Ok here is the next update and final chapter of the Marriage Project. Oh boy came a long with this fanfic. I enjoyed it despite the longs hours of brainstorming and the whole writing process. Anyways, it's been ride, but all good rides must come to an end. Enjoy!


Sasuke's POV

We quickly ran to where the sound is coming from. I start down the stairs. Itachi, Tobi, Deidara, and Sasori follow close behind me. The other guys were on the lookout. I hear a voice saying in fake concern, "Did that hurt? Here let me fix that." Another scream comes from behind the wall. "Deidara, I need you to blow up that wall over there. It seems that where the screams are coming from." Sasori says. "On it." Deidara says. He goes over to wall and sets up a small explosive. "You may want to cover your ears." Itachi says to us. In 5 seconds a big bang occurs and Deidara has a look of approval on his face. "Come on, we need to get her go before the smoke clears." I say. "Don't move another muscle." A voice threatens us.

From the hole in the wall. Nagato steps out into the cloud of dust. He has Sakura in a chokehold with a knife at her neck. But I can see all the other cuts that he placed on her body. She is quite bloody, but still conscience. "You, bomb boy get back." Nagato tells Deidara. Deidara steps back towards us. "Nagato let her go." Ino says. Nagato looks at Ino. "Tell me where my kid is." He demands her. "He's gone. I told you that already." Ino says. Nagato grips on Sakura harder. Sakura lets out a painful gasp. "Don't lie to me. This girl knows something about where our son is." He says. I see Sasori gripping the rope in his hands.

"Ino keep him talking. I have an idea." Itachi whispers to her. From behind me I hear Itachi talking to Sasori coming up with a plan. A plan that includes Tobi. Who I must say has some serious skills. Especially since he took out those to guards from the front. "Why is he so important to you?" I ask him. Nagato's crazed look is directed at me. "She didn't tell me. She kept him hidden from me. I never got to see him." He says. His voice filled with rage. "You're right Nagato. I'm sorry that I kept Kenji a secret from you. But you were so worried about the deal that was going down. I didn't think you would want to be bothered with a baby. I'm sorry. Please let her go." Ino pleads with him. Nagato doesn't get a chance to answer.

"Now!" Itachi says. He pushes me and Ino out the way. In a flash Sasori throws his rope toward Nagato's hand pulling the knife away from Sakura's neck. His grip on her didn't loosen though. In a swift motion, Tobi chops Nagato in the arm and a sound of bone cracks. Nagato screams in pain. He pushes Sakura to the ground screaming holding onto his broken arm. "You all will pay for this!" He yells at us. "Tobi shut him up." Neji says. With a hard punch to the face Nagato is out like a light. "Sasori tie him up." Itachi says. I go over to Sakura who at first seems to be unconscious. I hold her in my arms, but I don't get a response. Then I lightly start tapping her face. "I'm awake. I'm awake." She says faintly. "Are you alright?" Ino comes over to us. "I've had better days." She says. "Come on let's get you out of here."

It wasn't until about two weeks before graduation when Sakura and I got called into Tsunade's office. "Please tell me you didn't do anything stupid." Sakura says to me. "Not this time I swear.". She healed up nicely after the Nagato incident, but she refuses to talk about it. I would push her about it, but she is already as stubborn as a bull. When we get to the office Tsunade is sitting at her desk with an expression on her face that I can't read. "Ms. Haruno it's good to see that you're doing better." Tsunade acknowledges. Somehow, she managed to find out what happened over the break. I'm willing to beat it was Naruto's big mouth. "Yes, I am." Sakura says uncomfortably. "Good, now as you know graduation is coming up in two weeks and your prom is week." Sakura and I exchanged looks. "What is this about?" I ask her. "Well, you two forgot about your report last week." Tsunade says. "Are you saying we can't go because of that?" Sakura asks. Tsunade lets out a laugh. "Oh heavens no. I'm informing you that you both pass the course, despite the trouble you both caused for Shizune. Oh and as a final thing on your assignment you're going to the dance with each other." Sakura has a look of shock on her face. "Please tell me you're joking." She says. "Oh don't act like you cant stand him, Sakura. I got eyes everywhere. You can leave now." Tsunade says. That was a week ago and it's already prom night waiting for my date who has yet to arrive.

Sakura's POV

I'm in the bathroom with both Hinata and Ino. "I swear, I feel like this a joke." I say fixing my hair again. "Come on Sakura, after what happened you need to have a good memory of how your senior year ended." Ino says. She is right, I can't have being kidnapped and tortured as the last memory of high school. "And this isn't Carrie. I'm sure no one in this school has that type of power." Hinata says. She smiles and pushes me out the door. "Now let's go. Eri just sent me a text saying they are about to announce Prom King and Queen." Ino says. We get to the gym where the prom is being held just time for me to see Sasuke walking on stage. He looks a bit nervous and Tsunade has a look on her face. I bet she is wondering where the hell I am. But she doesn't let it show. "And your prom queen…Sakura Haruno." That comes as a shock to me, but not to everyone else.

That big spotlight they used to put people on the spot finds me and nearly blinds me in the process. I feel both Hinata and Ino pushing me toward the stage. I get up on the stage and the tiara is placed on my head. "Alright you two now for the tradition dance." Tsunade says. Motioning to the empty center of the gym. "I'm not a good dancer." Sasuke warns me once we got the center. "Well, neither am I so I think we are both on the same level." I tell him. The music starts to play and our bodies move in an instant. I accidently step on his foot. "I really hope no one saw that." Sasuke says, but from the corner of my eye I see Hinata with her phone up. I know for a fact that she is video-recording this. "Don't be so sure. Hinata has her camera out." "Great."

After the tradition dance Sasuke and I met up with Naruto and Hinata at the punch bowl. "That better get deleted." Sasuke says the moment we get to them. Hinata gives him a headshake. "Hey, where is Gaara?" I ask. Hinata points over to the dance floor. He is dancing by himself. "Didn't he have a date?" Sasuke asks. "Yeah, but the bitch Matsuri flaked out on him." Hinata informs us. "Nata, I'm loving the foul mouth you right now." I tell her. "Hey Sasuke, lets go dance with him." Naruto says without even giving Sasuke a chances to decline and pulls him toward Gaara. And then the three idiots started dancing.

"Never in my life I did I imagine Gaara coming to dance and actually dancing. And he is actually good. I'm jealous." Ino says coming from nowhere. She also came solo, but only by choice. She claims she needed a break from the guy drama. "Never in my life I did I imagine being with Naruto." Hinata said. She looks at Naruto doing the sprinkler move. "Never in my life did I imagine my senior year to be so interesting." I say. Ino and Hinata nod in agreement. "Well, Suna High isn't your average high school." Tsunade says coming to monitor the food. She is right, Not every school has a sadistic principal ruling it, but it wasn't for her. I don't think Ino and I would ever have become friends and I would be Sasuke's girlfriend. "She is right, nothing about this school." Ino says. Cheers to that!

The End! I hope you liked it. Sorry, if I rushed it. I didn't want this chapter to disappear like my other story did. Hope you enjoyed it. Until then…

SensationHorror out!