Hey guys, sorry for the wait. Life tends to get in the way often huh? This is second last chapter, since there will be an epilogue after this. Thank you all for sticking by me and reading. It has meant the world to me. I appreciate every favourite and review. This is just a nice little fluffy end before the epilogue, so enjoy.

Also, is anyone else doing the Holiday Prompts in Panem?

Disclaimer: Thank you Suzanne Collins for creating the beautiful Trilogy that inspires me. I own nothing.

3 years later

Katniss looked herself over in the mirror, unable to process the lovely girl staring back at her. Her hair was up in an intricate braid, with pieces of her dark hair framing her face, and she had the slightest bit of makeup brushed across eyes and cheeks. Her skin glowed, and a rare smile adorned her lips as she thought about her big day.

Her gown was simple; it was white and flowed down to her ankles with tiny blue flame designs licking up the bottom. The waist was cinched with a belt, and the back laced up in intricate patterns. Her long-time family friend Cinna had made it for her, and she'd never seen something so lovely.

All of his creations were dazzling to say the least, and today he made her look as radiant as the sun.

"You look beautiful Katniss," a soft voice cooed in awe.

Katniss turned around to find young Primrose standing behind her. She was wearing an icy-blue bridesmaid dress with short sleeves, and her golden hair was done up in a wrap-around braid.

The younger girl had practically become a part of her family, always joining in on events like this. Their experiences together had only brought them closer, and Katniss loved Prim like her own sister.

"Thank you Prim, you look lovely as well." The girl flashed a gleaming smile.

"You ready to go Kat?" her father asked, moving to stand beside her. She nodded nervously, taking his suit-clad arm.

Soon enough she was walking down the makeshift aisle, her sights set only on the person down at the end.

Peeta was crisp and clean in his dark suit and tie. His smile brightened-if possible- when she neared and she could feel her heart swell. His flaxen hair reflected the sun as a breeze rippled through it, setting a nervous chill over his body. He took her hands in his when she arrived and time seemed to stand still. In that moment, only the two of them existed.

Katniss stared into his shining blue eyes and knew that she had found her home at last.

Their short vows ended and they kissed chastely, delighted in each other's presence.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife." the priest announced, and the small crowd erupted in joy.

The two lovers made their way to the reception area, where their small group of friends and family were gathered. They ate, and rejoiced, happy to be together at last.

"Um, excuse me," a voice shook over the crowd. A very nervous-looking Marilyn Everdeen stood. "Hello everyone, I just want to give a toast to our lovely newlyweds. Katniss honey, you are everything that I imagined a daughter would be, even if our time was cut short. I am so glad that you have found someone who makes you so happy. Peeta is such a great boy, and I know he will take care of you. I wish you both the best, and I know that you will have a great life together."

Everyone clapped, cheering for the two and Katniss blushed profusely, taking Peeta's hand. She'd never liked so much attention. Just one glance of Peeta's baby blues were more than enough eyes on her.

A few more guests gave small toasts, all congratulating the couple, and wishing them the best. Even Katniss's uncle, Haymitch gave a drunken rendition of 'Going to the Chapel' which was oddly disturbing.

After those toasts, Peeta stood at the table, preparing a speech of his own.

"Katniss, my love, my life, I want to thank you for everything you've given me." he took a breath, and the room fell silent. "There's nothing that I would love more than spending the rest of my life with you," he looked towards her. "Now this might sound crazy, but I have loved you since I first laid eyes on you in kindergarten." the crowd chuckled. "Hey, laugh if you want, I'm not joking." Peeta said defensively. "It was the first day of kindergarten, and I remember you had your hair in two braids instead of one, and you were wearing a red plaid dress. I remember my father was standing beside me, and he pointed you out to me. He told me that he'd wanted to marry your mother, but she ran off with another man. Now, being the foolish child that I was, I asked him why she'd want someone else when she could have him, and he answered that when he sang, all the birds stopped to listen."

Everyone looked towards Aden Everdeen, who just grinned, clutching his wife to his side. He certainly knew that he'd stolen Marilyn from her high school sweetheart.

"Later that day," Peeta continued. "The teacher asked if anyone knew the valley song and I remember your hand shooting up in the air. You stood up in front of the class and sang, and I swear all the birds stopped to listen." he paused. "I knew then, that just like your mother, I was a goner. It took me years to even approach you, but I am so glad I finally did. You have changed my life in all the best ways."

Katniss blushed profusely, taking Peeta's hand and pulling him into a kiss. She'd never known that he'd harbored feelings for her for so long; it was kind of cute. She'd only really fallen in love with him after her kidnapping, but her need for him was great.

"I don't know if I can top that toast." she whispered, sighing. Peeta was always so good with words, while hers often fell short of her feelings.

He grinned. "I know how you feel; you don't need to tell me."

Even still, Katniss stood. "Peeta," she swallowed, gathering her words. "We've been through so much together, but I now have hope for a better future. I know that with you by my side, we can make it through anything. I love you Peeta Mellark, and I am grateful to have you every single day. You helped bring me into the light when there was only darkness, and I will try to do the same for you."

There was an echo of cooing, and clapping through the crowd and Peeta pulled Katniss out onto the dance floor.
After a couple rounds of swaying to the music, other guests broke in, wanting to converse with the newlyweds.

Katniss made her way around the room, greeting the small group of friends and family. Eventually, she came to the end of her round, finding Agent Olivia Banner with a dark-haired man.

"Katniss," the older woman said. "It's nice to see you."

"I'm so glad you came." Katniss replied courteously.

"I wouldn't miss it." Olivia stated sincerely, noticing that her dark-haired friend had gone quiet. "This is Peter Kingston, my plus-one for the night." she grabbed the man's arm, pulling him close, and he wrapped his arm around her waist.

"It's nice to meet you Mr. Kingston."

"This has been a lovely wedding." he spoke in his slight southern drawl.

"I'm so happy for you both," Olivia grinned widely, taking the younger woman in her arms.

"Thank you so much," Katniss replied.

"I'm also really looking forward to having you as a new addition to our team."

Katniss smiled bash fully. "Well, I wouldn't say 'new addition' just yet, I'm just a junior agent, practically an intern."

"I have no doubt that you will be offered a position. We don't have many people with your drive."

"I'm looking forward to it."'

Olivia spotted Peeta across the room, and she noticed that he seemed to be searching for Katniss. "Now go find your husband," she urged. "I think he's waiting for a dance."

"Thanks Olivia."

Katniss shuffled her way through the people, finally finding her husband. She took his hand and pulled him close, swaying to the music.

"How did the socializing go?" Peeta asked, placing his hands on her waist.

"Not bad, Gale is here with Madge, and they seem really happy. I also found Haymitch drunk at the bar like usual."

Peeta chuckled. Katniss's uncle was a known alcoholic, but he was a surprisingly good person. Despite his tough exterior, he really cared about his niece. "And Olivia? What did she have to say?"

"Just that she's happy for us, and that I have got a job with the bureau." Katniss shrugged.

Peeta stopped them for a moment, pulling his wife into a tight embrace. "Katniss, that's great! I'm so proud of you."

"I didn't go through the Academy for nothing."

"My wife's gonna be FBI." he siing-songed.

"Not this again," she laughed. "I get it that a woman with a gun turns you on, but it's gonna be hard work."

"And who better for the job than you?" he started dancing again. "I am so happy for you, you're gonna be a great agent."

Katniss looked down. "Hopefully..."

"Now don't be glum, you're amazing."

"You're not too bad yourself baker boy." she teased.

Peeta had opened up a bakery in the city, and already had steady business. His art career was slowly building up as well, and he hoped he could make something out of that as well.

"Well," he whispered, leaning close. "You look beautiful tonight."

She stood up on her toes, wrapping her arms around his neck and pressing her lips firmly against his.

"I am so glad I married you." she murmured almost jokingly, aware of how true it was. She was so incredibly lucky to have him.

They clasped hands and left the reception, giddy smiles on their faces. There was no place they'd rather be than with each other.

Later that night when she was wrapped in his arms, feeling so loved and cherished, she knew she made the right choice. He asked if she was ok a thousand times and she just smiled and pulled him close. Being there, limbs tangled together was the real solid proof that it was all worth it, the proof that they made it out alive.

So when he turned to meet her stormy eyes and asked if she loved him, she could throw her whole heart into it and answer yes.

Because their love had always been real.