Disclaimer - Don't own Once Upon A Time or Snow Patrols 'Your All I Have' which is what this story will base itself around.


"Mom what's Storybrooke like?"

Regina looked from the road in front of her to the rear view mirror to see the daughter she shared with the blonde woman beside her. Ocean. They'd named her that because her eyes were the color of the Ocean and because Regina had to refrain from calling her Emma. Emma 10 years, 3 months, 5 days. It had been so long since she had left Storybrooke and Emma behind. So long since Emma and the Charmings had forced her out of Storybrooke.


Regina shook her head and snapped herself out of her head and glanced from the rearview mirror down to her fiancee. Kyler Haevan. The woman who had picked up the pieces of her heart and mended it. She was her life. Perhaps being kicked out of Storybrooke was a welcome blessing.

"It's small and quiet dear. Now remember we will only be there a few days. Just long enough for me to sell the house."

"Can we still go sight seeing?" Ocean asked from the backseat that looked as if a mini-cyclone had passed through.

The floor Regina noted was littered with wrappers and the backseat was littered with toys and electronics that had helped to keep Ocean busy during the drive from LA to Maine. From one side of the country to the next.

"We had better." Kyler popped up from the passenger seat and grin plastered on her face as she stared blurry eyed at the rearview mirror to where her daughter sat. A quick look at Regina and she leant over to give the woman a small peck on the cheek, "Want me to drive? Give you some sleep."

Regina shook her head, "No I'll be fine." She smiled warmly at the other woman, "You look so adorable when you wake up."

"Uh? Are you two going to go all mushy again?" Ocean asked from the backseat, "Because I think I left my headphones back in Ohio."

Regina chuckled along with her fiancee sitting next to her.

Perhaps leaving Storybrooke really was the best thing that happened to her - check that. Perhaps being forced out of Storybrooke was the best thing to happen to her...

10 Years Earlier

Stupid, adorable, frustratingly beautiful Emma she thought as yet another wine glass shattered in her hand. That was the fourth today. Not to mention the previous days. It was all over the blonde who had come into town and ruined everything and in a matter of months had finally managed to work her way into Regina's heart. Regina couldn't deny it she loved Emma. Hell she even loved that red jacket and that broken down bug off the blondes.

Looking from the shattered glass on the floor in front of her to the remaining wine glasses laying on the table in the dining room she lifted the bottle to her lips sparing the poor glasses from unfortunate accidents at the hands of the brunette.

There were times when she had caught the blonde looking at her longingly. There were times when she would swear up and down that Emma felt the same way about her that she did but there was always that annoying voice in the back of her head that knew the truth, that told her that she wasn't worthy of Emma. Not after everything she did. Happy ending weren't for evil people.

Half way through her fourth bottle of wine she picked up her phone and drunk dialed the first number she had on speed dial. The very number she remembered of by heart. The very number of the very person she couldn't stop thinking off.

"Hello?" Emma's voice sounded giddy and happy as if she had been laughing only moments ago.

"Why? Why did you have to come to Storybrooke? Why couldn't you just stay away? Why couldn't you keep away from me? Away from Henry? Why..." she choked slightly, "Why did you have to work your way into my heart? Why did you have to make me love you?"

"Uh Regina, now might not be-"

"No shut up Miss Swan! Shut Emma! God your so frustrating. How could I love someone as frustrating as you? Do you know what you do to me? Whenever I see you with what's his face and the other whats his face?" Regina pulled the phone away from her ear and stared at it for a few minutes. "Why do I have to love you?" With that said barely above a whisper she hung up.

Morning came just as quickly as night had and Regina found herself lying awkwardly on the couch wine bottles astrewn around her. She had a pounding headache and her muscles ached everyone of them each and everyone. She felt as if she had thrown herself into a destruction derby the night before. The thumping continued getting louder with each passing second before Regina realized it wasn't just her head doing the thumping - the door was being knocked on or rather banged down.

Getting up on shaken drunked legs she made her way towards the door. "I'm coming!" Regina called out to whoever was on the opposite side of that door. That door that sounded very much like her head. She yanked open the door to the Charming family all of them with the exception of Neal. "Can I help you?"

"Yeah. Pack your bags your leaving." Charming said with venom in his voice.

"Excuse me?"

"You have the audacity to ring my daughter up and tell her your in love with her."

Regina blinked a few times. Had she done that? She couldn't remember all she remembered was another shattered glass and then waking up to her door being banged down. "What are you talking about?"

Neal answered for everyone, "You rang Emma last night and declared your love for her. Your to stay away from her and my son."

"My son Mr. Cassidy. Where were you for eleven years of his life?"

Neal shook his head. "It doesn't matter I'm here now and your leaving."

Regina looked towards Emma who stood solemnly at the back of the group. "Miss Swan what do you say?" She watched as Emma looked up at her with those greeny blue eyes, she watched them leave her face and look around at the other occupants who were staring at her as if to tell her the answer. Don't listen to them. Please god don't listen to them.

Emma down away from Regina. "I think it's in everyone's best interest if you leave."

Regina straightened up. "If you can look me in the eye and tell me that Miss Swan I'll leave I won't put up a fight."

Emma swallowed, squeezed her eyes shut for a few seconds and opened them to look towards Regina. She had finally gotten her family back. She couldn't lose them on a chance hope that Regina actually does feel the same way about her and isn't just screwing with her mind. "I think it's best you leave Storybrooke."

Regina watched the face and eyes void of emotion. Concedingly Regina nodded. "Very well."

That night Regina sat at the edge of the line in her car staring out at the rest of the world that lay on the otherside. She had packed up everything she could fit into her trunk, leaving behind photos and anything to do with Henry, anything to do with her life in Storybrooke. If she was to leave, she was going to leave to a new life. She hit the accelerator and zoomed past the 'Leaving Storybrooke' sign.

Emma watched the former Mayor's car leave Storybrooke and she grimaced at the sharp pain in her chest. Somewhere inside of her she could feel something crack and deep down she knew that what she had done was wrong, she had given up something valuable but she couldn't gather up the courage or energy to go after it. Instead she sat there till morning and slowly pulled away and made her way back towards town.


Regina pulled up alongside the 'Welcome To Storybrooke' sign as Ocean snapped a picture of it with the camera they had brought her for her twelfth birthday.

"Welcome To Storybrooke!" Kyler said with a laugh, "What a name for a town? I declare the person who named it a genius. Now passengers stay seated with your seatbelt on until we come to a complete and utter stop." Kyler laughed lightly and turned to her fiancee to see the sullen look. "Everything okay sweetheart?"

Regina looked towards Kyler who looked on concerned at her. She loved her blonde fiancee more then words could say. "I'm fine dear." Regina put on a fake smile which earned her a 'I know your lying' look but Regina shook it off and chose to ignore it. She waited for Ocean to snap one more picture before pulling away from the sign.

Under her breath she muttered quietly to herself, "Yeah. Welcome To Storybrooke."

Okay hopefully you enjoyed. In this story age hasn't changed okay, we'll just call it magic. Regina hasn't aged, Henry hasn't aged, Emma hasn't. No one has okay. Also the line from Storybrooke had long been vanquished and anyone can enter and leave. Will get longer as it goes along. Hopefully everyone enjoyed.