Time Travel

Mt. Justice

June 15, 4:35

Recognized Robin B 01, Artemis B 07

"Hey guys." Both Robin and Artemis said as they walked in together.

"You guys just come from school?" M'gann asked them.

"Yeah." Robin answered. "Is Batman here yet?"

"No, but he should be soon. So you guys should change." M'gann said.

"Don't have to tell me twice." Artemis commented. Artemis walked to her room and once she was in front her door, someone banged into her. "Watch where you're running, Fleet feet."

"Why don't you watch where you're walking, Arty."

"Don't call me that!" Wally smirked and got off from on top of Artemis.

"Aren't you going to help me up?" Artemis lifted her hand up.

"Fine." Wally helped her up. When she was up they quickly let go of each others hand. Wally tried to distract himself from the softness of her hand."Are you too lazy to get up on your own?"

"You're suppose to be a gentlemen."

"Whatever." Then Wally smirked again and leaned in close to her. "By the way, you should really wear longer skirts at your school." He whispered in her ear. "Nice undies, Arty." He ran down the hall leaving Artemis blushing heavily.

"Shut it, Kid Month!" She yelled down the hall and got his laughter in return. Artemis walked in her room and banged her head against the wall. "Why? Why did he have to see my Kid Flash underwear."

After everyone was dressed they went to the debriefing room where Batman was waiting.

"There has been some very suspious activity happening at Cadmus." Batman said. "I want you to go and observe only."

"All of us? Isn't that a bit risky?" Robin asked.

"Yes. But we need all the surveillance we can get. You will leave later on tonight and report back to me when you're done."

"I thought Cadmus had cleaned up after Desmond left." Superboy said.

"I don't know if Guardian is aware. But I still want you to investagate and remember only attack if necessary. Dismissed." Batman ordered.

A few hours later everyone got to the bio-ship and headed to Cadmus.



"Go." Aqualad said. Artemis and Robin dropped down from the bio-ship and scoped out the scene.

"It's clear." Everyone else dropped down as M'gann comofaughed the bio-ship. "Miss M, link us up."

'On it. Is everyone online?' She asked. Everyone replied back.

'Everyone to their positions.' Aqualad ordered.

With Artemis and Kid Flash

'Last time we came here we got in through the elevator shaft.' KF told her, as he pulled the elevator doors apart. Artemis shot an arrow to the ceiling and jumped down the shaft.

'Remember we have to get to at least level 26.' KF said as he jumped down the rope.

The rope stopped at level 42. 'I'm at the end of my rope' Artemis jumped to the other side and sat against the door when KF caught up to her and leaned against the wall.

'You got the flashdrive?' He asked and Artemis held it up.

'Yep' She typed in a code and the doors to level 42 opened. They stood and walked in the door.

'Ugh. What's up with the walls? It's freaking disgusting.' Artemis shuddered, leaning toward KF and he chuckled.

'Ha. Welcome to Cadmus.' They smirked at each other and ran down the hall.

With Robin and Zatanna

'Sneaking in through the vents? Classic Robin.'

'What can I say it's my thing.' Robin said while he opened a vent and they crawled inside. After a while they came across a database and Robin plugged a his USB into it.

'Okay, I've hacked the motion and heat detectors. That should gives us and you guys cover.' Robin explained to the team.

'Thanks Rob.'

'There's a panel that leads straight to level 42' He disconnects his USB and they keep moving. 'There, on your left.' Zatanna removed the cover and they jumped in it.

"Etativel su ot a efas gnidnal" (Levitate us to a safe landing). They landed and looked around.

'Eww! It looks like we're in a giant nose.' Robin did his famous laugh as they ran to find an elevator.

With Rocket and Kaldur

"So we're just gonna wait in the Bio-ship?" Rocket said as she put her head on her hand.

"Yes, well until we find an opening for us to go into and meet with the others."

"Why don't we go through that door over there." Rocket pointed toward a door on the roof. "And go stealthy from there." They got to the door walked quietly through the building.

'So what do they do here? You know besides cloning people.' Rocket asked.

'They create G-nomes. Genetic Creatures.'

'And what do they use them for?'

'I am not entirely sure, but for now they do chores and keep the place clean'

'Okay. That's weird.'

'Very true. Look on your right, a vent.' She takes the cover off and looks down.

'It goes down.'

'Then let us see where it goes.'Kaldur said as they jumped in the vent.

With Superboy and Miss Martian

'How long do we have to wait down here?' Superboy complained. They were already deep inside the building, thanks to M'gann's density shifting. Now they were just waiting for anyone of the others to give them the signal to head to the room where Superboy was held.

'Until they give us the signal.' Superboy gave her a nervous look. 'I know this place makes you nervous, I'm sorry. But the sooner we get in there, the sooner we get to leave.' He smiled and gave her a peck on the cheek.

'Thank you.'

With Kid Flash and Artemis

'So which way do we go?'

'I don't know. Rob, which way do we go?' KF asked.

'Uhh, right. We went right.' Robin answered.

As Kid Flash was about to speed toward the room, Artemis pulled him back down.

'Are you crazy? Did you not see a bunch of guards coming towards us?'


'Just sit still.' Kid Flash wrapped his arms aroung her and pulled her close. They were hiding in a pile of broken machines that formed a wall to protect them. While there was nothing to cover them from above, the guards that rushed toward them were to busy running to the room to bother looking and went past them completely unaware.

'They're gone, let's-' Artemis stopped and realized how close they were. Their lips were centimeters from brushing and they locked eyes. They're faces were about as red as KF's hair.

'Guys, we're about to land.' Robin and Zatanna jumped out of a vent. Artemis and Kid Flash ripped away from each other, blushing. 'MM, SB come now, the passages are clear. We'll meet up in Superboy's old room.' Superboy growled. 'Uhh, sorry.'

With Aqualad and Rocket

'Robin, where are we?' Rocket asked and Robin looked at his wrist computer.

'You're right above us. and right below MM and SB.'

'Miss M, hurry up. I think I might puke from looking at these walls.'

'Grab my hand.' Miss Martian said. 'I'm going to phase us through.' M'gann then phased her and Superboy through the floor. She then phased Aqualad and Rocket through the floor too.

'Good, you're here. All the guards have been protecting that room.' Robin explained.

'Something is definately going on in there.' Kid Flash concluded. Artemis rolled her eyes.

'No duh, Baywatch. What was your first clue?'

'Hey, at least I wasn't using the guards rushing past us as an excuse to cuddle up with me.' KF fought back.

'You were blowing our cover. Besides you're the one who wouldn't let go of me.' Artemis glared at him

'Guys! As much as I'd love to hear about what happened and trust me I do. We need to get in there.'

'Let's go.' Artemis and Robin moved closer to the door, still hiding. They climbed up a wall and went towards the door. Artemis shoots an arrow at the floor and smoke comes out of it. They jump down and attack the guards, knocking them out cold. The smoke clears.

'Nice moves.' Zatanna said.

'Thanks. Artemis can I have that flash drive back?' Artemis hands the flash drive back to Robin and he connects it to the door panel. He types in a code and the door unlocks.

"Get inside more guards are coming." They all run inside while Robin locks the door. "That should keep them out."

"Wow. Is this what they kept you in, Conner?"


"I'm sorry. I didn't mean anything-"

"It's fine, M'gann."

"What is this?" Aqualad said as he walked over to the left side of the room. Superboy pulled open the door.

"This must be the machine they're working on."

"It is and you shouldn't be here! Get them!"

"Etaerc dleihs dnuora su" (Create a shield around us.) "This should keep us safe for a while." Zatanna said.

"Artemis, do you see that target?" Kid Flash said.


"Shoot it with an electric arrow. It should shut it down and create enough smoke for us to get out of here." Artemis did as KF instructed and it did exactly what he said it would do. But some back draft of the electricity took down their shield. Everyone stopped what they were doing and watched as the machine began to explode. Everyone but the team started to run out. The team were knocked down by the guards trying to get out.

"Hurry up! Get out! It's about to blow!"

The machine exploded and everything went black.