A/N: The poems in here were created by Jeff Hardy and myself. I thought that "You"-Jeff Hardy, would be perfect for this chapter.....you'll see why when you read on. The other one is by myself....yes...I do write poems too. So "Until Death Do Us Part" is owned by me.....steal it and DIE!!! Hehe okay maybe not....they made me say it! Who's they......hehe...I do not know!! Okay enough with my senseless rambles....on with the last chapter....Oh and I may be writing a sequel type thing after.....well, it'll take place during the two years I skipped. So anyways....ENJOY


"Girl, you look beautiful! He's not gonna be able to speak," Amy said as I sat in front of the mirror set up in a tent.

"Oh Ames, plese don't say that. I want him to be able to say 'I do'."

"Oh he will. I know it," Trish said straightening her dark blue bridesmaid dress.

I smiled as I looked around the tent at my bridesmaids. They wore dark blue, full length, slim, spaghetti strapped dresses. Little pastel blue flowers were placed all over the dresses. My sister Melanie walked in and put her hand on my shoulder. Her son Luke followed.

"Auntie Trish!" he yelled running to her decked out in his ring bearer suit.

"Come here Luke!" she yelled picking him up in her arms. I smiled as he kissed her cheek.

"How is it that he's a perfect angel around your friends, but a devil with Matt and I?" Mel asked with a laugh.

"I don't know." I let out a deep sigh and smiled at her. "Thank you for being here."

"Well, someone has to give you away!" She hugged me tightly and walked over to Trish to retrieve her son. I watched her carry her four year old son out of the tent.

"Crystal, is Kalista dressed and ready?" Amy asked. She was taking her maid of honor role serious. I guess she was trying to pay me back for my work as her maid of honor two years ago.

"Yes, Kalista is ready, Amy. Don't worry," Crystal replied.

"You're gonna make everyone speechless, Angel." Shane's voice sounded in the tent. I didn't turn around to look at him.

"Shane! Get out! You shouldn't be in here!" Amy yelled trying to shoo him out.

"I know and I'm sorry. I just wanted to give Case this," he said with a smile. He looked really handsome in his black tux, white shirt, and dark blue vest. He wore the silver earrings I had given him for our two year anniversary. He handed Amy a box and she walked over to me.

"You really shouldn't have." I opened the small box to see a framed picture of him and me at the park. I was sitting on a swing and he had his arms wrapped around my waist. He rested his chin on my shoulder and I had my head next to his.

"I love you Angel," he said softly as he touched my back with his. "I just wanted you to know that.

"I know you do, Sugar. And I love you too. I'll see ya out there! I smiled as I saw him leave.

"Casey, are you ready for this?" Jessy asked. I moved one of my ringlets of my blue hair to the side of my face. I stood in front of a full length mirror and smiled.

"Yes, I am ready for this."

I wore a white dress that was full at the skirt. It was sleeveless with a low back. The back of the top was corset style and the front was pointed at the bottom. The train was fairly long and wide. On the dress were tiny flowers that had been embroidered. I had a tiara in my hair and it was pulled up with curls. My shoes were open toed straps, thick heeled, with bead flowers on the straps. My garter belt was blue, my dress was new, I borrowed Amy's tiara, and wore my thumb ring that Shane had given me.

I was all set and ready to marry my true love. "Is it time?" I asked turning to look at everyone.

"Yeah Case. It's time," Amy said with a smile. We all filed out of the tent and stood by some trees. I looked out at the lake. It was a beautiful day in Cameron. The sun was shining, it was a 70 degree spring day, and there was a slight cool breeze. The seats that were set up in front of the lake were filled with people. Jeff, Matt, Shane, Shannon, Jesse, and Adam stood in a row in front of their seats waiting with their hands folded in front of them.

Mel stood next to me and grabbed my hand tightly. Mark stood on the other side of me and took my other hand. They were both giving me away. Mark being like my father and Mel being the only family of mine that was willing to be there for me, it was a blessing to have them both there to give me away. Although, Mark was skeptical at first, he didn't want to give up his "little darlin". I love him with all my heart and he would be one of the most influential people in my life. Amy began to run around frantically, making sure everyone had everything. Then, the music started. It was "The Longest Time" by Billy Joel. One of my favorite songs and Melanie began to cry before Nora even began walking down the blue carpet that was laid out on the grass. One by one my bridesmaids walked down to the lake shore and stood there waiting for me. I watched as Amy slowly made her way down.

'This is it,' I thought. I was 23 and I was getting married. I couldn't believe I was getting married at that young of an age. I watched Luke take Kalista's hand as they walked down the isle. Kalista threw the flowers around like she was a pro. Then, the music hit. "Here Comes the Bride" began and I got butterflies in my stomach. It was like the first match I was in. Scary, nervous, and exciting all at the same time. Mel, Mark, and I walked slowly down the isle. She was crying hysterically and all I could do was laugh. I looked over at Gil and saw tears of happiness in his eyes.

The music ended and I stood with Mark and Mel. "Who gives the bride away?"

"I do," they replied in unison. I hugged them both tightly and Mel took her seat next to Matt while Mark took his next to Sara. My soon to be husband stood next to me and I gave my bouquet to Amy. Everyone sat down and the ceremony began.

"We are gathered here today to join this man and this woman in holy matrimony. If there is anyone with any reason why these two should not be married, speak now or forever hold your peace." There was silence and I released a sigh of relief. "Please face each other."

I turned and looked at him. His eyes watered as I smiled sweetly. He returned the smile and shook his tears away. He held my hands in his and we continued.

"Repeat after me." The wind blew his red and orange hair in front of his face and he pushed them away.

"I, Jeffrey Nero Hardy, take thee, Casey Lee Piniarski, to be my lawfully wedded wife. To love and to cherish. To have and to hold. Through sickness and through health. Through good times and bad. Til death do us part. Please say I do."

"I do!" Jeff said with a slight yell. I snickered and looked deep into his green eyes.

"Now, Jeff would like to say some words of his own."

"I wrote this poem years ago knowing I would meet the woman of my dreams and I hope you enjoy it." He cleared his throat and began to recite his poem. "You comfort me better than any chair, bed, room, or house---You amaze me more than any facts, stories, truths, or lies--- You enhance me more than any drug, drink, pill, or powder--- You predict me better than any parent, coach, counselor, or teacher--- You season me better than any salt, pepper, winter, or summer--- You entertain me more than any movie, show, song, or competition--- You control me better than any school, job, jail, or prison--- You love me more than any person, God, business, or existance--- In my existance..............Believe............I do--- In our existance.............I live...........for you."

"I love you too," I whispered.

"Please repeat after me."

"I, Casey Lee Piniarski, take thee, Jeffrey Nero Hardy, to by my lawfully wedded husband. To love and to cherish. To have and to hold. Through sickness and through health. Through good times and bad. Til death do us part. Please say I do."

"I DO!!" I said excitedly.

"Now Casey has a few words to say."

"I also wrote a poem for this." I smiled as I took Jeff's hands in mine. I looked deep into his eyes and sighed. "In my heart....You'll always be...The light...Always shining. You're why I am...You're why I'm here....With you....I have no fears. I love you dearly....More than life...I can't live without you....But you already knew that. You're my friend....You're my lover....You're perfect in everyway....You're a wonder. Love brought us here...Together forever.....To be with you.....Until death do us part."

"I love you, baby," he whispered.

"Now the rings." Matt handed over the rings that rested on the pillow Luke had in his lap. "Place the ring on Casey's finger and repeat after me."

Jeff took my hand and began to slide on a silver band that had our names and wedding date engraved on it. It sat in front of my silver, diamond heart, engagement ring. "With this ring, I thee wed."

I smiled as he kissed the back of my hand. Tears lightly fell down his face and I fought my back. I took his hand and the band that looked similar to mine and began to slide that on his finger. With the words, my tears slowly fell. "With this ring, I thee wed."

"I now pronounce you man and wife!! I'd like to present to you all, Jeffrey and Casey Hardy!!! You may now kiss the bride!"

Everyone stood as Jeff and I shared a magical kiss. It was our first kiss as husband and wife. We parted and smiled at each other before I grabbed my bouquet from a tearful Amy. Jeff grabbed my hand and we walked down the isle. We walked into one of the tents and waited for the ushers and bridesmaids to walk in behind us. Amy and Matt were first, then Crystal and Shannon, then Jessy and Jesse, then Trish and Shane, then Nora and Adam. Then Mel and Matt carried in Luke while Mark carried in Kalista. Half the people standing around us were crying. Matty and Amy, Mel, Jessy, and Trish were all in tears. Gil walked in crying as well.

"Welcome to the family....again," Gil said as he pulled me into a tight hug.

"Thanks. I love you," I said kissing his cheek. I looked over at Amy and smiled. "Girl, you need to stop your crying."

"I'm sorry. You were just soooo damn beautiful!! I love you!" she sobbed. I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her tightly.

"I love you too!" I said. I moved on to hugging Trish. "You need to stop too."

"Always a bridesmaid, never a bride!!" she exclaimed.

"Oh Trish! You'll find that special guy someday! I know you will." I kissed her cheek as we moved out to the lake to do pictures.

The best picture we took was the one of Jeff and I sitting on the bench that we had painted 4 years ago. We sat back to back, looking over the back of the bench, holding hands over a heart that we added to it the nite he proposed. When we finished the pictures we were off to the tent that was holding the reception. People already filled it and were already drinking.

"And now the first dance shared by the newly weds." The dj announced our entrance as we made our way to the dance floor. Jeff pulled me close to him as we danced to "Unchained Melody" by the Righteous Brothers.

"I love you baby," he said softly in my ear.

"I love you too," I replied with a smile. He kissed my lips softly with love. I looked into his eyes and smiled. His eyes were a beautiful emerald color. They sparkled and were peaceful.

"You're happy," Jeff said with a smile.

"Of course I am," I responded with a laugh.

"No, I wasn't questioning it. It was a statement of fact. I can tell by your eyes. They're the same color they were that nite in the rain, when I confessed my love for you."

"Oh? And what color is that?" I asked with a large smile on my face.

"Blue. But not just any color blue. A light baby blue. The color they always change to when you're extremely happy," he said kissing my forehead. I rested my head on his shoulder and took in the smell of him. His own special concoction of different colognes. He was the only one that could pull that off. I always recognized him from that smell. He still won't tell me what he puts into it. He can be a loser sometimes.

"Are you two gonna come back to this world and eat?" Matt asked, tapping Jeff on his shoulder. I lifted my head and smiled at him. Matt smiled back and took my hand. We sat at the head table and were brought glasses of wine. Matt stood holding his glass high.

"What's he doing?" I whispered to Jeff. He shrugged his shoulders and we focused on Matt.

"Well, as you all know, I'm the older and very proud brother of Jeff. Casey and Jeff told me not to worry about making a best man speech, but that's just not like me. So, of course I did. I wanna talk about Casey first. She's a very special girl. I remember the first time I met her. She was soaking wet from the rain outside the Fleet Center. She was an 18 year old runaway. I had to help her. Since she has come into my life, she has taught me so much. About life, love, and happiness. She was always the one to look on the bright side of things. I knew from day one that she would be with me forever. Casey, I love you with all my heart. I have always considered you my little sister and now you really are." I nodded at him as tears streamed down both our faces. Jeff put his arm around me and squeezed me tightly. "Now onto my baby brother. Jeff, what can I say to you? You are one crazy jackass! But seriously, you know how much you've always meant to me. I love you. You know that. No matter what you may have done to me in the past, no matter how much you may have bugged me, no matter how much you may have pissed me off, I always loved you. And I always will. When you stopped wrestling a year ago, it was the hardest thing for me to deal with. I knew we were just two different people, moving in two different directions. To be honest with you, I hated that you quit. It was something we always shared. The only thing we really shared. But your music means so much to you and I understand that. I'm willing to except that you are more in love with your music than wrestling and I wish you the best of luck. Now to say a few words about the couple. From day one we all saw what was about to build in the WWE locker room. We all saw the connection except you two. And then Jeff fell in love and we knew Casey was also in love, but in denial. They belonged together. They were perfect for each other. They were the only ones that actually understood one another. If one of us didn't understand what one of them was saying, the other was sure to know. That's the way they always were. They were inseparable. Taking off without telling anyone, designing things, singing together, just being together. It was an amazing thing to see them together. I wish them the best of luck and know they'll be happy together. Because what they share is true love and nothing can out do that! I love you both!!"

Matt gave both of us a hug and a kiss on the cheek. We sipped our wine as our salads came. Before we began to eat, Amy stood up raising her glass high.

"I know I'm just the Maid of Honor and that I'll end up crying, but I don't care. I have some words to say to the newly weds. Casey, girl, you will always be my sister. The girl that was there for me through the hard times. The girl that was there for me through the good times. You always said the right things. You are special, very special. I love you! Jeff, you were always like a little brother to me. The weird one. You were always with me when I had problems. I turned to you when I needed help and you were always there with a shoulder for me to cry on. I love you! And I'm just gonna agree with everything Matt said about the two of you. You are two of a kind. That's right two. Because you are so much alike, it's very scary! But seriously, you deserve each other. I love you both. Good luck and best wishes, not that you'll need them!" Amy said rushing through her speech because of the tears that started to fall. I stood immediately and rushed to her side. I kneeled down next her and wrapped my arms around her waist.

"Thank you so much!" I said as a tear fell down my cheek. She put her hand on my back and rubbed it softly.

"Case, don't tell anyone, but I'm pregnant!" she said in a happy whisper. I looked up at her and smiled.

"I love you Amy!" I said as I stood. I walked back to my seat and ate my dinner. Matt sat next to Amy and held her hand as they ate. She looked over at me and smiled, I smiled back.

"What's goin on?" Jeff asked.

"Maybe someday I'll tell you, but for now, you can't know."

"She's pregnant?" he asked in a whisper. My eyes grew wide as I whipped my head around to look at him.

"How'd you guess?" I whisper.

"You can see it in her eyes. It's the same look Crystal had when she found out she was pregnant." I smiled and nodded as I watched people get up to dance.

"Now I'd like to introduce the father, daughter dance. I'd like to welcome Mark Calloway and Casey Hardy onto the floor," the d.j. announced. I stood and looked at Mark. He had a pleading look on his face that told me that this had better be a joke. I shook my head and walked over to him smiling. I grabbed his hand. I pulled him to his feet and dragged him unwillingly to the dance floor. I tried to reach my arms around his neck, but settled on wrapping them around his waist. He pulled me close to him and we danced.

"Congratulations, darlin," he said holding me tightly.

"Thanks, Dad." I looked up at him and smiled. He had tears in his eyes, but was too strong to let them go. I sighed and put my head on his chest.

"I love you. You know that right? You are my little girl. You have been since I first laid eyes on you."

"I know. I love you too." We continued to dance to Billy Joel's "Lullaby". I kissed his cheek as the song ended and I joined Jeff at the head table.

"I can't believe none of your family came," Jeff said.

"But Jeff, they did. These people are my family. I wouldn't dream of getting married without them." I kissed his cheek as "We Are Family" sounded throughout the tent. "COME ON EVERYONE!!!!!!!! IT'S OUR SONG!!!!!"

I pulled as many people with me onto the dance floor. We danced together as one big family. Just singing, dancing, and laughing with the song. I looked towards my only really family member, Mel, and smiled as I thought about how everyone else was missing out. I had sent my mom, dad, other sister, and cousin an invitation and none of them replied. I guess they didn't care that I was getting married. I guess I did deserve that, for leaving them all without notice or any clue of where I was going. But look at where I am now, where my life turned to. I'm not only one of the top superstars in the WWE, leading other women to go the same way I went, but I'm also starting in on my music career. I'm eventually going to record my own cd on the WWE record label. I thought my life couldn't get any better 4 years ago, but it has. My life has changed drastically in that time, I love my life. I wouldn't change any part of it for any thing!

"Angel, can I have this dance?" Shane asked as "To Be With You" by Mr. Big began. I nodded and wrapped my arms around his neck. He pulled me close and that familiar smell of coolwater filled my nose as I rested my head on his shoulder.

"I'm really glad you're here," I said softly.

"I wouldn't have missed this for anything. I meant what I said earlier. I love you. I still love you just as much as I did 4 years ago. I knew you and I wouldn't be together forever. Jeff was always in the picture. I knew that you two would be together, it was impossible for us to be together. You two were just too much in love. Even back then." I looked into his dark brown eyes like I had so many times before. There was only one other time that I could remember seeing this much hurt in them. And that was the nite I told him that Jeff and I kissed, and that I was in love with him.

"Shane, you know I love you. I did then and I do now. But you are right; I was in love with Jeff. I just didn't know, until that nite. Or I didn't realize it. Or I guess maybe I was even denying it. I don't know what to tell you to make this all right again."

"Angel, you don't need to say anything. I understand that these things happen. I admit that it was bad in the beginning, but I'm over it now. I know I have to move on. That you and I will never be. That's the way the world works and I'm fine with it. I love you and Jeff too much to stand in your way." He sighed and smiled devilishly. I raised my eyebrows at him, recognizing that grin. I knew something was going on in his head and I was a little nervous to find out what that was.

"I know I'm gonna wish I hadn't asked, but what the hell is goin on in your mind?" Normally I would have said that with a New York accent, but I had been living in North Carolina far too long and it came out in a southern accent.

"Wow. You really have been here too long. That accent sounds rather sexy on you," he said still with that grin.

"Sugar Shane, you tell me what's goin on in that head of yours right this second!"

"If you ever leave that new husband of yours, don't be afraid to look me up." I rolled my eyes at him and smiled.

"I'll remember that!" I laughed as the song ended. I kissed his lips softly, almost expecting that special kiss we used to share, but I felt nothing. There was nothing there. "I love you Sugar."

"I love you too Angel." He let me go and I walked into Jeff's arms, kissing him passionately.

"Ya know, there are plenty of other girls out there Shane," Trish said putting her hand on his shoulder.

"Yeah, but none of them are like her. She's one in a million," he said hanging his head. Trish kissed his cheek and walked to the bar as he watched me and Jeff dancing together with laughter.

About an hour later I had my back to the eligible girls in the room, ready to throw the bouquet. I tossed it over my head and turned around just in time to see Trish catch it. I laughed and hugged her tightly.

"I can't believe I caught it," she said with a look of shock on her face.

"Well, ya know what they say. You're gonna be the next to get married. I mean, look at me, I caught Amy's bouquet and married Jeff. And he caught the garter. So, maybe who ever catches the garter tonite will be your future husband." I smiled as I thought of all the possibilities for her.

"Yeah, I guess ya never know."

Jeff pulled me to a chair and I sat down. He lifted up my dress part of the way and grabbed the garter belt with his teeth and began to slide it down my leg. He took it out of his mouth and swung it around his finger. I stood up and watched him throw it over his head. Shane caught it and ran to me. He picked me up in his arms and swung me in a circle.

"This is good luck, I can feel it," he said as he put me on the floor.

"Well go have your dance with you future wife!" He kissed my cheek before running to Trish and pulling her onto the dance floor. Jeff and I stood back and watched them laughing and dancing together.

"I think we may have created a new couple," Jeff whispered to me.

"That's a good thing. Shane needs a girl and Trish needs a guy. They'll be great together." I smiled as someone tapped on my shoulder. I turned to come face to face with a 6 month pregnant Stephanie McMahon. "Steph! I'm so glad you could come!"

"I wouldn't have missed the marriage of one of my biggest talents!" she said hugging me. "Congratulations. Jeff, when are you gonna be coming back to the show?"

"Probably never," he replied without hesitation. "I've got to many injuries to worry about and my music career is really starting."

"Well, there will always be a place for you on the roster if you ever decide to come back." Jeff nodded and she turned back to me as her husband, Paul, walked up behind her. "And Casey, you better be returning to me after your honeymoon."

"I will be, don't worry. You know I can't stay away for too long!"

"We would all miss you and your crazy antics anyways!" Paul said with a laugh.

"Yeah I know. I'm just trying to figure out how I'm gonna get you back for that little prank you played on me two weeks ago."

"Prank? I don't have a clue what you are speaking of," he said innocently.

"No, of course you don't. How familiar does tying my jeans, top, boots, belt, and armbands to a steel pipe in the hall sound to you?" I asked glaring at him playfully.

"Oh that prank." I slapped his arm lightly as he laughed.

"Yeah, that prank. I will get you back. You know I will. I always do!" I exclaimed as they walked away.

"Thank you all so much for being here with us tonite," I announced to the wedding party and intimate family. "We wouldn't have been able to do any of this without any of you."

"We appreciate everything you all have done for us. We love you all dearly," Jeff said as he held my hand. We went down the line of people giving hugs and kisses as we went down it.

"Don't forget what I told you on the floor," Shane whispered to me.

"I won't. Believe me, you'll be the first to find out if anything happens. Well, maybe not the first, but you get the point." I smiled as I continued on.

"Have fun tonite as your first nite being married bro," Matt said hugging Jeff.

"I will. And don't forget that you're driving us to the airport tomorrow at 10 in the morning," Jeff instructed.

"Are you sure you're gonna be up for that?" Amy teased as I let go of her.

"Yes Ames. We'll be quite up for that. Plus we can sleep on the plane to Australia," I said with a wink.

Jeff and I walked into his house and he carried me up the stairs to the room. We began our magical first nite together as a married couple. It was beautiful. Much more special than anything we experienced together before. Much more beautiful than anything I had experienced with Shane. That nite I had another rainbow dream as Jeff held me. I walked into a familiar house, Jeff's house, and up into his room. There was the rainbow, sitting on the bed waiting for me to join him. It smiled at me as I walked over to it and sat down. The rainbow whispered, "I'll love you forever. Baby, you are the only one for me," in my ear. I faced the rainbow and smiled as it kissed my lips softly. I opened my eyes and for the first time I could see the face of my true love. My true love was Jeff. I don't know how I didn't get that before, from the voice, the rainbow, and the words, but I didn't. I'm just glad that my mind was finally ready to reveal to me who it was. I was the happiest I could ever be in my life.

A/N 2: Well, that was the end of it. I was sad to see it end. I absolutely loved this story of mine. It means the world to me and so do all of you reviewers who have stuck by this story through the good and bad times. Thank you VERY much. I completely appreciate it!!! I know I changed the garter belt tradition a little bit, but I just thought it would be better to have them dance instead of him putting it on her leg. That's just how I feel! Anyways, thanks again!