Autumn would usually drown them in the rain and wind but the sun shined over the blonde who wandered along the square. She swung her hips to the beat of the music that was playing, it was going to be festival tonight but the people of Magnolia seemed to have started early. The streets were decorated with flowers in all its colors, how could she miss such a beautiful opportunity to enjoy her favorite city?

"Lucy?" was heard a dark voice, she swung around just to meet one of her closest friends Grey Fullbusters dark eyes there he smiled with his head tilted and arms folded.

"Oh my God Grey." Lucy screamed and threw her arms around the dark-haired man. "I didn't know you were back." she felt how the cursed tears started to come and rubbed them away quickly when she backed off to see his face again.

"I arrived late last night, I went to Fairy Tail, but you weren't there." he said with a shrug as he reviewed the city's embellishment. "Back in time for the fall festival I see…"

Lucy glared at him. "You've been away for nearly two years and already forgotten about the normal seasons?"

Greys laughter, however, was as usual, despite the fact that very little with the ice magician was. He had a sharper move to the face, there was no trace of a boy with him any longer, she was talking to a full-grown Grey, which felt strange when she realized her to be an adult too.

"I hoped to talk with Erza, do you know if she's home?" wondered Grey absent.

Lucy nodded and drew a hand through her hair, she still weren't used to how long it had grown this past year.

"She's not out on some difficult missions longer since she gave birth to Ruby." Lucy said.

"That's right, she's two or three now?" Grey said when he tried to count the girl's age.

"She turned three in May." sighed Lucy, and then smiled. "Come on, I follow you, I´m sure that they are in the guild."

Together they walked the homely way to their beloved Guild, this road was like glued in each leg and they could be going there blindfolded.

"How have things been here at home then?" asked Grey with his hands in his pockets.

"As usual, it's very empty without ... you guys." answered Lucy and Grey did not even ask to know who else she meant.

"You have not heard of him?" he asked instead.

Lucy shook his head. "He became S-class just like you. We could not take mission together any longer when our levels were so different and the last time I saw him was at Erza and Jellals wedding."

Grey nodded, that was around the same time as he watched the pink idiot go away with Happy. He noticed Lucy worried face and put an arm around the blonde's shoulders.

"You know how he is, surely running and fighting every monster he can find and simply lose track of time, that idiot."

Lucy smiled and nodded while she opened the heavy door to enter Fairy Tails sacred building, she was not shocked by the sound level. At this time every Member should be pretty well drunk when they have longed for this festival for several weeks.

"GREY!" shouted the members and then threw themselves around there lost comrade. Lucy ducked away and found her way to her usual spot at the bar where Erza stood with Mirjane and discussed.

"Lucy!" It was Ruby who called out her name, the girl was really extremely sweet with purplish curly hair and the bright copper eyes.

"Hi Ruby!" said Lucy and caught the girl in her arms. "Is mom boring and talking job?" joked she loud enough to catch the attention of Erza.

"I'm sorry Ruby." sighed Erza. "I was having a little too much ..." then she fell silent when she noticed Greys presence and disappeared in the direction of his welcoming Committee.

"Mother happy." giggled Ruby.

"Really." replied Lucy and sat down the girl on one of the bar stools. "Where is your father then?"

"Gone, come home tonight." said Ruby absent when she began to pick up candy from the bowls on the bar counter.

Lucy leaned against the bar and surveyed the members, how she missed Natsu and Happy. It had been almost four years since she last talked to him and time made her no justice. She was not a lost teenager anymore, but 24 years but felt more lost than ever when her friends started settled down. There was nobody who hung out with each other's pace anymore even though their friendship was stronger than ever started life really show itself.

"Oh what a good thing you're here Lucy, I need your help." Wendy came running down from the stairs, she seemed pretty excited. To see Wendy growing up had nearly been on one night, the young girl was now 19 years old, already S- class and started just dating Makarovs oldest son Romeo.

"With what Wendy?" asked Lucy confused.

"Clothes." declared Wendy desperately. "Romeo comes home tonight and we'll go to the Festival together, but I have absolutely nothing to wear."

"Okay calm yourself, you may want to take a peek in my closet later." blinked Lucy.

"I was hoping for that." Wendy laughed and started to play with Ruby.

Seven years of change and at the same time everything was almost as usual ...