The Note

Disclaimer: I don't own The Amazing World of Gumball.

Chapter 1

It was a beautiful Wednesday in the town of Elmore. Parents were at work, students were in school, and Gumball Watterson was at his locker in Elmore Junior High. Little did he know that soon, he would have the one for whom he greatly pined.

"What's this?" Gumball asked to himself after he opens his locker. A note had fallen onto the floor as he swung it open. Unfolding it, he took a look at it.

"He's the most beautiful guy in school, a real dreamboat. I couldn't imagine my life without that panther. If only I could tell that to him directly," was what it said.

"Ooh, juicy! I wonder who wrote this," Gumball questions. Turning it over, he saw, "from 16-5-14-14-25."

"What the heck does that mean?" he wondered. "Who wrote this?"

Suddenly, the bell rang, prompting Gumball to Miss Simian's class. He quickly gathered his books, closed his locker with the note back inside, and ran to the class lest he arrive late and receive a detention from that devilish, old hag.

"Pst!" Someone whispered as Gumball took his seat with ten seconds to spare. Gumball turned around to face Penny Fitzgerald, who happily waved at him. Seeing his crush, he shyly waved back.

"All right, class!" Miss Simian screamed. "Take out your textbooks and turn to page 427. Today we will discuss…"

Gumball paid no mind to Miss Simian's words. The only thing he could think about was the note he had read. Who wrote it, and whom does it reference? He pondered vigorously throughout the class.

There's the first chapter. Yes, I pulled the page number out of my butt. Anyway, read and review please.