So this is the first chapter to my Kingdom Hearts fanfic. It's my first time ever writing one for Kingdom Hearts so I don't know If it'll be any good or not.

One thing I wanna tell you guys before reading, is that Xion, Roxas, and Sora are all brothers and sister. So with that being said lets start the story.

Chapter 1: A Busy Morning

"Roxas, Sora get up both of you! We have school in 30 minutes." XIon said to her two brothers on the morning of their first day of high school.

"Okay I'm up Xion." Roxas said as he got out of his bed. Sora however remained asleep.

"Come on Sora hurry up and wake up." Xion said once again.

"Ugh. Five more minutes." Sora mumbled.

"He says that but I doubt he'll be up in time." Roxas said half laughing.

"We can't just leave him here."

"If we did then he'd learn to get up earlier." Roxas said. "Now get out of our room please Xion. Trust me I'll be able to wake him up okay."

"Okay then. Just don't do anything to crazy." Xion said sounding a little worried. She then walked out of the room.

After about ten minutes Xion started to worry a bit. What is he doing. If he doesn't hurry then we'll be late for our first day. Besides they still need to eat breakfast. I already ate but still I'd hate to leave without them. Xion thought.

Suddenly she heard Sora's voice scream." What's your problem you Bastard!" Sora yelled.

Xion suddenly saw Roxas come running out of his and Sora's room. He was in his school uniform already and had his backpack and shoes on already.

"Roxas what are you-" Xion started before she got interrupted.

"Sorry Xion can't talk. Im going to school before Sora kills me. But on the bright side he's up." Roxas said as he ran out of their house.

Sora quickly came out of his room. HE was still dressed in his Pajamas and what was worse, his head was soaking wet.

"Where is he!" Sora screamed.

"School. but more importantly, what on earth happened to you?" Xion asked looking worried.

"Roxas happened. He took a bucket of ice water and threw it on my head. I swear I'm gonna get him for that. STill I'll have a whole day to come up with payback."

Xion couldn't help but laugh at this. "Well we tried waking you up normally and you kept on sleeping. I can understand why Roxas did that." Xion said laughing a bit.

"You always side with him little sis." Sora said.

"We were all born at the same time." Xion said.

"I was first, then Roxas, then you. So your the youngest." Sora said.

"Please just dry your head and then get dressed in your school uniform." Xion said.

"Is that what your wearing. I would rather go to sshool in my normal clothes."

"Just get dressed or no breakfast for you." Xion said.

"Fine, I'm going." Sora said as he went back in his room.

Sigh todays already starting out to be a pain. And I was hoping the three of us could all walk to school together since it was the first day but I guess thats not gonna happen since Roxas left and Sora's in a bad mood. Not how I wanted to start my first day of high school.

Sora quickly came out f his room fully dressed and with his backpack on." Okay I'm ready. So whats for breakfast?" He asked as Xion handed him a plate of eggs.

Is he really ready for high school. I'm sure me and Roxas will be fine but Sora was never as smart. Xion thought as she sighed.

"YO Xion, Roxas. You guys coming." Xion heard her best friend Axel yell as he knocked on their door.

"It's Axel. I guess he wants the three of us to walk to school together. Pity Roxas left already."

"Well you should go. Maybe you'll see him on the way there. Besides I made plans to walk with Kairi and Riku today." Sora said.

"Well okay then." Xion said as she grabbed her bag and went out side.

"Sup Xion. Wheres Roxas?" Axel asked.

"Well you see he left early because he pissed off Sora this morning."

Axel laughed at this. "Oh I gotta hear this story."

Xion then told Axel everything that happened in the morning.

"Wow thats just crazy. Sounds like fun."

"MOre like a headache." Xion said.

"But they were always like that weren't they."

"Yea since they were little kids."

They suddenly saw Roxas up ahead. "Hey Roxas whats up!" Axel screamed.

"Axel, Xion. Sora's not with you guys right?" Roxas said sounding worried.

"Of course not. He's walking to school with Kairi and Riku." Xion said.

" Oh good then. SO how mad was he." Roxas asked.

"VEry. He said he can't wait to get you back for what you did." Xion said

"OH god."

"I heard about your little morning. Gotta say sound fun. I'm always jealous of your little family." Axel said laughing.

"It's not as good as you'd think. Xions awesome but Sora's a pain." Roxas said in a joking way.

"So glad you don't think anything bad of me." Xion said laughing.

"Hey I have an idea." Axel said.

"This I gotta hear." Roxas said

"Cut it out ROxas. So whats your idea Axel."

"Well todays your first day of high school right?"


"Well as you know I', a year older then you guys so I have a suggestion. How bout after school we all go get some Sea Salt Ice cream. Plus I know this great place to eat it. It's kinda my egret hideout but I'd be glad to show it to my two best friends." Axel said happily.

"Now that sounds like a plan." Roxas said.

"Great. What about you Xion."

"Sounds good to me. I have nothing planed. But were will me meet?"

"Easy. Lets just all meet in the school cafeteria as soon as the school days over. And I mean right when it ends. Got it memorized." Axel said

"Of course we do. So mister Sophomore, got any advice for life in high school?" Roxas asked.

"Hmm. Were do I begin. Well for starters it helps that you two are good friends with the coolest sophomore ever."

"But the only Sophomore I know is you." Roxas said.

"Wait I think Axel once introduced us to his friend Saix maybe he's who Axel's talking about." Xion said joking.

"You two. Fine getting serious for a minute. High school is actually really easy. Just make sure you have some friend and you could get through it easy."

"True but your our best friend Axel. I mean I'm kinda good friends with Pence, Hayner, and Ollete but for some reason they say they hate you. So I haven't really hung out with them in awhile."

"And my only other friend are Kairi and Namine. But Kairi's been hanging out with Sora and Riku mostly. And Namine usually only draws. She almost never wants to do anything."

"I can relate. You guys and Saix are my best friend and your pretty much the only people I hang out with. Not many people like us but I really don't give a crap about those asswholes."

"Wish it was that easy for me and XIon." Roxas said sadly.

"Oh it will be trust me. BUt for now I guess we're a group of nobodies huh." Axel said.

"Thats not really nice Axel." Xion said.

"But even nobodies can have a good life so don't worry about it." Axel said laughing.

Xion looked down for a minute.

"Hey are you okay Xion?" Roxas asked.

"I'm just a little nervous." Xion admitted.

"Trust me everything will be fine. You'll end up looking back on high school thinking of what a fun time it was. Even nobodies like us end up enjoying high school." axel said trying to cheer his friend up.

"HEy maybe you should drop the nobody stuff. I know your joking but Xion is taking it seriously." Roxas whispered in Axels ear.

"Right." axel whispered back. "So Xion how many what classes are you taking." Axel said trying to change the subject.

"Um mostly AP classes." Xion admitted.

"Yea she's taking some of the hardest classes out there. I have no idea how she decided to take them. I know I wouldnt last a day in those classes." Roxas admitted.

"Well thats because your a blockhead Roxas. Xion on the other hand is smart and has always done great in school. Trust me Xion your gonna do great. Just prose me you will still have fun. The last thing we need is for you to become a bookworm who doesn't know how to have a little fun."

"Don't worry Axel I won't become like that. And besides with Sora and Roxas as my brothers then I doubt that life will ever become boring." Xion said with a grin.

"Hey whats that supposed to mean." Roxas said annoyed.

"It means you and Sora can be a pain sometimes." Axel said

"Geeze don't you ever have anything useful to say Axel?" Roxas said annoyed.

"Hmm. I know how bout some final advice since we're almost at school. Theres one thing you little kids will have to be carful of about high school. Boys and Girls."

"HUH?" Xion and Roxas said at the same time.

"Trust me you two will soon develop little crushes on people. Either that or people will start to like you. Believe me it happens to everyone. It's already happened t your wonderful brother Sora." Axel said.

"Well no duh Axel. Everyone knows Sora likes Kairi exempt for you know Kairi. But still just cause Sora's like that doesn't mean we'll be like that."

"KEep telling yourself that buddy. I'm just interested to see who you two end up with after all there are plenty of fish in the sea and this school has plenty of fish." Axel said

"And I bet all of those fish have rejected you right." Roxas said.

"Take that back now." Axel said as he put Roxas in a headlock.

"Why scared to admit the truth." Roxas said laughing.

XIon was laughing at this too.

"I try to help you guys out and this is what I get. Geeze thats the last time I help." axel said annoyed.

"Come on Axel you know we're just kidding." Xion said.

"I was serious." Roxas responded.

"Please stop." Xion said.

"fine. So how much longer until we get to school?" Roxas asked.

"We should be there any minute now." Axel said

They walked for a few more minutes until they finally arrived at the fish school.

"Here we are. Disney high." Axel said

"What a strange looking school." Xion said.

And she was right the place looked like no normal high school. It actually looked more like a tower then a high school. It looked like a surrealistic, crooked, golden brown tower. The Tower is topped with blue cone-shaped turret roofs, decorated with moons and stars.

"Whats with this place. It looks more like a tower then a high school."

"Well before it was a high school, it was the home to Yen Sid. Of course he went on to become the superintendent. But he only comes here for special reasons." Axel explained.

"Yen Sid huh. So why'd he leave?" Xion asked.

"No idea but there sure are a lot of rumors about how it happened. As well as some rumors about this school."

"Seriously like what." You'll learn in due time Roxas trust me though. this is no normal high school.

"Whatever. Lets get going." Roxas said as all three of them entered the tower.

(Earlier that day with Sora)

Sora was waiting outside his home for Riku and Kairi to arrive.

"Yo Sora." Riku said as he walked up to his friend.

"Hey Riku. Where's Kairi?" Sora asked.

"She told me that something came up so she couldn't join us today. Come on lets go." Riku said.

"Oh okay." Sora said sounding disappointed.

"Hey cheer up. you'll see her later today in class."

"Yea good point. So what classes are we in together." Sora asked.

"Probobly Lunch and gym. You see I'm taking all Ap classes." Riku said.

"Are you crazy. You'll never last. Your grades are just barley better then Roxas's."

"Come on Sora it'll be fun. You know I like the challenge." Riku explaind.

"School's never fun man. And don't come crying to me when your barley passing all of your classes."

"The funny thing is, I'm taking harder classes and I'll still do better then you." Riku joked.

"Cut it out Riku. So what classes are Kairi taking?"

"Oh interested well she told me she's only taking normal classes so don't worry. I don't know why though her grades were even better then mine." Riku said.

"Because she's smart."

"Very funny. So have you heard any of the rumors about the school yet?" Riku asked.

"Nope. Lets hear them." Sora said.

"Well they say that the Superintendent of this school was some kind of a master. They even said that the principal of the school is a master too." Riku said.

"Master of what?" Sora asked.

"No idea. Some kind of warrior I think but thats all I know. But the weird thing is that they say sometimes some of the students get the same power. Interesting huh." Riku said.

"Sounds pretty cool. Maybe I'll get this cool power and become a master."

"I doubt it. Besides they may just be a rumor so who knows if it's even true. Plus why would he pick you. Your not that strong. I beat you in everything we compete at and I'm pretty sure Roxas beats you at a lot of things too." Riku said.

"Shut up. So your both a little better then me we'll see how much longer that lasts." Sora said.

"Whatever. We'll see which of us is better after all did you here what this school has at least once a year." RIku said.


"A Struggle tournament. You and your brother love that game right." Riku said.

"Yea but Roxas is great at it he may be the best around."

"We'll see about that. I plan on entering and too so I'll be looking forward to it."

"Yea well I'm gonna beat you." Sora said.

"No way. I'm gonna take down you and Roxas." Riku said.

"Keep telling yourself that Riku."

"Well maybe not your brother but defiantly you." Riku said and he then laughed a bit in a joking manner.

"I wonder what kind of people we'll meet at this school" Sora suddenly said.

"Who knows. I'm sure things will be fine though. No matter what happens lets make sure the three of us remain friends okay."

"Yea. Me, you, and Kairi."

"Speaking if her. You gonna tell her this year." Riku said with a slight grin.

"Tell her what." Sora said blushing a little bit.

"Don't play dumb buddy. Everyone knows you like Kairi. SO when will you tell her." Riku said

"I don't know. When I feel like it."

"Geeze thats such a lame answer. Well you better hurry up and tell her because from what I hear you got some competion." Riku said

"Someone else likes Kairi. WHo?"

"Me." Riku said as he ran off towards the school.

"HEy Riku wait up! What do you mean by that!" Sora yelled after his friend as he ran after him.

TO be Continued

So what did you all think of the first chapter. Was It good, Was it bad. Please leave a review to let me know what you all thought of the chapter or if there was anything you guys want to happen. Like I said earlier this is my first Kingdom Hearts Fanfic so sorry if this first chapter was bad and if you thought it was bad let me know so I know what I need to change or improve. And if there was anything you really liked then let me know too. with that being said, see you all next time.