Part III

After a while, Ga Eul and our son were transferred to the ward for further observation. I walked outside the emergency room to meet with Woo Bin and Jan Di who were still waiting at the hall way. As soon as I saw them, I flash a smile and approached them.

"Hah, I know you've got a son again." My face automatically frowns at Woo Bin.

"How do you know?" I'm curious to know why he guessed it correctly.

"Because you just smile at us. I still remember when your first son Young Goon (9) was born, you were jumping happily like a five year old kid who just open his Christmas gift, when Yoo Jae (6) was born, although you were not jumping but you still have that bright smile, then Gil Jong (3) where your smile became slightly dimmer and now the smile is just your normal everyday smile. Serve you right though, when the doctor wanted to tell the gender you didn't want to know. Maybe that time you were already suspected that you will get a son."

Actually, what Woo Bin said was so true. I'm actually afraid if the doctor told me that I will have a son again then my hope will crash instantly. So I prefer to live in the delusional world a little bit longer and praying that this one would be a girl. Stop it So Yi Jeong, stop to be disappointed of your son, I mentally scolded myself.

"Hey, I'm still happy. He's my son, my cute little angel."

"Which will become your little monster."

Woo Bin cut my sentence, he really likes to tease me so I shot him a deadly glare.

"Touch wood! Don't say like that. You just watch out for your own boy, Rae Woo is also as naughty as my Gil Jong. I'll make sure Yul Jin will become a good boy."

Woo Bin's only child Rae Woo has the same age as my Gil Jong and also same with Ji Hoo's second child Dong Hae and Jun Pyo's youngest child Jun Sang. I guessed it was the outcome of the F4 group honeymoon. Jun Sang is the worse among them, every time when my blood boiled caused by Gil Jong, I will calm myself by saying 'at least my Gil Jong is not that naughty compared to Jun Sang.'

"Yul Jin? So Ga Eul named him Yul Jin."

Am I that whipped? How come Woo Bin knew that it was Ga Eul who named our son? Is it too obvious that I'm powerless compared to my wife?

"But you should be proud bro, F4 under your roof. I can imagine in the future there will be a lot of presents in front of your mansion during Valentine's Day."

Woo Bin was smirking at me while patted his hand on my shoulder. I grinned at his statement and reminiscence our good old days where girls were chasing us like crazy. Actually, the girls still chasing me but now I'm taken (not to mention whipped) so it's useless for them to try it.

I suddenly realised that there was one more person who just kept quiet all the time which was quite weird for her to behave like that. I shifted my gazed to Jan Din who looks like having a day dream.

"Ooi Dr Geum, what are you thinking, why are you so quiet?"

"Oh! It's nothing Yi Jeong-sunbae, I just thinking about OUR next plan on 'How to make Ga Eul pregnant with a girl' part II. Don't worry sunbae I always have plan B if plan A was not working."

I can see her nodding her head with a determination looks on her face.

Dr Geum Jan Di, a certified doctor in Shinhwa Hospital was willingly to offer her free service to be a private consultant for me and Ga Eul to plan the methods for us to have a daughter (okay this sentence sounded nicer). What actually happen was; Dr Geum Jan Di volunteered herself to be our consultant and forcefully made us accepting her offer.

Suddenly her pager started to vibrate. She abruptly stood up after reading the message.

"I'm sorry Yi Jeong-sunbae, I have an emergency call. Tell Ga Eul I'll visit her later. Bye."

And there she goes again; sprinting along the hall way, dodging every obstacle she met and in a speed of light she disappeared from our eyes.

"Are you sure bro? You still want her to be your private consultant?"

"Woo Bin-ah, Jun Pyo will kill me if I reject her offer. Just look at her face earlier, she's so determine and confident. Can you imagine how hurtful she'll become if I reject her planning. And you also know Jun Pyo won't let anybody away just like that after making his wife sad even if it is us, his brother. I even felt embarrassed because I have to follow her instructions on how to have sex with my own wife!"

"She's a paediatrician for God sake! She knows nothing about family planning. Just because she has two daughters (age 10 and 7), doesn't mean she can advise you about it. Remember when she plans to stop giving birth after her two daughters were born, and then suddenly she told us that she accidentally got pregnant again and deliver her son three years ago."

"What are you trying to say Woo Bin-ah?"

"She can't even plan for her family so do you think she cans successfully planning for yours. I'm better than her."

"You don't need any plan, you always wanted a sole heir. That's why Rae Woo likes to sleep at my house so he can play with my kids."

For me the main reason why Woo Bin only wanted a sole heir is unacceptable. He said he don't want his children to fight against each other to inherit his throne. I felt sympathy towards Rae Woo, he seems very lonely but luckily he has me, his uncle Yi Jeong. My house was his second home. Sometimes I felt that my house was like a Boy Scout camp because Jun Sang and Dong Hae were also like to come over, they don't like to play with their sisters. Ga Eul and I don't mind though, all of them were very close like real siblings. Even the little girls were close to us, I care for them like my own daughter.

"Come on Woo Bin-ah, let's go visit Ga Eul's ward. I can't wait to show you my cute and handsome Yul Jin. Kaja!" I better stop these conversations now.

"Oh before that, Yi Jeong-ah I forgot to tell you. Jun Pyo and Ji Hoo called me while you were inside the emergency room, they said congratulation and they will visit you guys tonight. Jun Pyo also said that his son Jun Sang can't wait to see his little brother soon. See Yi Jeong-ah, even that little Jun Sang was sceptical at his mother ability and can predict that he'll get a brother."

With that, Woo Bin burst into laughter. I felt my blood rush to my face to hold the anger. Shit! I need to find a way to reject Jan Di's offer. I'm desperate now because I only have one more chance left. I can't waste my only chance in Jan Di's hand.

-The End-

A/N: I will not 'explain' Jan Di's planning on how to get a baby girl. Just google it because I'm sure Jan Di also got the info from the internet LOL. And there's a companion for this story so stay tune...