Hey, guys! =]

First of all, I wanted to thank everybody who reviewed on this story. I love reading your reviews and they mean a lot to me. Thank you!

Also, Cianna, I really hope you liked this story. Remember how it all started? The #Rianna feels we gave each other online? : )

And here is the reason why I'm writing this: Certain people asked me if I could write more to this story. I didn't really feel like writing a whole sequel, so I figured an epilogue would be perfect. I hope you like it.


~ {Cianna's P.O.V.} ~

It was June 25th and I had a good reason to be excited. Why? Because I was meeting Ross today.

The whole morning I'd spend doing my hair, finding an outfit and such. When I say 'finding an outfit' most girls picture a gorgeous dress, high-heels…well, no. By outfit, I meant a pair of denim shorts, a yellow tank top with a blue-and-pink plaid shirt over it and a pair of yellow converse.

After all, there was no need to be dressy. Ross and I were only going horse-back riding. We figured that'd be a pretty great idea, considering the both of us love horses.

There was a stable pretty close to my house. When I was little, my grandpa always used to take me there. I have a horse there, too; he's name is Caramel. People would always laugh at that, but at the time I was only a little girl. I figured that name suited him perfectly. After all, he had caramel skin.

I still go down there sometimes. I always ride Caramel to the very top of a little hill. I love it up there.

Now, Ross and I wanted to have a picnic there, too. He said I shouldn't worry; he had prepared everything.

When I was finally done with my clothes, hair and I had some natural looking make-up on; all I had to do was wait. Our date was at 5pm. It was now 2pm which left me 3 hours to just stare at the wall.


The clock stroke 5 o'clock and the doorbell rang.

I nearly fell over two times as I rushed to open the door. There stood Ross. He was dressed in ripped black jeans, a red V-neck with a red-white-and-blue plaid shirt and a black leather jacket on top. His blonde hair was swept to the side. His hazel eyes sparkled with mischief and excitement, as usual.

"Someone's on time." – I laughed as he hugged and kissed me, handing me some red roses. I smiled as their aroma tickled my nostrils. – "They're beautiful. Thanks, Ross."

He grinned back at me in return. "So, should we go? I don't want to waste the time of our first date." – He held out his arm like a true gentlemen. I blushed as I entangled mine in his. As we headed for the door, I yelled "Bye!" to my parents and the two of us were off.


"We're here." – Ross said as his car pulled off.

The stable was bigger than I remembered. It still looked the same, though. Same old blue walls, same old smelly stables…it all gave me nostalgia.

The two of us got in, and headed for the stables were the horses looked at us with their big eyes.

"I have a horse here; his name is Caramel." – I said, as Ross put his hand around me.

He laughed a bit. "Caramel? Cute name." – His comment made me poke his chest. Gosh, those abs…

"I was just a little girl, Ross." – He smiled and nodded in understanding as a worker came towards us, a huge smile on his face.

"Cianna? Is that really you? Ah, and this must be Ross Lynch, am I right? My daughter loves you." – I knew that worker. His name was John. He was a middle-aged guy, in love with horses. Ever since I was a little girl, every time I'd come to this stable, I'd always see him here.

Ross smiled. "After we're done riding, I could sign something for her if you want."

"That'd be amazing! Thank you, Mr. Lynch. But I'm guessing you didn't come here for that. You're here to ride, of course! Cianna, Caramel is back there." - He pointed to the last stable in the row. – "And for you young man, I think this one would be great. His name is Scipio."

Ross grinned. He went over to the horse and patted his nose. "I like him. Let's go, Scipi! Can I call you that?"

Great. – I thought. - My boyfriend thinks he can talk to horses.

Luckily, the horse didn't reply.


Riding beside Ross was the best feeling ever.

Well, I wasn't technically beside him, since Caramel was way faster than Scipio, but Ross and his horse still managed to catch up with us as I stopped at the hill.

"This is my favourite place. Let's have the picnic here." – I suggested as we both got off our horses.

"As you say, my lady." – Ross joked. He started taking stuff out of his picnic basket. (Did he have that when we came?) Bread, salad, sandwiches and four cans of Coke. Everything smelled delicious.

"Whoa, this looks amazing. Thank you for everything, Ross."

He leaned over and kissed me on the cheek. "My pleasure."

We sat down on the grass, eating in comfortable silence. It was nice.

I glanced over to Ross. His blonde hair was waving in the wind and his eyes roamed around the sky. It was getting darker by the second, more starts coming out.

"It's a beautiful night," – he said.

"We're looking for something to do,"- I sang in reply. I couldn't help it; I love that song.

Ross looked over to me and he smiled, as he sang back. "Hey, baby, I think marry you." – He was up on his feet now, taking me up with him. He grabbed my hand gently and we started dancing gracefully, swaying along the grass, the starts tickling above us.

"And I know this little chapel, on the boulevard. We can go-oo. No one will know-oo," – Ross sang to me as he spinned me around.

"Let's just run, girl…uh, I mean boy." – Laughing, I sang along.

We were really dancing now. Ross twirled me around as he sang. He kept smiling at me and kissing my cheek every now-and-then.

I didn't think this night could get any better. I was with Ross, the best guy on the planet, dancing with him as he sang underneath the stars. Then, the blonde boy leaned over and kissed me. Sparks flew. Fireworks erupted. I was in heaven.

When we pulled away, Ross grinned at me. Boy, do I love that smile

He sang the finishing verse of the Bruno Mars song* as he leaned down. "I think I wonna marry you…" Afterwards, he kissed me again.

In all my time being, I don't remember a night better than that one.

*- I do not own the song "Marry You" by Bruno Mars. But I think it's an amazing song.

Ta-daa! ;) Did you like it? Tell me in those awesome reviews of yours! Thank you! : 3

Sadly, this time it's the end. But, I'm happy with how this chapter turned out.

Also Cianna, I'm sorry if you hate horses, and if you hate the song by Bruno Mars. I…I was just guessing…;)

That's it for this story! Thanks for everything! I love you all!

Stay awesome and #LOUD!