1931-1945 by LoveToRead15
Disclaimer: I don't own the Percy Jackson series.
Warnings: Character death, mention of drugs, probable language.
Summary: In the Percy Jackson series its been said that WW2 was fought between Hades children against Poseidon and Zeus, it has also stated that rebirth was possible . . . so what if before Percy was a son of Poseidon, his previous life was as a son of Hades during WW2.
Chapter One: My father is the god of the Underworld . . . Hurray!
Manhattan, 1939.
My name is Damien Perseus King.
But you can call me Damien, mention my middle name, and I'll bury you six feet underground.
So for your sakes just call me Damien.
I'm eight years old.
Yeah, shocker!
But don't think I can't kick your butt to the next town over.
Anyway, so my current residence lies somewhere in Manhattan, I just don't trust anyone enough to tell them where I'm going to be sleeping that week.
Look, I know what you're thinking.
I'm not homeless.
I've got a nice home, with a loving mother waiting for me, somewhere in California.
So you ask, what am I doing in Manhattan?
Oh, I'm taking a vacation and ended up here.
See, I had been spending quality time with my dearest loving mother, when we got interrupted by what I believed was a cyclops. Since I don't do drugs and I didn't have a fever . . . Whatever I was seeing was the real deal.
Strangely enough, my mother wasn't seeing what I was . . . but then again, I could raise dead, it wasn't impossible for me to be seeing something
This . . . cyclops chased me out of California, but that's the good part, I've had a dealing with some very interesting people from the other side of the law, and needed to get away for a bit.
How was I suppose to now that the painting was worth 45 million dollars? In his humble opinion, the museum and the cops were making a huge deal over something that he was pretty sure was a forgery, but I wasn't an expert.
All I had to say on the matter was that shadow travel had its uses.
Back to being chased out of California, the cyclops had been menace, nothing he did stopped that thing. By the time he took notice of where he was exactly, he found himself in Manhattan. He scouted the area and found it such a sorry state that he couldn't bare to look at the poor mothers coming and going to work, as well as the children hanging out in the corners of the street. He knew he was luck that he was only eight years old otherwise he'd have been drafted and probably killed.
Later, he'd laugh at the irony.
He signed himself into a hotel room, money tended to make thing easier, and he'd had plenty of it. He stayed for a few weeks but the staff was getting nosy, it was time to leave and he knew it. He stayed in one of his mother's home but made his rounds around the neighborhood. There was nothing unusual, but his definition of unusual was quite different from everyone else's.
It was tuesday when he changed locations again, he came across some suspicious characters that looked like they stepped out of the a war zone -which they had- normally he'd have ignored them but what made him stop was how they looked so much alike, he knew that thousands of people shared the feature and that it didn't necessarily mean they were related, but he felt a kinship with them that couldn't be ignored. Well he could but he wasn't that much of a bastard.
So, he followed them a few block and when they came across cyclops- the city was crawling with them- he did not help them until two had fainted from their injuries and the other was being strangled to death, he flipped himself from the rooftop where he'd bore witness to the beat-down the poor kids had been subjected to, he wasn't a fan of helping people and firmly believed in ' the survival of the fittest' , but he'd made an exception for them, solely on the fact that they could see the cyclops too.
It wasn't easy, getting rid of the monster that had more brute strength than brains but he simply summoned a hell hound - did that make a satanist?- and the problem was handled by itself.
The problem that made itself known to him after the third member of the party passed out, how the hell was an eight year old supposed to move three teenagers?
He did what came naturally to him . . . he 'borrowed' a car.
He was a child of many talents.
Once they were inside the vehicle he drove himself and them to the nearest run down hotel, he dropped them off their and left to dump the car somewhere. He stooped by a convenience store and brought items that would help treat the injuries the teens had sustained, then went back. One of the teens took a good hour until he woke up, the paranoid bastard almost skewered me! Talk about ungrateful.
"Who the hell are you!?" the kid wearing a torn up dress shirt and some grey trousers, his hair was oily and dark, he was tanned, was a tall kid, and had bruises all over him.
"Thats my question kid." was all I said.
"Kid!" screamed the boy in outrage. "Look at the mirror. Kid."
"You now when I saved your sorry ass, I was clearly high on something. I'd throw you out but I'm feeling quite generous at the moment so I suggest you shut up and answer my questions first, cause I ain't about to answer yours." I said dryly, idly fiddling with my watch.
"Think again, kid." the dark haired boy snarled at me, pressing what I assume was a sword between my shoulder blades.
I hated getting violent, but clearly the teen wasn't going to listen to what i'd had to say, and that pissed me off. I shadow traveled behind him before he could even blink, swiped my feet under the kids, and the kid went crashing down hard.
"Look, I suggest you think about your options for a while longer cause you got two injured friends, you have no money, probably haven't eaten in a long time, and are being chased by monster . . . Id hate to be you." I said with a condescending smirk.
"How'd you do that?" the kid screamed.
"Wouldn't you like to know. Kid." was my automatic reply.
"My name is William Davenport. Not kid. What are you? Like eight. Anyway I saw you, the thing you did with the shadow . . . Are you a Hades Kid?" he asked eagerly.
"Hades?" I asked sceptically.
"Lord of the Underworld-"
"I know who he is suppose to be . . . Listen, Will I th-"
"-my names William!" was the cry of outrage I received from the teen which I ignored.
"-ink you hit your head pretty hard or maybe its the deprivation of air to your brain? So, I'm going to make myself quite clear, there's no such thing or person as Hades." I said carefully, looking at the clearly unstable boy sitting across from me.
"So, you don't believe in Hades but being able to shadow travel is fine?" the kid- William said in disbelief.
"How'd you know it was called shadow travel?" I asked alarmed.
"The real question is how did you know." William countered.
"Instinct. Alright lets cut the crap, I want to know who you are and why you're able to see the monsters as well, if the information you deliver satisfy me, I'll tell you what you want to know." I said unamused.
"Okay, So Hades-"
"Are you messing with me?" I asked angrily.
"Sit down asshole, So what do you know about greek mythology?"
" . . . "
"Look, Im trying here so help me out . . . Whats your name?" he asked sheepishly.
"Damien, hmm. Alright, I'll bite. What do I know about mythology? Mmm. Well I know that there like related to each other and they have this weird custom of overthrowing each other, every time another generation is born. The last rulers were the Olympians? Yeah, thats it! They were eaten by their father, Kronos, but their mother had Zeus hidden before he suffered the same fate. Years later Zeus came back and liberated his siblings from their fathers stomach -that must have been disgusting- and proceed to go war with the titans, which the gods won. Then he divided the sky, sea, and the Underworld with his brothers. He married Hera? But had like a bunch of affairs and almost all of his offsprings are serving him. Hades isn't suppose to be welcomed at Olympus . . ." I said, rattling off whatever information I remembered from the books my mother used to read to me when I was five.
"Wow, youre clearly well informed. Anyway, so your father is clearly Hades." William drooped that particular bombshell, real smoothly.
My eyes widen."You're mental."
"It's true, that why can shadow travel, have you ever raised dead?"
"I figured I was special . . . " I frowned at this news, I hadn't told him anything about my abilities and unless he was stalking me in order to knife me at my back, then it wasn't possible for the kid to know what I was capable of. The fact he had practically confirmed there were others like me, did not sit well with me
"Look, if you're a kid of Hades then you're in real deep shit. The guy has war going on at all sides, no allies in sight, any child of his is being hunted down, Literally. Being his son isn't something to advertise these days, you're most likely to get killed."
" . . . and you're here, talking to me because?"I asked suspiciously.
"You see the kid who looks like he's five?" said William seriously.
"Yeah." I said, not sure were this was going.
"He's also a child of Hades. We were at camp when he was claimed, the others tried to kill him on the spot, he's only five years old. It was sick! How they were so willing to strike him down for something he couldn't control." the revolution on Williams face couldn't be faked, I'd seen mothers of soldiers wear the same expression when they talked about the war.
Looks like I had a brother . . . I'm unsure of how to feel about that. But I could figure that out later, for now:
"Human nature has never been kind, William." I said.
"Yeah, I got that when I saw seven of my friends slaughtered for trying to keep the boy alive, they knew it was wrong. At least thats what I tell myself. If it wasn't for them giving up their lives, the kid wouldn't be here."
"So, you honored your friends memory by keeping the kid alive." I finished for him
"Who's your father?" I asked.
"Walter Davenport, my mother on the other hand is Aphrodite."
"Sorry, I figures it was your father."
"Dont worry about it. Not like it matters much." William said bitterly.
"She won't answer my prayers, I'm thinking that in her eyes I'm as good as dead for siding with the enemy." William laughed humorlessly.
"Tough luck, Well I shouldn't be talking. According to you I'm also as good as dead."
"What am I gonna do man?" he asked me. I was eight.
"I payed in cash for the room, it will only last for two days, why don't you rest and then get going to wherever it is you're going."
That's when we both heard groaning coming from the corner of the bed, we both turned around to look at who had woken up from their injured state, two bleary dark eyes blinked at us, seemed that the five year old had deign fit to join the world of the living, no pun intended.
"Alex!" exclaimed william.
"William? Whats going on?" said the kid- Alex- in a trembling voice that was seconds away from crying.
Authors Note:
Bet you didn't expect him to be a son of Aphrodite, did you?Anyway, sorry for grammar and spelling mistakes.
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