"Do you want me to go in with you?" Santana asked as she put her Mother's car in park, Quinn shook her head.
"No, it's okay. I'll only be a few minutes." The blonde offered with a weak smile before exiting the vehicle.
The walk to the front door was over before she realized it. Quinn inhaled deeply, lifting the key to the lock with an unsteady hand. It only took her a second, even with the shaking, to slide it inside and unlock the door.
She exhaled slowly, pushing the heavy door open as she did. It was quiet as she stepped inside. The normal sounds of her Mother bustling about absent. There was no movement or smell from the kitchen, no humming from the living room. Just silence.
Closing the door the rest of the way, Quinn glanced toward the living room. She wasn't surprised to see a box lying open on the floor, her Father's pictures and possessions presumably inside. The room looked so bare without them. It made her realize how little pictures there were with just her and her Mother. They would have to take more, maybe some with Beth.
Sighing, Quinn turned to head for the stairs.
She was so lost in thought as she headed for the second floor that she didn't hear the faint sounds of someone moving around. It was only as she was passing her parents room that she finally noticed it. She paused and pushed the partially shut door open.
Inside Russell jumped and turned abruptly, the creaking sound startling him. "Quinn? You aren't supposed to be here..." He stuttered, blinking at her.
She arched a single brow and thinned her lips into a fine line as if to say 'neither are you.' The two stared at each other in silence for a moment before Russell turned to continue what he had been doing.
"Do not tell your Mother you saw me, she would be livid. I am just grabbing some of my things and then I will be leaving."
Quinn stared at his broad back, "Why?"
Russell sighed and glanced over his shoulder toward his Daughter, "Because we're not happy anymore. We haven't been for a while."
She knew that it was true but the words still stung, still made her feel as if it was her fault.
"And," he said, turning more fully to face her. "Your Mother and I cannot agree on how best to raise you."
The sting shot deeper and she knew that he could see her visibly flinch.
"Do you really think you'll be happy with that..." He paused, his fists clenching. "That girl?"
She knew that he wanted to say something else, probably more than one word could have easily filled in for the one he'd decided to use.
"Yes. I do." Quinn responded, her voice surprisingly even given the way she was crumbling internally.
"You think that even though you saw her with that other blonde?" He asked, now folding his arms stiffly across his chest.
Quinn blinked in surprise, "How did you...?"
Russell laughed, "I knew you children all thought that we parents are oblivious to what you actually do... But those two were never quiet when they snuck off at your sleep overs. Why do you think I didn't want them in my house? That is disgusting and disrespectful. And they've obviously gotten to you, tainting your mind..."
"No. It is not some form of deviant brainwashing, Daddy. Santana is my friend and I love her. Just because I don't love a boy doesn't mean I am a bad person. I am still your daughter, still the little girl that you raised."
Russell's jaw flexed, "Are you sure? Because I really don't recognize this person standing before me."
Quinn's eyes burned but she wouldn't give him the satisfaction of seeing her cry. He would take that as a sign of weakness, as a sign that she thought she was wrong. She shook her head as she turned away, exiting the room and pulling the door shut behind her.
Santana looked up smiling when she heard the front door to the Fabray home open and then shut. The expression quickly faded though when she noticed Quinn's. The blonde looked like she had been crying and she was rushing for the car as if she couldn't get away from her home fast enough.
"Are you okay?" Santana asked as the other girl threw her things onto the back seat, Quinn didn't respond until she was sliding into the passenger seat.
"I'm fine. Let's just go, alright?"
Santana frowned but nodded as she started the engine to do just that. The ride was tense and quiet, Santana knew better to push it. It wasn't until the two of them were tucked away safely in the brunette's room that Quinn opened up.
They had been working quietly on school work for a few hours, shifting between studying, reading and filling in answers.
The room was silent, save for the occasional turning of a page or scribbling of a pencil on paper.
"He was there." Quinn said suddenly, looking up from the text book she had been reading.
Santana put down her pencil and shut her notebook, a frown playing at her lips. "Did he say anything to you?" She tried to hide the venom in her tone but knew that she wasn't doing a good job.
The simple response sent her blood into a boil as she thought back to what she had overheard him say to his Daughter the other night.
"They are definitely getting a divorce..."
This calmed Santana slightly, she had momentarily thought that Judy might have lost her nerve. But while the news came as a relief to her, she knew that it had been what Quinn was dreading.
Realizing that Santana wasn't going to respond, the blonde continued. "He was just getting some of his things... Mom has been packing some of it away too. It will be like he was never there."
Santana frowned and sought out the other girl's hand. "I'm sorry... Maybe that is for the best though, so what happened today doesn't happen again." She might not have known the details but she knew that the blonde was very upset by whatever had been said earlier in the day.
Quinn sighed and leaned into the brunette, she tilted her head down to hide the tears that were welling up. "Yeah."
Silence fell over the room again, making Santana's sharp inhale very obvious. Quinn was cuddling closer, her cold nose moving against the brunette's neck as she squeezed her midsection slightly.
"Hmm?" The blonde hummed, her warm breath sending a shiver down the other girl's spine.
Santana swallowed thickly, "You're upset..."
Quinn pulled back to eye the brunette, a small noise of disappointment leaving her as she did.
"I'm not Puck." Santana said seriously before giving the blonde a quick peck on the forehead. "That doesn't mean that I'm not interested... I just want this to be right, for both of us."
Quinn sighed but nodded before resting her cheek on the shorter girl's collar bone. "Me too."
The two stayed like that for a while. Quinn listening to Santana's heartbeat and Santana gently stroking the blonde's hair. As time went on, their bodies began to slip in and out of consciousness.
Santana shifted slightly, stirring the blonde as gently as she could into a semi-conscious state. "Hey, why don't you lay down and get comfy? I'll clear off the bed."
Quinn nodded, her body curling into a loose ball as she burrowed into Santana's now all too familiar pillow.
The brunette smiled when she came back to lie down herself, her eyes tracing the peaceful contours of her friend's face. It seemed there were no nightmares haunting her dreams today.
Santana stirred slightly, a haze seemed to grip her mind as she returned to the waking world. She could faintly make out that someone was calling her name and there was a knocking coming from somewhere nearby.
"Santana. It is time for dinner."
The girl's eyes blinked open and she squinted toward the light permeating her dark room from the hallway. "Dad?" She asked, her voice thick with sleep.
A chuckle came from the hallway and she sat up quickly, startling Quinn into consciousness as well. "Yes, it's me. I'm finally home. Now get up and come down for dinner. Your Mother is growing impatient."
The door closed a few seconds later and Santana glanced toward her sleepy companion. "Did you hear all of that?" She asked, her voice much brighter with excitement.
"Yeah." Quinn said, a lazy smile pulling at her face as she sat up next to the brunette. She watched as Santana threw back the covers before moving toward her bedroom door.
"I'm going to the bathroom real quick, you need to brush your hair." She said, glancing over her shoulder at her friend as an amused smile tugged at her lips.
Quinn nodded with a smile of her own as she swung her legs over the side of the bed but the expression quickly fell away when Santana finally made her way out of the room.
"So girls, how has school been for the two of you?"
Santana and Quinn exchanged looks from across the table, both thinking about how insane he'd think they were if they responded truthfully.
"It's been pretty good..." Santana started, "Quinn convinced Sue to let us be Co-Captains of the Cheerios."
A wide smile pulled at Emilio's lips, "That is great news! Santana has been dying to have a bigger role on the team, that was very kind of you to share the role, Quinn."
"She deserves it." Quinn said sincerely, a smile gracing her lips as her eyes met Santana's across the table.
The brunette excitedly filled her Father in on what it was the new position entailed and how well the team seemed to be flourishing. They had there slip up while Quinn wasn't talking to her or Shelby but she left that part out.
The blonde shifted the food around on her plate absently as the conversation moved forward to Emilio's work. She felt out of place and like she was intruding. It had been a long time since he had been able to sit at the dinner table with his family. She swallowed thickly at the thought, realizing suddenly that she would never have this again with her own family.
She blinked, brought out of her thoughts some time later as Santana laid a gentle hand on her shoulder. "Hey, are you okay? You got quiet for a little while there." She asked, her eyes and tone full of worry.
Quinn faked a smile and nodded, "Yeah... I'm out of it still, sorry. I think that nap just left me more tired."
Santana smiled gently in return although it didn't quite reach her eyes and the blonde knew that she wasn't entirely fooled. "Well, come be more tired in the living room, okay? We're going to watch a movie."
The brunette took her plate and other utensils before giving her enough room to slide out of her chair and make her way to the living room. She settled herself on the couch, guessing Emilio would want his recliner. Sitting alone in the room, Quinn took out her cell phone and typed out a short text before anyone else joined her. By the time Santana appeared, her phone was already tucked away and she patted the spot on the couch beside to her.
The brunette smiled and slid onto the cushion, wrapping one arm around Quinn as the other reached for the remote.
Santana hit pause, her head turning over her shoulder toward the front door when the doorbell rung loudly. Her eyes moved toward her parents as she rose but they both looked as confused as she did.
"It's for me." Quinn said, standing beside the brunette. "Sorry."
Maribel's lips pulled into a soft smile, "Nothing to be sorry for. It's your Mom?" She asked as Santana moved passed her to answer the door.
Quinn nodded, guilt twisting her stomach. She should have told them but she didn't want to make them feel like they weren't giving her what she needed. It was quite the opposite really, they were giving her more than enough. She just needed to go home, to be with her Mom. She had seen a sad look flash across Santana's features before the other girl had gone to let her Mother in and knew that she was the person who would be hurt the most.
Judy smiled and stepped inside as Santana held open the door for her. "Thank you, dear."
"Hello!" Maribel greeted, standing over the threshold between the foyer and living room. "Why don't you two go upstairs and get Quinn's things together while Judy and I talk?"
Quinn nodded, moving passed the older brunette and toward Santana. Her friend shut the front door before turning for the stairs and the blonde followed silently.
She packed away her school things and whatever else of hers that was loose around the room, Santana's gaze hot on her back.
"Why didn't you say anything?" Santana asked suddenly, her voice quiet.
Quinn paused in what she was doing and glanced back over her shoulder. "I don't know, I'm sorry."
Santana chewed her lip, crossing the room from where she had been leaning against the door to sit on her bed. "It's okay... I just, I feel stupid for not realizing..." Her voice trailed off and her eyes fell to the floor.
"Don't... Please?" The blonde begged, moving closer to the other girl and grabbing her hands in her own. "You and your family are fantastic, loving and kind. You did nothing wrong. You did everything to make me as comfortable as possible."
Santana swallowed and nodded, her eyes still downcast. She laughed, it was a small sound from deep in the back of her throat. "I'm sorry, you're the one who's going through something tough and life changing and I'm acting so selfish." She squeezed the fingers now intertwined with her own, looking up with a small smile. "You do what you need to, go be with your Mom."
Quinn smiled, her eyes burning slightly at the thought of the conversation she knew was coming upon her return home. "Thank you." She breathed, leaning in to place a chaste kiss on Santana's lips.
The brunette's hands came up to frame her face, holding her still as she leaned her forehead against the kneeling girl's. "You don't need to thank me. Just let me know if there's anything I can do, okay?"
Quinn nodded and chewed at the inside of her cheek as she watched Santana slowly pull away. "How do you think tomorrow is going to go?"
The brunette cocked her head to the side slightly, "What do you mean...?"
"Do you think... I mean, no one will know, right?"
"I don't think so." Santana said, her hand covering the one still resting on her knee. "Puck said that he wouldn't say anything... And you know that I won't. It's up to you if you want to tell anyone."
"Yeah..." Quinn said, her eyes dropping to the floor. Santana knew that she was worried about some of the other students that lived in her neighborhood. It wasn't entirely outlandish to think that someone could have noticed Russell coming and going with his things. She did have doubt that they would run their mouths, though. She and Quinn still ruled the halls and now that they were working together again, their classmates were sure to notice... And fall back into line.
She was about to say exactly that when Judy called from downstairs, "Quinn? Are you almost ready?"
"Yeah Mom, coming now." The blonde called back but she didn't rise to her feet right away. Instead she leaned in again, her hands framing Santana's face this time. She pressed her lips much more firmly against the brunette's before pulling away. "I'll see you tomorrow."
Santana blinked, a little caught off guard. She jumped up though when she saw Quinn exiting her room with her things. The two of them made their way downstairs where Judy and Maribel were wrapping up their conversation.
"Thank you again... Please let us know if there's anything that we can ever do for you."
Maribel waved her hand, "No, no... It was our pleasure. You and Quinn are welcome here anytime!" The brunette insisted, sending the younger blonde a smile when she reached the bottom of the steps.
Quinn moved forward and embraced Maribel tightly, "Thank you."
"I mean what I said. You're a good influence on Santana, we love having you around." The older woman whispered sincerely before placing a kiss on Quinn's cheek.
Quinn's hand tightened on the strap of her bag as her eyes met Santana's. She smiled sadly toward the brunette and gave a small wave before she and her Mom walked outside.
Maribel paused on her way back to the living room when Santana hesitated behind her, "You coming, Mija?"
Santana blinked and nodded, before following her Mother out into the living room to finish their movie.
Santana walked quickly through the halls toward her locker, although her eyes instinctively moved for Quinn's. The blonde wasn't there yet and it left a sinking feeling in the brunette's chest. She entered her combination, almost without thought, before swapping her books out for the ones she'd need for her morning classes.
When she was done, a small smile graced her features when her eyes fell on Quinn. The blonde's back was to her and she appeared to be getting herself ready for class as well.
"Hey." Santana breathed, settling herself against the locker beside Quinn's.
"Morning." The blonde responded, a small smile gracing her lips when her eyes met the shorter girl's. It faded quickly though, and Quinn trapped her bottom lip between her teeth as she double checked that she had the right books.
"How are you holding up?" Santana asked, worry clouding her features.
"Alright. I'm probably just over thinking..." Quinn said with a sigh as she shut her locker.
Santana nodded, "Just... Try to think about it as any other day, okay? And text me if you need me. We can meet up in one of the bathrooms, or something."
Quinn nodded and reached out to capture the brunette's hand before squeezing it. "Thanks. I'll see you at lunch?" She asked, her eyes seeming a little brighter.
"Yeah, see you at lunch Q." Santana said, flashing her a wide smile as her stomach fluttered in response to the contact. The blonde smiled back and released Santana's hand before turning to head for her first class.
Santana quirked a brow as she took her seat next to Quinn, the blonde was staring off toward where most of the Glee kids were sitting.
"What's on your mind?" She asked, snapping the other girl out of her zoned out state.
"Something is going on with Kurt..."
"Kurt?" Santana asked, her eyes moving over to where Quinn had just been looking. The boy looked ashen and several of the other Gleeks were leaning in around him, concerned.
"I don't know details yet... I've just heard bits and pieces. Apparently something has been going on between him and Karofsky..."
"What?" Santana asked, bristling at the thought of the thumb-headed jock picking on Kurt.
Quinn nodded with a small frown, "And here I was worried about my drama..." She whispered, her eyes drifting back toward the other table.
"Hey, your problem is no less stressful than his, okay? They're just... Painful and stressful in a different way. And Kurt has the entire Glee club at his back, he'll get through this... Whatever is going on. And if Dave doesn't lay off of him I'm going to pummel him."
Quinn gave a small laugh, a proud smile stretching across her lips.
"W-what?" Santana asked sheepishly, a blush coloring her cheeks a shade darker.
"Nothing, I'm just glad that you're letting me in... That you are being the real you."
The brunette scoffed and averted her eyes, "No. None of that mushy crap. I'm just feeling scrappy. It's been a while since I last rumbled in the halls."
"Oh?" Quinn said, laughing more. "Did I knock your head against the lockers too hard, Lopez?"
Santana shot her a mock glare, her cheeks still warm from the lingering blush.
"Don't worry... It's a good look for you." Quinn whispered with a wink before taking a bite of her lunch.
Santana rounded a corner with Quinn, they were on their way to Glee club. The two were chatting about their coming practice when Santana noticed a small crowd building down a ways from them.
"What the fuck..." The brunette mumbled, alerting Quinn to what was going on ahead of them as well.
The two quickened their pace and weren't surprised to find Dave and Kurt were the source of the gawking students.
"Come on, do something about it, Homo. Do you really want me to stain your pretty clothes again?" Dave taunted, pinning the smaller boy to the lockers with one hand and brandishing a slushie in the other.
"Yo Karofsky, how about you back off!" Santana cried out, throwing the Jock off balance as she pushed into him suddenly. The slush in his hand overflowed slightly, splattering to the floor in the quiet hall.
"And what are you going to do about it?" He sneered, straightening back up to tower over her.
"Go on Kurt, I've got this Neanderthal."
The boy nodded his head quickly before moving out of the crowd and rounding the corner to make his way toward the choir room. Santana turned her attention back to Dave then. The Jock was glaring down at the Cheerleader, a wicked smirk pulling at his lips.
"I bed Sue would never let you live it down if you got a big ole stain on your brand new uniform, would she?"
Santana didn't even have time to respond when she felt a rush of cold smack her straight in the face. She gasped, sputtering on the slush that had found its way into her mouth.
"Are you a fucking idiot?!" Quinn's raised voice called out over the collective gasps and snickering of the gathered crowd. Santana tried to reign in her emotions as she wiped the melting red mess from her face and top. She could feel her throat getting tight and all she wanted to do was lash out or break down.
"Oh, shut up. I don't know when you two decided it was a good idea to hang out with those freaks anyway." Dave grunted, waving his hand at them as he turned away from the fuming blonde.
"Let's get you cleaned up..." Quinn whispered, placing a comforting hand on Santana's arm.
"What's the point? Sue will drop me as Captain when she sees this..." The brunette snapped, her voice cracking slightly over the words.
"No, she won't. I'm going to make sure of it."
"And how do you expect to do that?" Santana asked, trying her best to drop the attitude but failing horribly.
Quinn smiled, her eyes roving over the students that were slowly moving away now that the spectacle was over. Some of them still sliding their phones into their pockets from when they had been snapping photos and recording. "Just trust me, I've got it covered."
"Girls, you're late." Will said, glancing toward the door as Santana and Quinn made their entrance. "But... I will overlook it, since Kurt was just telling me about how you stepped in to help him." He said, his eyes moving over the large stain that now graced the brunette's uniform.
"Oh my God. I am so sorry." Kurt gasped, jumping up from his seat to get a closer look at the damage.
"This is getting out of hand!" Rachel cried out and several of the other students voiced their agreement.
"Yes, I know. And I agree!" Will said, trying to get them to settle back into their seats. "I'm going straight to Figgin's office when we're done here today."
"Lot of good that will do..." Santana muttered, taking a seat in the front row. She ignored the weight of Brittany's gaze and instead focused on Quinn who claimed the seat beside her.
"I'm trying guys but it really does help when you stick together." He said, his eyes moving back to the Cheerleader. "You were very brave standing up to him, and when bully's get resistance like that... They're more likely to back down. Just, keep it non violent. Okay?"
Artie glanced over toward Santana and Quinn, his eyes wary. "Why do you even care, anyway? I mean, aren't you guys just here to sabotage us? Aren't you on their side?"
Santana shot him a glare, her hackles rising. She was about to give him a colorful response when Quinn's hand found hers. The blonde shook her head.
"No, if that's what they were doing... I highly doubt Santana would have stepped in and taken a slushie for me." Kurt argued, his arms folded tightly over his chest.
Santana didn't know if it was the pain in Kurt's eyes, or the warm hand holding her own but she let out a small sigh. Her eyes sought out Tina's and the other girl gave her a small smile.
"I've got something I want to say."
Only three more chapters left! The next one may wind up being a little longer just because out of the three, one is an epilogue. Or that was my original plan anyway. Sorry for the delay and I really am hoping to have this story wrapped up soon! I had to piece together all of my notes for it after losing everything. Remember to check out Under My Skin and Apex Predator. Whichever has the most feedback between here and AO3 will be the next story worked on along side Break My Heart after this one is wrapped up. :)
Thank you for your patience, continued support and in general for just stopping by and reading!