Pairings and their children:

RobStar- Nightstar

BBRae-Crow, Astral, and Mage

Cyborgxsarah- Android

Beexherald- Cornet and Wasp

Flinx-Hex and Impulse (Thanks for the help with her name!)

Jerikole- Basilisk and Krystal

HotspotxArgent- Blaze

CheshirexSpeedy- Red Hood (Thanks for the help on this one too)

Redtha- (I don't even know what to call her)

AqualadxAquagirl- Aquagirl (the original one died unfortunately)

RavagerxRed Devil- Kid Devil (takes up his fathers old name)

MelvinXMas (just cause I can)- Daydream

The other Titans will probably have children too, but they married too normal people that I'll probably never name...

I know that I added some people from the original comics but I thought that it might be cool to add them. If anyone has any suggestions about other new heroes or names for those few that I had trouble with just tell me. I promise to be open-minded. :)

It was early in the morning, about 5:00, in Jump City. The air had that sweet, crisp feel of autumn to it and the birds were just starting to sing. A gentle sea breeze floated through an open window in the Titans tower, pushing the curtains aside to let the light of early morning fill the room for a few moments.

However, that short amount of sunlight was enough to awake the inhabitant of this particular room. Her tired eyes were fortunately protected from the sunlight by the curtains as she slowly yawned and stretched her muscles. Shadowed, she flew across the room to the closet that held her uniform and blindly put it on. She then drifted to the vanity across the room that held her brush, make-up, and other various teenage girl necessities. After struggling with the tangles in her hair for a few minutes, she flew out of the room and headed for the main room to get herself an energizing (yet sugary) breakfast.

As the door opened and she finally stepped into the light, you could tell that she and her four teammates were definitely NOT the Teen Titans.

Teen Titans Theme song

When there's trouble you know who to call,

Teen Titans!

(This part remains the same as the original song except that Nightstar is the one shown instead of Robin)

From their tower they can see it all,

Teen Titans!

(The only difference between the original and this one is that the tower looks slightly more technologically advanced)

When there's evil on the attack,

You can rest knowing they got your back.

(Instead of Raven appearing out of the shadows it shows Astral projecting her soul and her face instead of Raven's)

'Cause when the world needs heroes on patrol Teen Titans, Go!

(Instead of Beast Boy turning into a pterodactyl it shows Crow growing wings)

With their superpowers they unite,

Teen Titans!

(Instead of Starfire it shows Mage, her black energy that resembles Raven's replace Starfire's star bolt)

Never met a villain that they liked,

Teen Titans!

(Cyborg is replaced by Android)

They got the bad guys on the run,

They never stop till the job gets done,

(Robin is replaced by Nightstar)

'Cause when the world needs heroes on patrol,

Teen Titans, Go!

(Remains the same)

One, Two, Three, Four, Go! Teen Titans!

(The Titans are simply replaced by their children)

Nightstar's POV

Yeah, that's right. We're not the Teen Titans. At least not the ones you're familiar with. We're their children, almost twenty years in the future and as Crow would say, "we may be half and half of our parents, but we're twice as awesome". Yeah, I know. He needs to work on his catchphrase.

Most of you are probably freaking out because I'm breaking the fourth wall. Well, unfortunately for you guys, I'm going to do that. A lot. So you might as well get used to it, because I put a door in the fourth wall so now I can walk through it whenever I want. So HA.

However, I'm getting ahead of myself. I need to start over from the beginning, well, not the VERY beginning, but close to it, cause if I don't most of you will probably be confused. So, here is how the Second Generation of the Teen Titans started. And yes, this story will be awesome.

I know that you guys are probably mad at me for starting a new story when I have at least three still uncompleted but I had this on my mind for awhile and I just decided to post what I had so far. Please don't be to angry.
