Dean had been shaking ever since Sam fished him out of the lake.

It had been cold, almost frozen, but Dean just had to jump in fully clothed to get the kid out. Hot headed Dean jumping in with out thinking, but both were happy to have the kid safe.

Now though, the elder Winchester was curled up on the motel bed, wrapped in one of Sam's hoodies. It was the only thing he accepted from Sam, other than that he kicked away the other, telling Sam not to worry. He still worried though and prayed silently for some help.

What he did not expect was Cas appearing in the room or the motel door opening, Benny storming in. Neither acknowledged him, both rushing to Dean's side fussing over him. He had not expected both angel and vampire to stand one another, let alone work together.

Cas held Dean as Benny checked his temperature finally looking to Sam. "Can you get some medicine for him? Soup and whatever he likes too."

After the request was made Cas looked over his shoulder with a pleading look. He then moved to the other bed, pulling the blanket from it to give Dean a second layer of warmth.

Both vampire and angel shared a look before Benny toed off his shoes, climbing in behind Dean. His arms wrapped around the shivering hunter who only offered a small amount of resistance. A low whined "go away" was all Dean could utter.

Next Cas removed his own coat, suit jacket, and shoes before moving in front. He sat up closet to the pillow with Dean's head buried against his chest. "Easy, Dean. It's alright. We'll watch over you." One hand gently cupped the hunter's face and it only took that simple gesture to have Dean nuzzling the clothed chest, shaking even more.

The blankets were pulled up around them, Sam moving over only to help. He had stayed only to make sure they were okay though he knew Dean was safe in their care.

"I'll be right back." He gestured to the door with his thumbs, keys in hand.

Cas spared him a glance, nodding with a small smile as Benny nosed at Dean's neck. It had Sam worried for a moment but the vampire seemed more interest in Dean's comfort than a meal.

Mind at ease he left to get provisions, wondering when the hell his brother ended up with two boyfriends.