Firstly this story is dedicated to tomfeltonlover1991 who requested it.

This is completely A/U, Maya and Luke will be a little ooc.

I own nothing but the idea.

Ch. 1 It Was Only A Kiss


I looked out the window at the passing scenery it was better than trying to have a conversation with Luke Baker. The Ice Hounds had only been at DeGrassi for about a month and while I had no classes with Luke I knew he was rude, in grade 11 and a close minded Christian bigot. His Sister Becky, while also in grade 11 and Christian and a close minded bigot is at least nice and very perky and we shared a love of music. Luke and I on the other hand have nothing in common, so why am I in a car alone with him you might be wondering?

It all started last week when Mr. Perino announced that all of his history classes would be taking a field trip to Port Brittan but students would have to carpool together there and back since it was an all day trip and there were too many students going to take a bus. There was a mountain of paperwork for parents to fill out and you had to have a certain grade average in the class to be able to go still over 50 students ended up going. Yesterday Mr. Perino asked who still needed a ride and I was the only one in my class that did, later that day a very happy Becky Baker told me I was riding up with her and Luke. Katie was riding with Marisol, Mo and Jake in Marisol's car and they didn't want me tagging along or I wouldn't have had to ride with Luke and Becky.

So on the two and a half hour drive to Port Brittan I mostly sat silently in the back seat while Becky very happily talked nonstop. We did talk a little about music but Luke didn't say much of anything. We spent three hours in Port Britton and I wished my friends were here. Zig and Tori didn't have good enough grades to come and Tristan's mom wouldn't let him. I was hoping Cam would come because I have a crush on him but he didn't have the grades either. The only people I knew sort of well were the other members of whisper hug and I spent most of the three hours hanging near Adam or Mo. When it came time to leave Becky told us she was riding back with Jenna, Alli and Dave. Something about Jenna needing a buffer with the couple I think.

So here I was alone in a car with Luke Baker making a two and half hour drive back home, staring out the window at the passing scenery. I was bored out of my mind, spacing out and composing music in my head so I didn't even notice the gathering storm clouds until a lightning strike came down just a short distance from the road. I gasped and jumped in my seat a little, Luke laughed until the skies opened up in a torrential downpour.

"Can you even see? Be careful." I snapped at Luke when he didn't slow down and I was having trouble seeing out the window.

"Relax I'm not going to crash, I'll get you home safe and sound." He says in a convincing and almost consoling voice.

"I don't see any other cars on the road, I don't see anyone else. I can barely see anything out the window, maybe we should pull off until the storm passes." I insist starting to feel less confident in the way Luke is driving.

Luke slows down and turns on the radio, first thing we hear is the storm is already starting to flood the roads and one of the bridges we need to get home is closed.

"Okay I'll pull off as soon as I see somewhere." Luke sighs heavily and sounds like the idea of spending any extra time with me is the worst possible thing he can think of.

"Hey I'm not too thrilled about spending more time with you either buddy." I gripe in my head but refrain from saying it out loud and making our time together any more unpleasant.

The rain gets harder and begins to turn to hail; the thunder and lightning seem awfully close to me and won't let up. Just as it's getting near impossible to drive or see there's a sign for a roadside motel. I'm glad we have somewhere to stop but the motel looks seedy and reminiscent of one too many horror movies. The motel is only a mile ahead and we pull in, there's lots of other cars in the parking lot and I think I recognize a few as other students cars but with the rain or hail and all that it's really hard to tell. Luke pulls up to the office, we get out of the car and go in. There's a man behind the desk very tall and skinny with shaggy hair and a beard, actually he does kind of look like Shaggy from Scooby Doo.

"Any word on when the storm might let up? We're trying to get back to Toronto." Luke tells him.

"It's going to be a few hours according to the latest reports but the roads are washed out, you probably won't be able to get home till morning." The guy behind the desk tells us.

"Can we get a couple of rooms then?" Luke requests.

"Sorry only one room left, everybody else needs somewhere to stay the night, we got real full as soon as the storm started." Shaggy desk clerk says.

"We'll take it," Luke reponds.

Luke puts out a credit card and pays for the room and Shaggy hands us two room keys. Before we go back to the car Luke gets some snacks, soda and water from the vending machines in the lobby, probably the only thing we'll have for dinner. We go back to the car and Luke drives around to the back where our room is. The room is small and there's only one bed, I'm starting to think that sleeping in the car might be better.

"There's only one bed," I remark uncomfortably.

"Relax niner we'll sleep back to back, it's one night. You might want to try and call your parents to let them know your okay. I'm going to call my dad and see if I can get a hold of Becky to be sure she's okay." Luke tells me and then goes into the washroom to make his phone calls.

I put my purse down and take off my wet jacket, pulling my phone from my purse I call home.

"Maya are you okay? The news said the road is washed out!" Mom says in a worried voice, it's hard to hear her; the storm is causing a lot of interference.

"I'm okay Mom; we're staying in a motel I'll be home tomorrow." I tell her.

"We? Who's…" Mom starts to ask and the line goes dead.

I pull the phone from my ear and see that I have no signal now, the storm probably knocked out a phone line or two. Luke comes out of the washroom looking at his phone and then places it on the nightstand.

"Phone went dead while I was talking to my dad, storm probably knocked out a phone line." Luke says taking off his wet Ice Hounds jacket.

"Yeah happened to me too," I nod.

The skies were already pretty dark with all the clouds but since it's winter and the sun sets at five it's rapidly growing darker. I grab a bag of crackers and a soda, sitting on the bed to eat as it's kind of the only place, jumping a bit when there's a loud clap of the thunder. Luke grabs snacks and a soda too sitting on the bed next to me and turning on the TV which does still work. He puts on the news all of which is about the storm. I finish eating then get up to use the washroom, when I get out there's a very close lightening strike followed instantly by thunder so loud and close it shakes the walls and then the power goes out and I scream. The room is entirely dark and it's really scary with the storm and everything, it's starting to feel more and more like a horror movie.

"Luke?" I call nervously, feeling like a stupid scared little girl but at the moment I am so I don't really care.

A hand comes to my arm, I shriek and jump again, another hand comes to my other arm and I feel his breath in my hair and my own breath seizes in my throat.

"Maya it's me relax, it's just the two of us in here. The storm knocked out the power that's all." Luke says in a comforting voice.

I let out a breath and turn around clinging to him, I don't mean to be, I don't want to be and I still feel stupid, the fear is overtaking everything else so I don't care.

"Why don't we try and sleep, the storm should clear up in a few hours." Luke says.

"I don't think I can," I shake my head.

"There isn't anything else to do, come on lets get in the bed our phones have no signal but we can probably still play games. You'll be okay I promise, nothing's going to happen it's just a storm." Luke says letting go of me just a little to pull me to the bed.

"Maybe but it feels like a horror movie." I gripe.

I get my phone again and he gets his, I take off my shoes and get in the bed. I won't be very comfortable sleeping in my bra and jeans but I'd be even less comfortable sleeping next to Luke in a t-shirt and panties. Luke takes off his shoes and his jeans and get's in the bed. We sit next to each other but still several inches apart and on the edges of the bed. The light from our phones is somewhat comforting but the storm is still very close and every time I hear thunder I jump.


I was playing on my phone and trying to get tired but it wasn't working, mostly because Maya kept jumping and gasping every time there was thunder. She kind of reminded me of this cat Becky and I had in Florida when we were little, it got really skittish and hated storms. Actually come to think of it Maya was sort of feline like, nimble and petite with cat like eyes that you could actually see when she took off her glasses. She was young and not developed yet and so not my type but she was cute and kind of pretty. I was just starting to get tired when a particularly close lightening strike made her shriek and start rambling.

"I'm never going to get to sleep. The storm is never going to pass. The room is going to get hit by lightning or some psychotic…"

There's probably more to her rambling but I've had enough, I need her to shut up and calm down so I do the only thing I can think of and kiss her. She stops rambling and her breathing hitches, for a few minutes she doesn't do anything just sits there frozen and then she starts kissing me back. Her hand goes to the back of my neck and she relaxes into the kiss. I can tell she's new at this, she's timid and kissing softly but I can also tell she's enjoying it. I will never admit this to anyone but I'm really enjoying kissing her, her lips are soft and gentle and she's sort of letting me be in complete control, letting me teach her. We keep kissing and the more I do it the more she relaxes, it's a long time before I pull away from her and only because I have to breathe. When we do pull apart I realize the storm is starting to let up.

"Get some sleep we'll be able to drive home in the morning." I command her.

She smiles shyly and nods, then yawns as if she got tired because I told her too. She turns on her side with her back to me, putting her phone on the bed side table. I put my phone down too and lay on my back, Maya's nearly asleep when there's a last clap of thunder and she jumps again. She turns over holding on to my shirt and I put my arm around her falling asleep that way. After hearing a few cars start up and a few doors close I wake up and look at the clock on the nightstand, it's just after 8am. Maya wakes up too, sitting up and stretching with a yawn, she looks out the window to see the sun and smiles. Then she looks at me and her eyes go wide, she jumps out the bed and turns away shyly. I get up, get dressed and go into the washroom when I come out she's ready to go so I grab my phone and jacket.


"I can't believe I made out with Luke Baker last night! What was I doing? What was I thinking?" I lecture myself when Luke is in the washroom.

I put on my shoes, jacket, put my phone back in my purse and run my fingers through my hair. We leave the room as the room next to us opens and I recognize the voices before we even see them come out, it's the misfits.

"You both snore," Clare complains, "I didn't get any sleep."

"Sorry Blue Eyes you can stretch out in the backseat and sleep all the way home." Eli tells her.

"Did the three of you sleep in one room in one bed?" Luke questions in an accusing tone, just blurting it out and all I can think is that was rude!

The misfits look over at us, taking notice of us for the first time. They all smile at me and glare at Luke, not that I can blame them.

"Clare slept in the middle we slept with clothes on," Adam tells us.

"Maya did you ride with Luke?" Clare asks.

"Not exactly by choice," I reply.

"I was able to talk to Jake briefly last night; they all slept at the cabin." Clare says.

"I still can't believe they all made it to the cabin." Eli comments.

"You want to ride back with us Maya?" Adam offers.

I open my mouth to say yes but Luke speaks up before I can.

"I'll take her home, come on niner we need to check out," Luke says taking my arm and gently pulling me with him.

"We need to check out too," Eli says.

"Yeah I got it, mom's emergency credit card and this constitutes an emergency." Adam says pulling out his wallet.

The five of us start walking to the office and Clare's fiddling with her phone.

"Hey I got a bar, not sure I can make a call but I can get out a text." Clare informs us; she types something and then puts her phone away. "I sent a text to Jake, my mom, Drew and Bullfrog to let them know we were okay. I told them you were with us Maya so Jake will tell Katie." Clare tells us.

"Thanks Clare," I smile.

The five of us check out, Adam putting their room on his mom's credit card and Luke signs the receipt for our room. Eli asks again if I want to ride home with them and again Luke says he'll take me home. We wave to the misfits as they get in their car, they pull out first and we start driving home behind them.

"You know that no one can ever know what happened last night, the guys on the team would mock me forever for making out with chicken cutlet. And my parents would think it was a sin, I'd be asking for forgiveness for the rest of my life!" Luke says in a lecturing and almost angry voice.

"Great I'm a sin and it's not like I didn't feel weird enough about what happened last night. I dreamed about it even but I was just scared, it didn't mean anything, it wasn't even good. Yeah I'll just keep telling myself that."

"You think I want anyone to know my first kiss was with you?! Katie would flip and my parents would kill us! There's nothing to tell because nothing happened last night, we slept in two rooms. The misfits won't say anything; we'll just tell everyone we had our own rooms. There's no way I'm telling anyone I slept in a bed and kissed the most narrow minded and biggest jerk on the hockey team!" I snap back.

It's not like I was exactly comfortable with what happened last night but now I feel bad, about myself and the making out.

"That was your first kiss?" Luke questions and I know he looks over at me but I keep looking out the window.

"Of course it was my first kiss, I'm fourteen!" I shoot back.

"Yeah I know how old you are, that's my point so we just keep our mouths shut and never say anything. We'll go on with our lives like nothing ever happened." Luke nods.

"Right just keep on ignoring each other as usual." I agree.

The rest of the drive is silent; Adam turns around and waves at us when their path diverges from ours. I give Luke my address and he drops me off in front of my house without even another word said between us. I unlock my front door without even looking back at his car as he pulls away.

"Mom, Dad I'm home safe and sound." I call as I close the door behind me.

"Maya thank goodness, we were so worried when the storm hit. Katie called she'll be here in a few minutes. Where'd you spend the night and with who?" Mom asks quickly as Dad hugs me tightly.

"We pulled off at a roadside motel it was the only place we could. I slept in my own room though don't worry. I would really like a shower now though and I'm sure Katie's going to want one when she gets home so I better grab one while I can." I tell my parents kissing my mom's cheek before I go back to the washroom.

I drop my purse in my bedroom, then going into the washroom I share with Katie, turning on the water and undressing. The warm water feels incredibly soothing running over me, I wish it would wash away last night all together but it doesn't and all I can do, the only thing my mind wants to think about is Luke. I try desperately to think about something else, anything else but that jerk but I can't! I can't even tell anyone that I had my first kiss because if anyone knew it was with Luke they would freak!

"Maya hurry up I want to shower too!" Katie calls banging on the washroom door and breaking me out of my Luke trance.

"Be out in a minute," I call back.

Turning off the water I step out and dry off then get dressed and go to my room leaving the washroom for Katie to shower. Luke doesn't leave my mind for the rest of the weekend but I learn to push him to the back of my mind so no one can tell. By Monday morning I'm feeling confident that I can get through the day until I see Luke and remember the kiss like it just happened. I catch a breath in my throat and stop walking making Katie bump into me.

"Maya what is wrong with you?" Katie says in an annoyed voice.

"Sorry Katie," I apologize.

She gives me a look and walks past me; I look up but don't see Luke anymore so I walk quickly to my locker.

"Stop thinking about him Maya! It was only a kiss and he's just a guy. He's not even a guy he's a pig and you don't want to get involved with him! You can't get involved with him, he's a jerk and a bigot and too old for you so just forget him and get over it!" I scold myself.

"Maya how was the field trip? You guys got stranded I heard, was it awful?" Tristan asks coming up to me and forcing me back to the moment.

"The field trip was okay I guess the ride there and back was pretty awful. Being trapped in the rain was scary that's all." I tell him trying to smile and just can't seem to.

"Well at least you got back safe, I could not have ridden up with Luke and Becky bible thumping Baker I'm so glad my mom said I couldn't go." Tristan tells me as we begin walking to French class.

"Yeah it was pretty bad," I nod but all I can think about is kissing Luke.

I wonder if this is how all first kisses are? Does everyone get obsessed with their first kiss? I make it through French and music and get to morning break. Tori wants me to come eat with her, Tris and Zig in the memorial garden but I tell her I have to meet with Katie. I really don't but I want to be alone I need to try and get this kiss and Luke out of my mind, something easier said than done. Suddenly someone is behind me and pushing me into an empty classroom, I look behind me to see that it's Luke. Before I can ask what he's doing he locks the class room door and pulls me behind a bookshelf where no one can see us and mashes his lips on mine. This time I'm not shocked at all and I return the kiss as soon as I feel his lips. My arms go around his neck on instinct and my lips part without me realizing it, his tongue sliding into my mouth. The kiss feels like an eternity and everything else fades away.

"We can't do this, I can't be with you!" Luke exclaims pulling away from the kiss suddenly.

"You're the one that pulled me in here to make out again so don't lecture me!" I point out angrily with my hand on my hip.

"Yeah I know, we're all wrong for each other you're a geek and a grade nine! The guys would never stop mocking me and my parents would never approve!" Luke spouts sounding like he just committed an atrocious sin.

"My parents would never approve either and my sister would kill you, literally she's a black belt! You're super religious and an incredible jerk with a narrow minded pig headed view of the world! We have nothing in common, you don't along with my friends and you're one of the rudest people I've ever met!" I snap back at him.

He looks at me with a mix of emotions in his eyes and face, the most clear one being anger and he looks like he's going to yell again but instead he puts his hand behind my head and brings our lips together again.

Update soon with more Luke POV.