Hey guy's, this is my last chapter. I hope you enjoy. Disclaimer: I don't own MR. Max POV.

I opened my eyes slowly, to see three blurry figures looking at me. I could make out the shapes and colors, but not the details. After a few seconds, I could tell it was Fang, Iggy, and Dad. All guy's, well that's a way to wake up. I tried to talk but all that cake out was a shrill squeak, causing them to crack up. I glared and looked around for something to write on.

When I finally (after almost five minutes,) found a notepad and a pen, wrote down 'Why can't I talk?! My noise isn't THAT funny, and you really know how to freak a girl out, staring at her until she wakes up. Perverts.' Which caused them to laugh again. What to through… my pillow! I reached behind me and grabbed the pillow, and pulled it out from under me, causing me to fall on to the lumpy bed.

"Jeez Max *laugh* day's just not *laugh* your *laugh* day." Iggy said in between laughs.

I through the pillow at him an wrote 'Iggy, get a more manly laugh. You sound like Angel.', which shut him right up.

An hour later Fang and Iggy left. "Max the doctor say's your voice should be back in a few day's and you'll be free to go next week." Dad said. I smiled at this.

Time skip until Thursday of next week.

"GET ME OUT OF HERE!" I basically screamed at my dad and Fang when they walked in to my room.

"I see you got your voice back." Fang said rubbing his ears.

"Leettttssss gooooo!" I said. "I HATE this place! Great! Now I sound like a three year old!" I wined. Fang smirked.

"We have to check you out first." Dad said, and I groaned. "I'll go you two wait here." He said, and he walked out.

"Max we have to talk… about us." Fang said.

"Fang, you made it clear that there isn't a us." I said. I really don't want to talk about this.

"Max, I was wrong… just give me aother chance. I promise I won't do that again. Please Max?" he begged.

"Wow… Fang, the emotionless brick wall is begging? I must be important." I said. I think I'll have a little fun with this.

"So is that a yes?" he asked, a spark of hope flickering in his eyes.

"Nope." I replied, popping the p.

"Max please I'll do anything! I love you! I was being an idiot, I won't do it again! I promise!" he begged.

"Anything?" I asked, and he nodded "okay then, I'll get back together with you… if you do the Harlem Shake in the middle of the street wearing a pink too-too and leotard, Nudge's 3 inch leopard high heel's, and curlers in your hair." By the time I was done, he was glaring at me. "Unless you want to be single…"

"NO! I'll do it!" he said quicky.

Time skip to 3 hours later

I got Iggy, recording Fang doing the Harlem Shake in the middle of the road. Ella and Nudge did the 'masterpiece' called Fang's, hair, makeup, outfit, and shoes.

"Hey Fang this is soooo going on youtube!" I yelled. There were at least ten cars waiting for Fang to move. This is soooo going to be a hit…

"Max are you happy now?!" Fang shouted.

I shrugged "I guess..." Fang basically sprinted off the street.

"Thank god! I swear if I didnt move that guy was going to plow over me!" he said. "It was worth it though."

"Why is that?" I asked.

"Because I can do this" he said and he leaned in and kissed me. And in that moment, everything was perfect.

Well that's it! I hope you enjoyed the story! Please R&R!