" How much longer do you think he'll take," I asked Chiron, desperate of an immediate answer. He'd been gone for way to long. I knew that something must have gone wrong, but I didn't want to word my prediction in front of Silena, her boyfriend Beckendorf was on the mission as well. But I could hardly hide the worry.

" Honestly Annabeth," he said in his tone of voice he used when grieved," they should have come back by now. So I don't know."

I stared out at the horizon, and watched the waves crash ashore onto the sand dunes. The sun was beginning to set, and lay right on top of the water. Its reflection was orange. If Percy died, I would never be able to look at the ocean again without remembering him, and the dread, that I never told him how I felt. I swore to myself that this summer, I was going to tell him, no matter what. That was, if he came back.

I glanced at Silena, and saw the worry in her eyes. She had been acting like she knew he would be ok the entire time. But now, with them overdue, she looked scared. She was so focused on Bekendorf coming back that she hadn't even put on makeup, which was not like her. She was a daughter of Aphrodite, and I have to admit, I usually hate her kids, but Silena was an exception.

Realizing there had been a long awkward silence, I tried to say something, but I couldn't get the words out.

I was too worried to say anything, so I stomped out of the Big House. Luckily, when I arrived at the Athena cabin, the cabin of my Mother, none of my siblings were there to see me throw my head into my pillow, and cry.

I had never admitted to Percy, otherwise called Seaweed Brain, my nickname for him, how much I crushed on him. I had started to like him on our second quest through the sea of monsters, but hadn't had the courage to tell him I liked him.

Then, he had gone on a journey across the country to save me from the titan Kronos, who was trying to take over the world. At first, I had thought he had gone simply to rescue Artimis for the winter counsel of the gods on Mount. Olympus. But since the last discussion with my mother last year, I'd learned otherwise. I shivered as I recalled it.

I had just fallen asleep and found myself on Mount. Olympus. I looked around; I was alone, until Athena appeared in front of me a moment later.

" Why did you bring me here Mother?" I asked confused. Had I done something wrong?

" It's not you Annabeth… well it is a little bit, but I'm not angry at you." She told me in that stern voice of hers.

" Well, then," I wondered aloud," who are you angry at?"

" That boy, Percy." I winced when she said his name.

Suddenly I felt the need to defend him," Why? What could he have possibly done to…"

I was interrupted," I had a talk with Aphrodite." She cringed at the name." She seems to think that the boy might . . .have feelings for you."

I felt my face go red," How would she find this out?"

" Apparently, she had a little chat with him, while he was on his quest to save Artimis. In other words, you. He told her why he really went on the quest."

My face got even hotter, realization dawning on me. Seaweed Brain, had feelings for me? My heart did a little gymnastics routine like whenever I heard Percy's name. Finally, I sputtered," Why did you come to tell me this?"

" Because I'm not blind," she responded," it is obvious enough to me that you like him back." She paused, and her voice got a bit softer," I wanted to let you know, that despite my feelings in the past about him, some of which I still have, it is ok with me under one circumstance, you have to beat Kronos."

" Wait a minute," questions zoomed around in my head," what's ok with you? And what do you mean if I beat Kronos?"

"You will soon know what I mean for the first question. And as for the second, you Annabeth have a very large role to play in this upcoming war as well as Percy. Without you, that son of Poseidon is destined to fail. Olympus can only be saved if you work together, and follow your heart. Now, I must go Annabeth, your waking."

" Wait," I yelled desperately, still puzzled," what's my role?"

" Goodbye Annabeth."

And with that, I had woken up; feeling overwhelmed that Seaweed Brain like me back. I guess I had made the right choice on Mount. Saint Helens to kiss him before I thought he might die.

I had also felt that I needed to know what Athena was telling me about. What would be my role? The prophecy wasn't about me, so why did I play such a big role in the war?

I hadn't known then if there would even be a war, but now I was absolutely positive of it. And the very thought terrified me. I continued to sob when Malcolm, my half brother tapped me on the shoulder. Thank the gods it was only him, I didn't want anyone else see me as a mess, I had a rep at camp that I needed to keep.

" Annabeth what's wrong," he asked looking concerned.

" I'm just worried about Percy, he was supposed to arrive yesterday." I decided not to tell him about my discussion with Athena. I had been pondering on whether I should or not, but I decided against it. It wouldn't make a difference on what would happen, whatever that would be.

" I can't tell you I'm positive he's fine but," he paused as if wondering what to say," but you know him well enough to know that he's great in a fight. There's only little chance he won't. . . come back. Anyway, the Princess Andromeda is in the middle of the water, his home turf. He'll probably be fine.

I opened my mouth to say something, but then a conch horn sounded and I knew that either Seaweed Brain had come back or not.

" Let's go," Malcolm said as he offered me a hand. Reluctantly I took it. Then I walked out the cabin door and hoped for the best.