible eye widened prettily, as she pouted her lips at the blonde. "For me?"
"… Fine." Naruto grumbled, taking the headband, and placing it on his head with a pout.
He watched as Cynthia's eyes widened for a second before a… predatory gleam appeared in her eye.
"We're buying those." She said her tone leaving no room for argument.
"We're buying those." Cynthia stressed, grabbing his arm and basically hauling him to the cashier.
God damn it, Naruto groaned to himself, those damn ears were itchy.
#11 Wearing Kigarumis
"These are sex clothes aren't they?" Naruto asked dryly, looking slightly uncomfortable under Cynthia's appraising stare.
From the side Diantha chuckled at the blonde's expense. "Yes, yes they are."
#12 Making out
Cynthia couldn't remember when and how this happened, and she really wished she could remember—so then she could instigate it again. They'd just been talking, made eye contact a few times, and then he'd jumped her, she had pushed them both onto the coach, and then all she knew was his lips and the pleasure she felt with his chest pressed against hers.
It had surprised her that with Naruto's cluelessness how good of a kisser he was, but then again he was good at whatever he truly put his mind to…
She smiled slightly into the kiss when she felt the blonde's tongue flick across her bottom lip, and opened her mouth slightly, teasingly inviting him to play. She felt him grin into her mouth, as his tongue tangled with hers, his hands moving upwards to cup her cheeks, and grasp her hair.
Cynthia ran her hands slowly up and down his chest, and back, smirking at the feeling of him shuddering against her, his hands moving down to her sides, as she finally looped hers around his neck..
"Wow." Naruto breathed when they finally came up for air, he bit his lip and gave her a hesitant smile. "Uh, wow…" He repeated with a dopey smile, his breath catching when he felt Cynthia's lips skim his neck, the breath from her laugh making shivers go up his spine. "Um Cy—" His eyes widened when he felt her left hand… brush against the hem of his pants. "Cynthia, we should stop—"
"And what if I don't want to?"
"Uh, well I—uh…ok then." Was Naruto's smart reply.
#13 Eating ice cream
After their first time Naruto hadn't exactly been able to look at Cynthia the same after she ate ice cream, his eyes would follow each and every one of her movements and the lump that appeared in his throat would only get bigger and bigger... along with other things…
And for some reason he thought she knew exactly what she was doing to him, well, if her smirk was anything to go by.
#14 Genderswapped
Walking into her room with Naruto shirtless and wearing one of her bras was one of the weirdest things Cynthia had ever seen in her life.
"…" The steel-eyed color, blonde sighed, rubbed her temples a few times before simply asking, "Why?"
Naruto chuckled, sheepishly scratching the back of his head. "I wanted to see what it looked like… I can turn into a girl if that would make you more comfortable."
"Please don't."
#15 In different clothing style
"I think you look good!"
"Oh hardy, har, har." Naruto growled, crossing his arms.
The things he'd do for her…
He winced, hoping he didn't look too awful in this pink jump suit, orange was fine, but pink, not so much.
#16 During morning rituals
Naruto glared down at the tube of toothpaste in his hands.
Come on, you can do it Uzumaki, it's only for today… Naruto winced as he released a small bit of green spearmint toothpaste on his toothbrush. Now just brush your teeth with it and it will all be ov—
"OH GOD I CAN'T!" Naruto screeched putting his brush under the running water to rid it of the nasty green stuff, but of course that was when Cynthia had to walk in.
"Why are you wasting my toothpaste?"
"Why is your toothpaste that awful color?"
"What green?"
"Yes green." Naruto shivered. "The color of vegetables… oh god, I can't even think about it."
As you can guess Cynthia wore green every day that week just to irk him, and as payback for the loss of her wonderful toothpaste.
#17 Spooning
While, Naruto could admit, having Cynthia lay on him wasn't always the most comfortable it was definitely a position he liked to find himself in.
When she'd rest her head on his chest, and breath gently onto his neck it calmed him. The rhythmic beats of her quiet snores, were one of the few things that kept his nightmares at bay, and also one of the few things that could actually lull him into a dormant slumber.
He planned on never telling her this, though, as he didn't want to appear too clingy, but one day it slipped and it sounded much cheesier than he had planned it to:
"You're my angel." He had breathed, before blushing brightly upon realizing what exactly he'd said. "Uh…"
Cynthia laughed, and moved upwards to kiss him on the lips. "And you're my guardian."
#18 Doing something together/#22 In battle side by side
"Seika flamethrower!"
"Garchomp use Draco Meteor!" Cynthia ordered, turning towards her partner with a raised eyebrow. "You know when you told me you wanted to do something, I didn't think you met stopping Team Galatic."
"Believe me I didn't either." Naruto grumbled, before saying, "Seika jump then fire spin, Kouta close combat, Raiden thunder, Kiyomi Leaf Storm, Tamotsu psychic, Nami Muddy Water! And Cynthia." He turned to look at her. "Good luck."
"You too." The Champion of Sinnoh said grimly before also releasing all of her Pokemon. "Let's go."
#19 In formal wear/#20 Dancing
"This feels like someone is choking me." Naruto complained, tugging at his tie, apparently as the Champion of the Sinnoh's "consort" (pshhh, seriously consort!?) it was his duty to escort her to parties and social gatherings, that were held every year or so, to share news, and spread influence.
"It's only for two hours or so, I'll find a way to sneak us out early." Cynthia soothed, pushing back her hair to rest over her shoulder. "Steven will be there, you can talk to him."
"I guess…" Naruto then shot her a weary look, "And don't expect me to dance, I have two left feet."
"You can't be that bad."
"I've never danced in my life."
"I can teach you now if you'd like."
Naruto looked unsure, but he eventually nodded, "Alright…"
"Now come a bit close—not that close." Cynthia laughed, gently pushing on the blonde's chest, making the blonde's eyes automatically flicker down to notice… just how… revealing her dress was.
It was black like his tux, but more glossy looking, it hung off one shoulder, looking similar to one he'd seen in some romantic movie, and it hung right over her chest, in what would be reserved to most… but to him…
He moved downwards to capture her lips in a kiss, and when he pulled back, she looked at him with a bit of shock in her eyes before asking. "What was that for?"
"I think I just needed that… now shall we?"
He only stepped on her feet seven times after that.
#21 Cooking/Baking
Both Naruto and Cynthia looked at their kitchen in exhaustion, their little project had turned out very badly with them getting… distracted and forgetting they'd left a now very burnt chicken in the pan.
"Wanna just order pizza?"
#23 Arguing
Lance raised a brow at the young man before him, "Ok, let me get this straight…" He rubbed his temples furiously. "You and Cynthia are arguing because you couldn't decide who was going to wear the handcuffs."
"Fuzzy handcuffs, but yeah…"
"… That has got to be the stupidest argument of the stupidest arguments."
#24 Making up afterwards
Naruto and Cynthia did eventually make up… unfortunately though, were they made up was at Cynthia's grandma's house…
"I KNEW IT!" Professor Carolina laughed, pointing towards the two of them. "Ha, turns out the tabloid's were right this time, ohhhhh wait until I tell your parents!" She laughed madly before scurrying off into the kitchen.
"Uhh maybe it wasn't the best time for that conversation."
#25 Staring into each other's eyes
"Would you two quit sending those looks across the table, some people are trying to eat here!"
Naruto liked Cynthia's grandmother he really, really did, but sometimes—
"Maybe I should leave, I heard table sex is really in these days."
Both Naruto and Cynthia choked.
#26 Getting Married
"So… when are you and Cynthia going to get married?"
Naruto spit-taked so hard it put a Squirtles watergun to shame.
#27 On one of their birthdays
Cynthia knew Naruto didn't like his birthday.
It had taken her a whole bunch of prompting to even get him to tell her his birthday to begin with, so she knew getting him to celebrate it would be difficult, but not exactly impossible...
When Naruto woke up the next morning he had blinked, blinked, blinked, and then stared. "Uhh, Cynthia why are you wearing that?"
#28 Doing something ridiculous/#29 Doing something sweet
Uh oh, Naruto grimaced, upon opening the door to see Cynthia on the bed rocking back and forth crying. He backed up to the door and hesitated, was this the time the man comforts her, or the time he turns immediately around and walks away?
Upon seeing her head buried in her forearms Naruto knew he needed to do something so he said, "Cynthia I've had a bit of an off week." The Champion of the Sinnoh looked up, eyes still watery, and Naruto swallowed as he continued. "But seeing you turns me on."
"… You're such an idiot." Cynthia choked out, but she had to fight off the smile that was appearing on her face, and thus making Naruto grin madly.
"Yes but life without me would be like a broken pencil… pointless."
"Oh god." His blonde counterpart mumbled, her forehead falling back into the crook of her arm.
"Is your name google? Because you have everything I'm searching for." Naruto paused, his grin only becoming wider and wider with each passing pick up line. "Did the sun come up, or did you just smile at me?" He asked, moving in by her side to put an arm around her shoulder; and of course, then, Cynthia couldn't help but smile.
#30 Doing something hot
Cynthia couldn't help it, she just had to laugh. "Nice one Seika." She smirked, high fiving—or tailing— the fox-like Pokemon as they watched Naruto run around screaming bloody murder with his pants on fire.
"That's what he gets for leaving the toilet seat up."
And before you ask, yes a true story, my bro left the toilet seat up and I kicked his ass... I wish I could've set his pants on fire lol.
Now usually a black pearl necklace doesn't cost that much, but since everything in Pokemon costs a fortune I made it 500,000 dollars—but hey considering a fucking trench coat costs 300,000 in Pokemon X and Y that's not saying much.
Anyways would you like to guess how long this took?
No, well good because I have no idea LOL.
I can though, honestly say this was really fun to write, THANK GOD FOR THE OTP CHALLENGE LOL.
I can't decide, but I'm thinking about having Naruto travel through the kalos region, but idk for now… Mehhhh I'll think about it later, but for now I hope you all enjoyed!
Thanks to all those who reviewed, criticized, faved, followed, and just read this story you guys are all amazing!