Disclaimer: This story is entirely fictional. I only have created the original characters the WWE Superstars are merely based on their tv personas and some of my own fictional embellishment! ENJOY!


Chapter 58

RAW continued..

It was just about time to make my big reappearance. I could hear various WWE personnel clearing the halls, attempting to shut them down temporarily so I could truly surprise the entire WWE Universe. The company didn't want to risk any possible leaks. In the day of technology, truly surprising the fans wasn't as easy as it once was. Right now my hair and make up team were the only people besides Punk, Hunter, and Papa to know that I was here. So far I was way under the radar. The unfortunate part was that I didn't have my family or friends for support really. Stephanie didn't know and neither did any of my friends, except Punk. He was good company, but he was also very focused on making his own splash tonight.

He cleared his throat and handed me a hoodie.

"Here ya go."

"I don't know if this is a good look for me..." I joked. He rolled his eyes.

"Strip if off in gorilla for all I care! All that matters is that you are covered from unsuspecting superstars." I smiled and slid it on. He stepped close to me and reached his hands behind my head, pulling the hood up over my blonde hair. The scent of him filled my nostrils. "There. Perfect!"

"If you say so!" I said nervously.

A knock sounded at the door.

"Yeah?" Punk asked.

"Hall is cleared, sir."

"Thank you," he said politely before turning to me, "You ready for your big homecoming?"

"Yes...I think its been long over due."

"I think you're right. You are right where you belong now," he said opening the door. "After you," he said gesturing to the door. I walked through.

It was silent as we glided through the halls. I kept my head down staying as concealed as possible. The quiet of the hall was doing nothing to calm my nerves. I could hear my heartbeat thumping loudly, rapidly even. It was starting to hit me: I was here...I was really here. I was getting ready to be on WWE tv for the first time in a long time. Obviously, I'd been here before but now I wasn't some bigwig from corporate, this time I was the talent. I was cementing myself into my family's tradition. It was very exciting and nerve wracking

Before I knew it, I was standing in gorilla position. Oh the screen, we could see John Cena and AJ were in the ring whining. Punk put an arm around me which I found comforting.

"There are people in the back who think I'm an unworthy champion... One in particular that I can recall recently," John said alluding to Punk.

"Which just seems like a huge case of jealousy if you ask me," she added. "What other kind of man would be so bitter about another man's success?"

"Regardless, it makes me really upset. It really grinds my gears because I work my ass off day in and day out so I can be your champion...an honor I have had for overFor somebody to try and refute that, well that's just not right...and I'm not going to just sit idly by while people run their mouths!"

Punk turned to look at me. "I think I better be going out there. You stay right here. I'll cue you in, okay?"

"Sounds good."

"See you out there!"

His music began and he disappeared through the curtain. The crowd roared with excitement as he made his way out. He stopped midway down the ramp with a big cocky smile plastered on his face.

"I see the big, bad CM Punk has decided to grace us with his presence," AJ remarked snidely. "And here we thought you'd forgotten all about us and the WWE Universe!"

"Yeah, yeah, I get it. You are taking a swing at my temporary leave of absence! How cool are you?!" Punk snapped, his voice drenched in contempt. "I don't know about you guys, but I think everybody needs a little time off now and again. Me taking a time out doesn't mean that I don't love what I do and it doesn't mean I love the fans any less. My taking break doesn't mean that I'm not the best at what I freaking do!"

"You know...I don't really see it that way. I mean, I feel like I'm champion because I'm the best."

"No, you were the champ because I was gone," Punk fired back.

"Screw you. Nobody, and I mean nobody spends more time on the road working than myself. I work more days and longer hours to give these fans the best I have. So yes, I am dedicated and all my dedication has paid off because I have the great pleasure of holding the World Heavyweight title. So you can come out here all you want and bash me and say you would be a better one but nobody buys a damn word of it," he hissed. Punk smiled, not wavering one bit.

"You know, John, you're right...you work more hours than anyone here...but, you don't spend a whole lot of time wrestling. You spend a lot of time rubbing elbows with celebrities, going on talk shows, kissing babies, yadda yadda. Me? I am a wrestler! It is my life. I live and breathe it. So I'm back to claim what should have been mine all along. It belongs to a real wrestler not some monkey in a suit doing tricks for the boss!"

"You know, he could prove himself if he got into the ring with you right now..." AJ chirped, stirring the pot even further.

"But then I'd still have you to deal with little ol' AJ. How can a fight be fair when John Cena has a little spider monkey in his corner, ready to leap in?"

"Well it's too bad you don't seem to have a lot of friends around here, huh?!" She teased.

"You're right, AJ... I don't have a lot of friends around here. I am not well liked by my peers, so yeah, I'm usually alone. I don't have many friends here so I decided to go ahead and bring one in! I think you all might recognize her!" He turned to look up at the top of the ramp.

My music began. I grabbed my knockout championship and sauntered out onto the stage. The crowd cheered, to my surprise. A giant smile crossed my lips, relived at the warm reception. I'd been away quite awhile for such fanfare. I met Punk mid way down the ramp. We high fived and then together we walked around the ring, stopping in front of the announce tables.

"Kennedy, honey, I think you are lost. This is the WWE," the brunette spat. "Last time I checked, you got canned and went all Benedict Arnold on the company."

"Oh. I'm quite sure I'm right where I'm supposed to be, sweetheart. You see, as of last night, I'm a free agent! So Punk here asked me to come tonight and help him out. I thought, why the hell not?! I figured I can try my luck here. So I decided to sign a brand new contract here. So buckle up boys and girls, because I'm not going anywhere. I'm here to stay! Full disclosure, I'm a little sick of this championship," I said holding my title and dropping it roughly in the trash can. "I think I'd like to take yours instead."

"You wish, you little bitch," she said seething.

"You all know by now that you don't mess with the McMahon family, trust me, sweetheart, I'm no exception."

"Bring it on!"

"Shall we?" Punk asked. I nodded. We both tossed our microphones and charged into the ring. With no hesitation, I tackled AJ. The two of us flew to the apron with vigor. That's when the fists began to swing. We through punches at one another until the sound of Hunters voice came through the arena.

"Stop! Stop this right now!" He ordered to no avail. We kept tussling. A stream of referees came pouring down the ramp to break it all up. I felt arms wrap around my waist and pull. I tried to hold on but I lost my grip on AJ and was successfully pulled off and away from her.

"Don't get too attached to that title, Sweetheart!" I yelled wildly.

"Bring it!"

Cena and AJ dipped from the ring and headed up the ramp in retreat. Punk and I smiled at one another wickedly still in the ring. We had been very successful in our return. Luckily for us, this town was anti-Cena and therefore cheering us like crazy. I had to admit that being back felt amazing. I was home!

I walked back through the curtain to see a few familiar faces waiting for me.

"Kennedy, you little sneak! I cant believe you didn't tell us you were coming back!" Sheamus scolded as he gave me a big hug.

"I was sworn to secrecy by Papa as you'd imagine! He loves a surprise return!"

"I know. Guess that means I'll have to forgive ya!" he said with a playful wink.

"Oh good." Dolph looked at me with a sly smile and opened his arms for a hug.

"I can't believe I was talking to you earlier about meeting up and here you were in the same damn building!"

"I know, I'm sorry!"

"I've missed you so much," he said softly near my ear.

"I've missed you too," I mumbled, giving him a tight squeeze.

"Steele, we probably should be going," Punk grumbled. I looked over at him, puzzled about the sudden mood change.

"I uh...okay." I released my grip on Dolph.

"Well before you leave, we want to celebrate your return! Drinks after the show?" Sheamus asked.

"Hell yeah! Count me in. You guys send me the info!"

"You bet! See you later!" the Irishman cheered.

Punk put his hand on the small of my back and led me down the hallway.

"You okay?" I asked once we were out of their earshot.

"I'm fine."

"You don't seem fine."

"You just seem testy all of a sudden."

"Just focused, Steele. We've got an interview to do yet, plus you have to take your photos for the promo graphics that they use of the show. Lots to do. You have time for your buddies later," he said dryly.

"Sorry, I didn't realized I had such a full agenda to uphold. Nobody told me."

"It's alright. I just didn't want to overwhelm you earlier. I wanted you to focus on the big reveal instead."

"Good looking out," I said softly. He smiled.

"No problem. That's what friends do right?"

"Yes they do. Thanks for today, by the way. I really appreciate everything you've done to get me here tonight. I really couldn't have done it without you."

"No thanks necessary. You belong here."

"I really do don't I?" I asked with a laugh.

"You really do. Now we gotta take our place at the top of the mountain, Steele. We are alphas. We belong on top."

"Let's do this."

Next chapter: Kennedy's welcome back party!

I hope you all are enjoying Keeper so far and will keep reading to see what shenanigans Kennedy gets into on the road! I also want to thank you so much for the support for this story and my writing in general. You guys are the best. Feel free to message or review me your opinions and comments! Constructive feedback is always appreciated!