"I said get the hell away from me!" Martyn snarled.

"But Martyn, I-"

"That's always been your problem," the blue-haired boy sneered. "You don't listen to anyone. I'm going to bed," Martyn got up from his seat in front of the fire and stormed off, leaving Toby sitting alone. He sighed. Since InTheLittleCorp was in the forest, winters were never fun, but having to deal with Martyn's changes didn't make life any easier. All Toby really wanted was for Martyn to be back to his normal, summer self. He knew spring was drawing closer, but not fast enough for his liking.

The fire popped and crackled, but did nothing to warm Toby. He shivered in the cold air and stood, heading for the forest. He needed a walk.

The farther Toby walked into the forest, the colder it became. There was a thick layer of snow on the ground, reaching up past his ankles and soaking his shoes. Just as he was thinking about returning to the camp, a gust of wind shook the branches over his head, depositing what felt like several pounds of wet snow directly on Toby's shoulders. By this point, Toby was entirely miserable. All he wanted right then was to be able to curl up in bed with Martyn, like he used to in the summer.

Actually, that sounded like a great plan. Consequences be damned, Toby was on a mission. He smiled to himself at the (incredibly cheesy) thought. Toby knew he could get the old Martyn to show again, even if it was just for a little while. It had happened before, why not again? Shaking off the snow, he marched back to camp and entered their shared tent. Martyn was curled up in his bed, facing away from Toby. Toby kicked off his shoes and climbed under Martyn's blanket, coat and all.

Martyn tensed the second the covers were lifter. "And what do you think you're doing?" He asked without looking back at Toby.

All resolve Toby had was gone in an instant. "I- I was, uh, cold, so I thought I'd, uh-"

"Toby, I'm literally made from ice. What made you think doing this would make you any warmer?" Martyn asked, but Toby heard the pity in his voice. Pity that didn't suit the icy winter-child in front of him. "Toby, are you wet? What the hell were you doing out in the snow?" Martyn rolled over, concern evident on his fave. Toby could see where his cold blue eyes were starting to fade into a spring green, and he smiled. Maybe the rest of this winter wouldn't be so bad after all.