I know you did it because you love me. I love you too. I probably always will. Because you saved me from myself. But I can't love you. You know why. You saved me but in doing so you killed a part of me. I know I would have dfied that night, but do you really think that this is living? My memories were my reason for living. For going on. You're making me forget them. You're taking away my only reason to live. I know you coud live without your memories as your motivation. I'm just not that strong. You were always stonger than me. I could never blame you for being there. If I had been stonger I could have gotten through it. I hate myself for doing this, but I was dying anyway. i didn't tell you because I didn't want to worry you, after all you've done. I was sick. I don't have enough will to survive anymore. The war is over. I'm not needed anymore. I love you for loving me. But I can't continue without a reason. I know that I'm a failure. And I know that I'm weak for doing this.

Goodbye Forever, Duo, Shinigami.

P.S. I never believed in religion. How could I? Especially after seeing that church burn to the ground. So I don't expect to see you again. Not in heaven. Not in hell.

Duo placed the letter on his desk. He picked up his gun and slowly brought it to his head. He closed his eyes and pulled the triger. He fell to the floor with uncharacteristic gracefullness. His dark red blood pooled on the tan carpeting, in the dimly lit room. his head rolled gently, showing his face. Across his face a look of peaceful happiness was displayed. His true smile rested on his lips. It was something that he had always kept hidden. Kept for himself. He had had no reason to show anybody else.

The 23 year old lay on the floor, beautiful as ever. The war was over, and on the outside he had been more cheerful than ever. But it was killing him to keep up that facade. He also knew that to let it go would kill him too. He had taken the least painful way out that he could think of. And in death he had found the happiness, that he could not in life.