Thank you to everyone who has read, commented, reviewed this story. Posting here has given me so much confidence and joy that I've started writing my own, original episodic series: HOW TO BECOME A YOUTUBE MILLIONAIRE
It's going to be FREE to download TODAY and the next couple days (7/19-7/22) it's on Amazon if you want to check it out. It's about two young women straight out of school: struggling to pay bills, to move out of mom and dads, to find their footing. Alice and Freddie meet online, fall in love, move in together, and start putting up Youtube videos (think Rose and Rosie) which become overnight sensations. And then everything changes.
Together they could have faced an adversity. But what might tear them apart is success.
Please check it out! It's FREE for the next three days: HOW TO BECOME A YOUTUBE MILLIONAIRE. And thank you, thank you, thank you again for giving me the confidence and courage to put it out into the world.