Hey guys! So this is my very first fan-fiction! XD I currently have four chapters written and this is the first. Before I upload the next three, I really want some feedback just so I know if I should continue with my idea or not. This chapter is actually quite short compared to the others, just so you know.

So my story will use the original characters from Fairy Tail, and their original magic. And just so you all know this is definitely a NaLu fan-fic! NaLu all the way! I will probably include more pairings, like Gruvia, Jerza, and levy and Gajeel, depends on what you guys want ;)

So the first chapter is a flashback from the day the dragon Acnologia attacked the s-class selection group on the island (in natsu's point of view). The first chapter is ONLY a flash back, the second chapter will be current day. So if you want to know what happens in the current day, PLEASE REVIEW! I'd really appreciate it!

By the way, I just want you all to know that I love you all! I read A LOT of fan-fics before I grew enough courage to write my own, and the ones I read were FLIPPIN AMAZING! I really, really hope you enjoy this! so, reviews are great ideas! and any pointers to the new rookie would be appreciated if you have any!

Your Dragon's Key

`Chapter one; 'Tenroujima island'

7 years ago, on the beach at Tenroujima island facing the dark dragon, Acnologia.

Natsu's POV

I didn't know what to do, all I knew was that I had to return to Ji-Chan, we are a family, and no family member was to be left alone. I was finally able to rip my arm from Laxus' grasp. As I ran, many things were running through my mind, first was, dragons are still alive? Or was it just Acnologia? Was Igneel still alive? Did he know what was happening to me right now? But after clearing my mind of those questions, I realized 'how am I supposed to defeat a massive and unbelievably powerful dragon with barely ANY magic power left?' yes Wendy did a very good job healing my wounds, but she can't just make anyone's magic energy just re-appear, plus she had everyone else to heal, not just himself. She had tired herself out completely. He had to figure out some way to defeat this dragon…but how? Even gramps, one of the most powerful ten wizard saints was planning on sacrificing his life just to hold it back, never mind defeat it. There was only one thing he could do…

As he charged at the beast, past gramps, he cleared his mind of all doubts and worries and focused all his concentration on his senses, so he could at least try and dodge a hit that the beast will throw at him.

As gramps yelled at him to get away, the beast took this as his chance to get rid of the giant in front of him. Natsu, as fast, and light on his feet as he could manage in this state, started to climb the enraged dragon to find his weak spot. But as he flung me off his hard, black body, I heard Erza scream "CHAAARRGE!" And I immediately knew that my nakama had the same thoughts as me, 'leave no man behind'.

Soon after my body hit the hard ground, I had a little dragonslayer help me to my feet, with Wendy to my left, and Gajeel to my right, we both had the same thought. 'Combined breath attack' it was their strongest move and their best chance at beating this thing. As the three of us simultaneously yelled "ROAR OF THE IRON DRAGON!" "ROAR OF THE SKY DRAGON!" "ROAR OF THE FORE DRAGON!" the rest of our family had the same idea, as we fired our breath attacks, the others backed us up with their strongest attack they could muster in our condition.

As the attacks hit head on, there was a huge dust cloud that was thrown into the air, causing our view of the dragon to be blocked. I honestly prayed with my whole being that the attacks would scare it off. But my prayers were sent flying straight down to hell. As we heard an ear-piercing screech that only meant we had pissed the big beast off. The dust started to clear when a very strong wind whipped by our little group. i saw Gajeel a few feet in front of me now. He yelledl as loud as he could "BREATH ATTACK!" and then I saw it. This massive dragon with its jaws wide open sucking anything and everything into its lungs, focusing its power to annihilate the island.

It finally hit him, this thing was just too strong for him, him and two other dragonslayer's most powerful attack and the rest of the s-class selection groups most powerful attacks, hit it head on, and all it did to him was make him angry. He couldn't do anything. They were all going to… suddenly he noticed a certain smell of salty-wet tears, he hated that smell, and it was the smell of his best friend's tears. Just a few feet to his right he saw an image that made his heart break. Lucy was on her hands and knees looking at the ground talking to herself, but I could hear her "Maybe it's just hopeless…is it going to end for all of here?" as I watched her, my heart slowly started to break.

If there was one thing that hated most in this was seeing Lucy hurt. "Luce… I won't let it end here…none of us will" as I lent her my hand and gave her a determined and reassuring look, she smiled back with tears in her eyes and yelled "right! I refuse to give up!" as everyone joined hands, Erza yelled "everyone focus all your magic into one defensive move! We will show this creature the BOND OF OUR GUILD! FAIRY TAIL!"

As Lucy's hand gripped mine, we both focused all our magic power, and joined it to try and block the on-coming attack from Acnologia. We all stood in a circle with our hands intertwined with each other, and our heads held up high looking and focusing on our attacker. Soon a massive ball of glowing blue energy formed inside the dragons mouth, and continued to grow until it turned into a bright beam and exploded, annihilating the entire island.

The last thing I could remember was looking to my best friend, and seeing her smiling face, mouthing 'thank-you'. As I lost my grip on her I yelled her name, and blacked out.