A/N: To all my lovely readers, followers, favoriters and reviewers! Yes I'm still alive and I am sorry for being such a late bean :)
Here's the next chapter (the longest one yet)! Enjoy!
"Stefan! STEFAN. GET UP."
Stefan groaned. The memory of last night came to him. The phone call with Klaus left him with a new wave of conflicting emotions. Klaus and Caroline. Caroline and Klaus. Maybe the belonged together. But he couldn't help that he felt something for the blonde vampire. He wouldn't go down without a fight.
"Stefan what in the world has got you even broodier than usual this fine morning?" Damon asked as he walked over to the dresser, pulled out a pair of jeans and a black shirt and proceeded to throw it at his little brother. "Rise and shine. It's Get-Back-Elena day Plan B. Prom is just around the corner and I have a couple of tricks up my sleeve—"
"Damon," Stefan interrupted. "No offense, but I don't care."
Damon narrowed his light blue eyes in surprise.
"But you just said back in Pennsylvania!"
"Damon. Silas needs to die," Stefan said in hard voice.
"So you're giving the cure to Silas now?"
"I don't want to talk about this right now." He had too much on his mind already without Damon pestering him about Elena. For once in his life, he couldn't care less.
"No, Stef. Let's talk about this. You mean to say that after everything you guys have been through, she means NOTHING to you now?"
Stefan just looked at Damon. "How many times do I have to keep repeating myself?"
He turned away from a flabbergasted Damon and headed to the bathroom to get changed for the day.
"So much for your epic love!"
Stefan smiled to himself. Damon was wrong. There was an epic love. Just with the same person that Damon was thinking of and he had a few tricks up his sleeve too.
Caroline took a deep breath. She stood in front of the Mikaelson mansion, unable to keep the nervousness from taking over her. She was doing it. She was really doing it. Finally, after much hesitation, she knocked on his door.
It took only a couple of moments for Klaus to answer. There was a look of blatant surprise on his face.
"Hi," Caroline said shyly. "I got your note."
"Oh that." Klaus looked down pretending to be interested in his antique doormat. "I-I thought it was just right to thank you...for that night." He finished as he looked at her straight in the eyes.
For a minute, they just stood there in silence. 'Why is it so awkward?' Caroline thought. She was annoyed with herself. Never in her life had she been this awkward with anyone. She was the captain of the freaking cheerleading squad, part of the student council, head of the prom committee and basically every other decade dance, even last year's Miss Mystic Falls! She was so not gonna go down this way.
"ALRIGHT. I know you're wondering why I came and honestly I'm at a loss too. I just knew that we had to figure this thing out." Her words rattled out of her mouth too fast for her to even process them. "So let's not be awkward about this. I mean you're just a normal guy and I'm just a normal girl and yeah you're a hybrid I know. I'm a vampire but seriously that doesn't mean that we can't talk like normal human beings and try to see where this is headed–"
Klaus started laughing.
"Why are you laughing?" Caroline asked. Her delicate brows furrowed in annoyance.
"I just..." He trailed off then gave her the most angelic smile. "Would you like to come in?"
"Elijah. I need this cure. You will deny your own sister her happiness?"
Rebekah was appalled that Elijah was even considering not giving her the cure. For a thousand years she's lived hating herself more and more every day because of what she has become. She wanted nothing more than to return to the person she was before all this happened.
"Rebekah, I will need time to deliberate. Your brother just got attacked because Silas does not have the cure. He is expected to deliver it to him otherwise his sanity is at stake."
Her eyes filled with tears. Why does everything have to be so hard? She admits that she worries for Klaus, of what might happen but surely Silas will cease to torture Klaus for the cure once there is no more cure to be had for him! Why can't her brother see that? She needed to clear her head. She was acting like a brat again and she did not want to be this way, the more Elijah would deny her the cure.
"Fine then. Let me know once you've gathered your senses."
She grabbed her keys and turned away before her brother could catch her crying.
Elijah sighed as he watched her go. Honestly, why did there only need to be one dose? Surely it wouldn't have been a problem for Qetsiyah to create at least two just in case Silas dropped it accidentally in the cave? Witches, sometimes. Elijah's thoughts were interrupted by light laughter coming from the living room.
"No seriously?"
"It's true!" Klaus laughed. "I went up to them and said 'If you're going to be the named the Crickets, then be ready to be pelted by eggs. No one will ever go around gossiping about the Crickets' latest single.'"
Klaus said the word with such disdain. It was actually amusing, even though Elijah heard this tale far too many times for his taste.
Caroline was laughing so hard. "I just can NOT believe that they were planning on naming themselves that! I mean imagine how that would sound now!"
"Right?" Klaus gestured with both his hands outward. They were both sitting on the couch. Caroline was hugging a pillow, sitting up in an Indian position. She looked surprisingly comfortable, considering she was joking with the most powerful creature in the world. "So I brought John aside and compelled him to think of a better name. I mean he was my friend and I respect his choices and all but it was for his own good."
"So how did you come up with the Beatles?"
"Well when we were having a conversation about it, John suddenly saw a beetle crawling on the wall. The man had an eye for the most peculiar things. And then suddenly it came to him. They made good beats. Why not call themselves the Beatles?"
"Oh gosh. I did not know they were this close to calling themselves the Crickets. Still can't believe it." Caroline shook her head in disbelief, smiling as she looked up, lost in her thoughts, her own world. Klaus just watched her, his mind still unable to accept that he was having a legitimate conversation with this baby vampire. And he was enjoying himself. He found himself wondering if she was enjoying herself too. Surely, she was? Her laughter sounded so genuine. He then felt a presence behind him. Sighing in annoyance, he spoke up.
"Eavesdropping isn't very gentleman-like, brother."
"Niklaus, perhaps I might have a word..."
"As you can see, I'm busy," Klaus didn't even turn to face at him as he gave Caroline an apologetic smile.
"...concerning the cure." Elijah finished.
Klaus exhaled. His eyes rolled upwards. In his enjoyment, he almost forgot the pressing matters at hand.
"It's alright, I'll give you two time to talk."
Klaus looked at her. It was killing him to leave her even for a little while. "I'll be right back," he said and flashed to Elijah. The two of them closed the door to the living room.
"What is it, then?"
"Rebekah has expressed a desire to intake the cure. I wish to look at the choices here, without bias. Present your case."
"Elijah. Why would Rebekah want to be cured of being one of the most powerful beings on the planet? This is a fleeting romance of hers and I suggest you think nothing of it. That cure needs to be crammed down Silas's throat."
"You would deny her her only shot of happiness?"
"She is too naive to understand happiness, Elijah."
"That cure was made for Silas. He needs to be rid of. Otherwise he will not stop until I reach the brink of insanity and destroy the whole world along with it."
Elijah still did not look convinced. "And yet the veil will be broken and the world will be destroyed either way."
"I will not allow the Bennett witch to do that."
"You've made your case. I will come to my decision tomorrow." Elijah turned on his heel and ascended the stairs. Maybe to admire once more his suit collection, Klaus thought bitterly. What a bother that conversation was. It only aggravated him and brought back every little thing he wanted to forget. He fumed as he headed back to the living room. Caroline would be waiting. Maybe she could help him forget again. She was good at that. He saw her sitting on the couch, still hugging the throw pillow to her chest, her blonde hair hanging like a golden curtain as she leaned down biting her thumb. She seemed to be in deep thought. He reached out to touch her.
"Klaus!" Caroline jumped as she felt his hand on his shoulder.
"What are you thinking of?" He asked cautiously. Surely, this was not another distraction act of hers. His heart broke at the mere thought but it couldn't be. This time felt more sincere than ever.
"I just. I-I was thinking..."
He waited for her to finish, to say the inevitable. What did Stefan put her up to this time? Perhaps they thought he'd be out to kidnap Elena again and therefore needed Caroline to engross him before he committed anymore acts of pure evil.
"...maybe we should go to Prom together," she asked tentatively.
And just like that, every other thing was forgotten.
Cute? Not cure? Let me know...I have more things planned! Don't you just loooove prom? ;) Oh and I am not kidding when I say I work faster the more you guys review so leave me a message down there in that box! Yes even you guest! Thank you to all of you!
OH AND HAVE YOU WATCHED THE LATEST EP 4X20. Honestly I am so happy for Jomo that it got picked up and all I can hope for now is that writers band together and work their magic to fix up that storyline I mean it was going so well until UGH I don't even wanna say it. What do you guys think?