Love's True End

My eyes go from the ring leader, to the boy, to the strongmen, and finally lands on granny. Mass comes up to me and puts a large hand on my shoulder before whispering to me, "Remember the story we told you the first day we met you?" I think back and slowly nod to him then look at the ring master with regret in my eyes. I slowly shake my head "no" and refuse his proposal then nod my head towards the boy who was cooped up in the corner.

"I see my boy. That's too bad." His loud booming voice went quiet as he took a step away from me and turned to look at the red head. "You better treat my star right. If we hear he's unhappy, we're coming for you." He nods his head as if he just made a pact and the small circus family I've gained all agree and wish me a happy life on my own. As the people all empty out of the room after hearing a response they weren't expecting, the ring master spoke to me one last time. "Listen son, if you ever change your mind, track us down and you can work for me again. We'll always be your family and we'll always have a spot for you. Take good care. You're a smart young man." He pats my back and waddled out of the room with the rest, leaving me with the childhood crush turned boyfriend.

Months have passed since I left the circus. I work side by side with the evil minded Jack Spicer. He's strong, persistent, and a pretty good catch. I smile and look at him plot out his next evil plan on his large screen computer. The world maps slowly slip out of my hands and I'm forced to resituate them before they all fall. I briskly walk over to him and put the maps on the table, opening one up for his rampage of genius.

I sometimes miss my circus family and want to write to them. The only thing that keeps me from doing so is the fact that I never know where they are. To the best of my knowledge they're down in Spain right now keeping warm and letting the old mime star in the shows as her child is being fondly looked after by his two big adopted daddies and his loving granny. Some nights I do miss the job, the people, and the excitement. I miss the traveling. But I'm sure I'd miss Jack more.

The days all go the same, yet somehow I'm never bored. I cook, clean, and run around the lap getting everything for Jack. He plans everything and executes them as best he can. I offer my silent support and a little bit of magic here and there. Our wu closet is getting fuller by the day and the ghost lady says we're posing a real threat to some old time evil doer. At night we always watch a movie before cuddling in the same bed, arms wrapped around one another as the cold winter air reminds us that leaving the blanketed haven is a bad idea.