Welcome to a bonus chapter! So this one will feature Moonclan, and basically what happened before Bloodclan wiped them out and made them become Nightclan. Well not exactly what happened to them, more like how their clan worked, who founded them, all that good stuff! I've been planning not to do the sequel to this book immediately, I might try to do a different story first. And just to add some story into it, we have some Chillstar and Dovefeather at the end and a little more stories. (You'll find out who they are) Also I changed my pen name yesterday. XD It got a little crazy but yeah! On with the chapter.
Bonus Chapter:
Moonclan was created when a cat from the mountains were exiled. He came from The Tribe Of Rushing Water, a cave-guard named Chill. Framed of killing a kit, he was driven out by Stoneteller. He travelled, past the lake clans and settled in a forest a good ways away from the clan. He settled on the opposite side of the twolegplace. There he found a beautiful she-cat, an exiled medicine cat from Thunderclan named Dovefeather. Dovefeather taught Chill the ways of the clans and became their own clan. They gathered rouges, clan cats, and even a few kitty-pets. Chill became the leader, Chillstar. Dovefeather was his deputy. They thrived in the forest for a long time.
Significant Leaders:
Chillstar- White tom with grey specks and icy blue eyes.
Deputies: Dovefeather, Lightningfire
Apprentices: Lightningpaw (Later Lightningfire/Lightningstar), and Nightpaw (Later Nightfang)
Lightningstar- Bright ginger tom with white paws and green eyes.
Deputies: Frostwind, Gingersnap, and Featherfall.
Apprentices: Smallpaw, Sagepaw (Later Sagewhisker) and Featherpaw (Later Featherfall/Featherstar)
Featherstar- Silver and black tabby she-cat with amber eyes.
Deputies: Sagewhisker, Icespike, and Darkstrike.
Apprentices: Darkpaw (Later Darkstrike/Darkstar)
Darkstar- Black tom with faint grey stripes and hazel eyes.
Deputies: Featherbreeze, Lunafeather.
Apprentices: None.
Significant Medicine Cats:
Hazelwhisker- Hazel-colored she-cat with blue eyes.
Hazelwhisker was at first a kitty-pet, but she was the first recruit to Nightclan besides Dovefeather. She had a dream from Starclan, telling her to become a medicine cat. She was heart-broken when her apprentice medicine cat, Littlestripe, left the clan to be with a she-cat. So she trained another medicine cat, Violetpetal.
Violetpetal- Black she-cat with strange violet eyes.
Violetpetal, daughter of Chillstar, was greatly respected as a medicine cat when Hazelwhisker finally stepped down and became an elder she took an apprentice named Starflight. Violetpetal also discovered the Moontree, finally allowing her father to receive his nine lives and earn his true title as Chillstar.
Starflight- Tortoiseshell she-cat with green eyes.
A used to be kitty-pet, Starflight was soft and gentle. She had an excellent memory for herbs and was probably the best medicine cat Moonclan ever had. Starflight trained her first and only apprentice, Shadowleaf. Poor Starflight was murdered by Cloudfur, she was the evil white tom's first kill.
Shadowleaf- Night black tom with amber eyes.
Pure clan blood, Shadowleaf was cocky, arrogant, and stubborn. He was the last medicine cat of Moonclan, and never got to train an apprentice. He escaped Moonclan, leaving the area. Nobody knows where he went.
Moonclan lives in a deep forest, almost isolated from everything. On one side of the forest is the twolegplace, and the other side is the mountains. It's normally dark, but a fair amount of sunlight shines through the trees.
Moonclan's camp is located in a cave, in the center of the forest. It is reinforced with brambles and large branches to keep out any intruders. There is a secret way through the side of the cave, that is the entrance to camp.
Significant Landmarks:
Moon Meadow- A large field of flowers, the only big place where the moon and sun shine. Normally where cats mate.
The Cliff- A large gorge, Moonclan has lost several apprentices to it. (Bladestorm died here)
Bright Forest- A brighter forest, where apprentices hold their assessments and where most hunting patrols hunt.
Sandy River- A large river, with long sandy banks that eventually leads to a water-fall. Nice place to go fishing.
Chillstar's Claw- A small claw-like stone, big enough to see from a distance though. Chillstar killed a fox here, and was murdered by Nightfang here.
Skull's Tree- A traitor named Skullfire was killed here. Struck by a falling burning tree, Starclan sent a lightning bolt to kill him.
Kit tales (Elders normally tell kits these stories):
The Beginning Of Moonclan (Short version)
Chillstar was the first leader of Moonclan. He used to be Chill that freezes the mountain. He was a cave-guard in the tribe of the rushing water. But he was the son of an evil cat named Grey. Everyone wanted to get rid of him so a cat named Cloud, framed of killing the leader's daughter. In a rage the clan gladly drove poor Chill out.
Angry and sad, Chill traveled down the mountain that he lived on and came down to the clans. He passed by them though, he was not welcomed with the clans. But then he met Dovefeather, the love of his life. Dovefeather was a beautiful silver she-cat, her blue eyes twinkled like stars. She was an exiled medicine cat. She was exiled because she had been caught with a tom from another clan. But Dovefeather didn't love the tom anymore, she loved Chill.
So they mated, and Dovefeather taught Chill the ways of the clans. She finally convinced him to try and create his own clan. It sounded crazy at the tom, and Chill had his doubts. Their first recruit was Hazelwhisker. Hazelwhisker became the clans first medicine cat. But, Hazelwhisker used to be a a kitty-pet named Sasha, and she knew many other cats in the twolegplace. She was able to bring a few of her friends, finally starting Moonclan.
The Legacy Of Featherstar
Featherstar started out as a pretty silver and black she-kit with glowing amber eyes. The grand-daughter of Chillstar, she was expected to be great. Featherkit was the only kit of her litter, and the only kit in the clan for a long time. Featherkit at first had her eyes set on being a medicine cat, but she had a tom in mind. His name was Thornpaw, a handsome brown tabby tom. When Featherkit finally became Featherpaw, she was apprentice to Lightningstar, the leader.
Featherpaw defeated a badger at the age of seven moons, saving Thornstrike from death. The two cats were drawn to each other despite their age difference. Featherpaw became a warrior early, because she had success after success after success. She defeated a badger, a fox, and saved three kits from a flood all in her four moons of apprenticeship. The three kits just happened to be Lightningstar's, almost forcing him to make her a warrior.
So Featherpaw became Featherfall, already a near legend. She mated with Thornstrike, and they became a happy couple. Featherfall eventually had kits, only one though. His name was Icekit. Featherfall was happy, but a certain jealous tom was not. A tom named Skullfire, wanting desperately to become Featherfall's mate, murdered Thornstrike and tried to murder Icekit. This led to Featherfall's near death, in a wild attempt to save her only son. Skullfire, horrified that he had almost killed his love, instantly got exiled from the clan and exiled himself. Running away, a tree got struck by lightning and fell on him.
Icekit lived to become Icepaw, and Featherfall became deputy. She ended up making her son a deputy, but Icespike retired but not before Featherstar had trained an apprentice. She trained her only apprentice, Darkpaw. When Darkpaw became Darkstrike, he was almost immediately given an apprentice and deputy-ship.
Featherstar lost her lost life to Black-cough.
Starflight's Love
Starflight was a beautiful tortoiseshell she-cat, daughter of Icespike. She instantly had a passion for herbs, spending all her time as a kit in Violetpetal's den. She became the medicine cat apprentice, Starpaw, at the age of five moons.
Starflight attracted many toms to her, but she had a vow not to have kits. But she did fall in love, love with Darkstrike. The two mated, and Starflight was carrying his kits. This was a secret. Starflight carried on with her duties.
Darkstrike then mated with Fatherbreeze, dumping Starflight. Heart-broken, Starflight continued her duties still. Then Violetpetal died, making her the full medicine cat. The tortoiseshell trained an apprentice, Shadowleaf. Soon after Shadowleaf became a full medicine cat, Cloudfur slaughtered Starflight, killing her and her kits. But one of her kits survived, and lived to have kits. But they were rouges, and nobody knows what happened to them.
Moonclan's Demise:
Moonclan was finally destroyed when Cloudfur was exiled from the clans and joined Bloodclan. There he led Bloodclan on raids and attacks and killed Darkstar and many other great warriors. One night there was a huge battle. Lunafeather was said to be killed, but she lived on. But Moonclan retreated, and was forced to scatter in order to live. Cloudfur died under Nightfrost's claws. The night of the battle an eclipse appeared, fore-shadowing the moons of death and blood that were to come.