Heheheheh this is my fist fanfiction sooo please go easy on me kay. If there any mistake about the story, just tell me! Cuz I'm still a learner. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the DC character! So don't arrest me! LOL

Damian Wayne: 25
Stephanie Brown: 23
Tim Drake: 21
Jason Todd: 18
Dick Grayson: 13
Bruce Wayne: no idea~ seriously~

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"Today is the day!"
Dick woke up and ran from his room toward his foster father room. He skips, jumps, do some flip and continue running but surprised by his brother sudden figure and trip. Jason who noticed his brother falling quickly catches him in his arm.

"whoah! Where the fire bird boy? " Jason chuckled helping his brother stood up again only to receive a glare from him. Pushing his brother aside. Dick continue running toward Bruce room but looked back and scream.

"Today is the day!" Jason looked at his running brother with a question mixed worry look.

Finally reach to his destination. He open the door, ran toward Bruce bed and jump on him. Dick grinned after hearing a loud groan from his adoptive father. He flash a charming smile as Bruce open his eye to see the person that lay on top of him.

"Come on Bruce! We got to go now! Today is the day! Remember." Dick said giving Bruce his best puppy eye dog.

"What?" Bruce looked at his clock beside the bed. "What! Dick it's still early! We have at least 4 hour before it started!" Bruce frown at his youngest son making dick feel a little guilty but still doesn't give up.

"I know but…. but last time when you said something like that. We got to our school 3 hours late" Dick mumbled while giving his father the cutest pouty face ever. Feeling a little pang in his heart Bruce finally gave in.

"Okay, Fine. Go get change and wait for me down stair. We go after breakfast. Is that okay with you, Dick?" Dick face lit up as he heard his father word and give him a nod before running off to his room. Bruce let out a small sigh and smiled before getting up to his wardrobe. A couple of minute passed, Jason, Stephanie and Tim sitting at the dining table and eating their breakfast. Dick walks in the kitchen in his Robin suit attracting his sibling attention.

"ahhh.. Master Richard can I amused you with some breakfast?" Alfred asks noticing the little Robin walked in.

"Nah. That's okay. I'm in a rush anyway. Bye Alfy!" dick smiled, grabbing Jason bacon and ran. Cackled his famous cackle before leaving toward the Bat cave. Entering the Bat cave and ran toward the Bat mobile surprise to see that his mentor, Batman were already in there.

"you don't want to eat breakfast first?" robin ask with a concern look

"I thought you wanted to hurry?" Batman looked up to his son outside the car

"I don't want you be hungry" Robin lowered his head feeling a bit guilty

"There always a drive thru." (actually I doubted that batman even letting anybody eat in the car but why not right? For his cute adorable son) Robin smile and flip himself into the car

"let's go hurry! Today is the day"


"Hey! That my bacon!" Jason shouted to dick only to see his brother wasn't there anymore. He sighed and looks at his elder sibling. "Where the little bird going anyway?" he give them question looks.

"you don't know? It's the day!"Stephanie smirks at his brother as he glared at her.

"I know it's the day! He has been saying that like a million times this morning!" Jason yelled putting both of his hand up.

"Relax Jason! Don't you know what day today is?" Tim said without sparring a glance at his anger brother.

"No duh Sherlock! If I do, I already ask myself." Jason said sarcastically.

"You want to know what today is? " Tim glances at his brother with a smirk.

"Of course I do! What do you think I was asking for?!"

"Then come closer" Jason groaned but bend a bit to his older brother. Tim whispered to his ear.

"It's… Tuesday." Then Tim laughed holding his stomach and giving high five to a giggle Stephanie.

"That's it, Drake! Your de…" Jason about to yell and choked his brother but stop when Alfred interrupted.

"Master Jason! If you really want to know what the day is. It's the day where Master Dick going to the Hall of Justice to become the full pledge of the League" Alfred stated.

"Oohh… Ohhh! That day! I remember" Jason smile while remember his own the day.

"Make you remember the time when you were having the day right?" Tim asked Stephanie while flashback his own memory. The entire siblings in the kitchen were having a flashback of the day their having before. A quiet moment passed.

"urgghhh! I can't believe you make me remember that!" Stephanie yelled

"It was so terrible that I give dad the silent treatment for a week! I was so excited to finally see their real HQ in the outer space! But just to find out it was the false one for tourist!" Tim said angrily.

"I know right! I was so mad that I trashed the whole librabry when they gone!" Jason yelled too.

"Now it's our little bird turn to taste the salt. Poor lil'Dickie. I better stay tonight at house in case he wants somebody to talk to" Stephanie said with a sad look on her face.

"Or to get a revenge!" Jason smirked to himself thinking an idea to get back at league.

"You do realize it only making you and dick get into a trouble and get grounded or worse clean the whole house and Bat cave floor with a toothbrush? Anyway, dick is a nice and smart kid like me. Of course he won't do anything stupid like quitting and become solo or hacking the league system to go on a stupid mission." Tim said finishing his breakfast and bought the dish to the sink so Alfred can clean it. Nodded thanks to Alfred and gone out from the kitchen.

Stephanie and Jason shared a knowing glance at each other the look that said 'somebody going to get in trouble' look and continue eating their breakfast.

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sooooooo how did I do? Is it okay? After you guys read this and didn't get it~ its better if you guys read this and watch young justice episode 1 then you get it~ I think~ I hope so~ but if you do! Yeah… all the bat sibling went through the day where they become the full pledge of the League but found it boring and kind a rip off! It would be great if you guys review me since I'm new and alone and new but speacially alone~ LOL ~ byenyoro~