Disclaimer: I do not own the Ace Combat franchise or any of the concepts and characters of said franchise. I do own all of the OCs and concepts created by me for this story. This disclaimer covers every chapter that has been or will be released for this story.

Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War (Squadron Leader)

Legendary Aces: The Legend of Razgriz



War. Some hate it, some love it. Me? I don't know, really. I never concerned myself with it. I joined the military, but the thought of war never once crossed my mind. I only looked at the sky.

Ever since I was a little girl, I gazed at the skies, at the birds flying through them. I craved for their freedom. What was it like flying high in the sky? I wanted to know the feeling.

Along with flying, I did carry a few other interests. From a young age, I loved the violin. My father played as well and relished the idea of teaching me. I absorbed every facet of his lessons. By my teenage years, I could play with the best.

As early as my passion for the violin emerged, a passion for swordplay also appeared. As soon as my arms were strong enough to swing a sword, swing a sword they did. My father was an expert swordsman and taught me everything he knew. I never held any sort of belt in Kendo, but even black belts couldn't compete with me.

My father passed away shortly after my eighteenth birthday. I inherited much, but only wanted two things. I treasured the violin and katana handed down in my family. My father only played the special violin on my birthday and only a certain song. After he played it, he would let me play another special song. Both were original compositions by the two of us and were never named.

The katana was perhaps more special. Once I could handle a live blade, it was the sword I used to pass all of my father's tests. I loved the sword.

The violin and sword were all I had left of my dad, aside our shared love of the sky. It was then that I made my decision.

After high school, I joined the Air Force. My academics and athletics were high. Naturally, they jumped at the opportunity to sign me up.

A few years later, after a bachelor's degree and officer training, I was sent off to Sand Island for flight training. My dream had been fulfilled.

I soared through the sky. I sometimes was yelled at for flying out of formation, but the head instructor noticed my genuine love of flying and would occasionally let me have a few minutes of fun. Those days in the skies were good times.

I quickly befriended some of the other trainees, or nuggets as Captain Bartlett called us. Second Lieutenant Alvin H. Davenport, callsign Chopper, shared my interest in music. He had quite the collection and frequently invited me to just hang out and listen.

Another nugget, Second Lieutenant Kei Nagase, callsign Edge, commonly sat alone reading a book. I recognized it as soon as I got a clear view of the cover. It was about the Razgriz legend. I talked to her about the book once. She only said that it was a very good story.

I occasionally ran into Airman First Class Hans Grimm, but he always seemed nervous. I didn't give it much thought, though. He seemed nice enough.

I talked to a few others, but none were as friendly as Lieutenant Davenport, Lieutenant Nagase, and Airman Grimm. Little did I know that I would soon be flying with them.

"Blaze, time to fly." Chopper called. My real name, Kye Akari, was no mystery, but it was rarely used. I went by my callsign, Blaze. I didn't care much which name everyone used, and it didn't matter. The sky was calling, and I answered.

I've been tossing around this story idea for quite awhile, much longer than most of my other stories. I never considered going through with writing this story, but lately the urge has risen.


I like to imagine how a story would go if I added my character, Kye Akari, in the folds. Unlike the other incarnations of my character, this incarnation will have no special powers. In this story, she will not possess the ability to fly freely (without technology), she will not possess the ability to control and project light energy (or neutral or dark energy), she will not be able to perform any superhuman feats of strength, or anything beyond the physical limitations of a normal human. She will retain her sharp senses and extreme combat skill, which will make for a one hell of a fighter pilot.

Detailed information on the character Kye Akari can be found in my profile. Below is a general profile. If you have any questions about Kye and cannot find the answer in my profile or here, ask away!

Kye Akari
Age: 23
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 120 lbs
Hair: Long Blonde, typically tied in a ponytail but occasionally unstyled.
Eyes: Silver
Body: Slender
Interests: Flying, Violin, Swordplay
Special traits: Extreme Combat Skill, almost like a sixth sense.

If you have any comments, questions, suggestions, or any need to contact me, feel free to send a private message or leave a signed review (unsigned reviews are always welcome, of course, but do know that I cannot personally reply to them!)