Burning Gold
Prologue: Firsts
Disclaimer: I do not own anything you recognize from the Star Trek franchise; be it characters, ships, weapons or planets. What I do own is the original characters and original locations.
James Tiberius Kirk, or Jim as he was prone to introduce himself as, had never expected to feel such an overwhelming sense of gratification simply because of the colour of his attire.
Because really, he assumed that his standards and criteria on the things that made him happy would be much higher and captious judging on his personal likes and dislikes.
But to be happy over a colour?
That was a first for him. But then again, there would be many more firsts to come for him today.
He pulled at the muted gold knit and suppressed a contented sigh at the simple act of smoothing his hands down the soft fabric. Like all standardized Starfleet uniforms, his consisted of the colour coded department knit stamped with the organization's insignia, a lightweight stretchy black undershirt and a pair of charcoal gray pants. What set his attire aside though, were the three silver bands running around the sleeves of his shirt, marking his rank in the fleet for everyone to see.
Gold was a shade he used to think to be gaudy and tasteless, a colour favoured by the elderly he had seen loitering around the cornfields on a good sunny day.
But now, he couldn't get enough of the auric yellow blend.
Not since he became an officially commissioned commanding officer in Starfleet.
"Engineering thrusters and impulse engines at your command, sir."
"Weapons systems and chutes on standby."
"Dock control reports ready, Captain."
The utterance of that particular word could send the most pleasing of tingles down Jim's spine. Like a reflex action, a smile would always fight its way to split his face into two whenever he heard that term being directed at him or even spoken at all.
While gold was his new favourite colour, the word 'captain' had got to be his new favourite word. There was no doubt about that.
He strode onto the ship's freshly refitted bridge, a newfound swagger imminent in his confident steps, as he surveyed the room that he would soon find himself very acquainted with. His command team (oh, he could get so used to calling things onboard the Enterprise his) grinned up at him from their various posts as they awaited his orders for the take-off of Enterprise's maiden journey.
His eyes trailed from one blinking console to another, from one face to the other before they finally landed on the familiar scowling visage belonging to one of the three men he owed everything to. He cracked a grin, mischief sparkling in his eyes as he jogged up towards Dr. Leonard McCoy, or Bones, as he so affectionately dubbed him since their first meeting on their way to the academy.
"Bones!" He called out, excitement evident in his voice as he clapped a strong hand on McCoy's shoulder. Seeing the glower in his friend's expression deepen at his spiritedness, his grin grew. "Buckle up!"
With that, Jim settled into the lone armchair sitting in the middle of the command bridge and relished in the chill of the cold leather seeping into his skin. A soft sigh escaped his lips and once again, a smile appeared. He had lost count of how many times he had caught himself smiling without knowing he had done so, but he thought it was somewhere in the low hundreds.
The new captain leaned back into the soft leather seat and pressed the communication button installed into the armrest.
"Scotty! How we doin'?"
"Dilithium chambers at maximum, Captain," Montgomery Scott's thick Irish brogue echoed through the intercom before he cut himself off to go shout at Keenser, his loyal engineering assistant.
"Mr. Sulu," The helmsman turned to him for his orders. "Prepare to engage thrusters."
The doors of the turbolift slid open then with a clinical hiss as a blue uniformed Vulcan officer stepped onto the bridge. As always, his arms were folded behind his back stiffly as he appraised everyone and everything with his default expression of stoic austerity.
"Permission to come aboard, Captain."
"Permission granted."
Spock nodded once curtly and proceeded towards the raised dais that homed the command chair.
"As you have yet to select a First Officer, respectfully, I would like to submit my candidacy," He stepped up towards Jim who stood to greet him. "Should you desire, I can provide character references."
Spock's brown eyed gaze held Jim's glinting blue orbs steadily. The hostility that shone bright and fierce from their physical altercation had abated over their shared goal of destroying Nero and Narada. Instead, any resentment was now replaced with a new sense of admiration and camaraderie for the man who had gotten on his nerves time and again, and who had caused him to lose control over his emotions for the first time since he was a child who was bullied by his full-blooded Vulcan peers.
This time, however, the lack of control was what Spock needed to help him get over his mother's untimely death. In a way, he was thankful for Jim's brusqueness, although he thought the captain could have gone about the matter in a more cordial manner.
Jim nodded curtly and graced the Vulcan officer with an easy smile. "It would be my honour, Commander," Then, turning to Sulu, he said, "Maneuvering thrusters, Mr. Sulu."
"Thrusters on standby." The helmsman announced after keying in the commands on his delegated control panel.
"Take us out."
"Aye, aye, Captain."
No, Jim Kirk was sure it was impossible for him to love life more than he already did.
A/N: I've decided to take this story in a different direction, and I'm in the process of rewriting all my chapters. Chapter one remain's relatively unchanged, but things will start to get a little more different from the next update onwards.
Read, enjoy and leave a sub/review!
antepenult out.