Author's note: I wrote these last summer/fall. They've been on y-gallery for a while, too. These all take place AFTER Seattle for them (and no, I have not written the Seattle series yet. I do not know when I will, and you don't need to be able to know what happened there to follow these sidefics). They go from April to early December, and after I post these, I will also be posting a Christmas/New Year's special I've been writing since December that (so far) has around 7 chapters to it. I'll post it when it's completed on y-gallery, and it will be edited for content.

Naruto was climbing the stairs leading to Sasuke's apartment. He thought he'd take a longer lunch break so that they could hang out since Sasuke was working from home today. He unlocked the front door and as he stepped in, he heard music playing through the TV on Pandora. Passion Pit's Take a Walk. He smiled and threw his keys on the couch. Sasuke's laptop and some papers were on the coffee table.

He passed the kitchen, poking his head in to see if Sasuke was there, and, not finding him, headed for the bedroom, where he found Sasuke face down on the bed. Smirking, he crept up on the other side and grabbed his shoulder.

Sasuke jumped about a foot in the air, and Naruto started laughing as he collapsed on top of the sheets next to him.

"Not very funny," said Sasuke. He looked as if he might've been taking a nap.

"Really? I thought it was pretty hilarious."

Sasuke rolled onto his side, propping his head in his hand. "What are you doing here?"

He scowled. "You're not happy to see me?"

"Of course."

Naruto shifted onto his stomach. "Whatcha doin'?"

"I was taking a nap."

"I thought we could have lunch together."

Slowly, Sasuke smiled, and Naruto smiled back at him.

"I like your hair," remarked Naruto and tried to fix it for him by pushing it behind his ear. Sasuke grabbed for his hand and interlaced their fingers.

"Your shirt's going to get wrinkles, and I'm not going to iron it for you."

He chuckled. "I'm a big boy. I can do my own ironing."

Sasuke made a face.

"What? I iron my own shirts! I've never asked you to iron them for me!"

Sasuke squeezed his hand. "I didn't say anything. So what would you like for lunch?"

"Dunno. Cereal?"

"I'm not having cereal for lunch."

"Hmm." Naruto watched their joined fingers as he bounced their hands on the bed. "Make me a grilled cheese?"

"Why do I have to be the one to make it?"

Naruto rolled his eyes. "Fine, I'll make it. Do you have sliced ham? And tell me you have regular cheese, not that weird stuff you get."

Sasuke raised an eyebrow. "Any type of cheese other than mozzarella and cheddar is weird to you."

"Uh, yeah. Duh."

Sasuke sighed. "You know, I was so comfortable."

"I know." Naruto grinned. "You looked comfortable."

"You're such a butt."

"Love you," he sing-songed.

Sasuke cupped his cheek, sweeping a thumb across it. "You're lucky you're so pretty. All that blond hair and those blue eyes."

"You love my eyes. Remember that first night I was here, and you said - "

Sasuke narrowed his eyes. "I said your eyes were nice, not that they were pretty."

"Mm. I remember. So how's your day been so far?"

"Good," replied Sasuke and flashed a small grin. "Better now."

"Smooth." Naruto let go of his hand and pushed on Sasuke gently until he was forced to go flat on his stomach. He slid up next to him so that he could rest his head on Sasuke's shoulder and throw an arm across his lower back. He slipped his fingers underneath the hem of his boyfriend's shirt.

"I like when you make surprise visits during your lunch break," Sasuke said, his voice low.

"Me, too."

They lay there a while. Naruto continued to toy with Sasuke's shirt, occasionally touching skin. He liked simply listening to the sound of Sasuke's breathing and being together. Every once in a while, Sasuke shifted underneath him, moving even closer.

"How's work been so far?" Sasuke murmured.

"Pretty good. All of us are there today, so it's been fun."


"Do you..." He lifted his head from off of Sasuke's shoulder. "Wanna do anything tonight? Like, go out maybe?" Moving his hand from Sasuke's side, he trailed it up his back, to his neck, and then into his hair - working his fingers through it like a massage.

"Are you asking me out on a date, Naruto?"

Naruto tilted his head and smiled. "Yeah. I am. Dinner and a movie? Something like that?"

"Sounds good." He leaned in, and Naruto met him halfway for a brief kiss, and then another longer one as he pressed Sasuke into him, using the hand at the back of his head.

When they finished, Naruto's teeth pressed into his bottom lip.

Sasuke was watching him intently. "Naruto..."


He looked at him for a long while, shrugged, and said, "Inexpressible desire."

"Liar," said Naruto, and he nuzzled his head underneath Sasuke's chin. "Tell me."

Sasuke wrapped an arm around his waist, holding him close. "You know already. I don't want to feed your ego."

"You're supposed to feed my ego when I'm here on a lunch break. That's what it's for."

"No," said Sasuke, and he rubbed Naruto's back. "But I will make you a grilled cheese at least. Since you're taking me out tonight."

"About that," he breathed, content. "Where do you wanna go? What movie do you wanna see?"

"I don't know. Maybe Thai? As for movies..." He hummed near Naruto's ear. "Being Flynn? Salmon Fishing in the Yemen? I know nothing blows up in those, but they both looked good."

"They're playing at the indie theater?"

"I'll check on my phone real quick." He rolled away and reached for his phone, which was on the nightstand.

Naruto waited as he searched for the times.

"They're both playing. One at 7 and one at 7.30."

"I'm fine with that," he said. "I'll even buy you popcorn and junior mints if you want."

Sasuke smirked at him. "I doubt you'll have to if we're going after dinner, but I appreciate the sentiment."

Naruto reached up and grabbed for his wrist, pulling him back down. "Just a few more minutes and I'll get up to make something."

He settled onto his back and Sasuke drew himself up to his side, placing an arm over his stomach. He tugged at the bottom of Naruto's tie, flipping it between his fingers.

"This is one of mine," said Sasuke.

"It is."

He kissed the side of Naruto's neck, a very light press of the lips.

"Want to tell me what you were thinkin' earlier?" He turned his head to look Sasuke in the eyes. "Or is it still inexpressible? It's like that song."

"Vague," Sasuke said and snorted.

"Shut up. That one. About the undisclosed desires of the heart." He opened his mouth to start to sing it but Sasuke stopped him by covering it with his hand.

"Don't do that," said Sasuke, smirking and shaking his head. "Don't sing."

Naruto used his eyebrows to scowl.

"Whatever," he said when Sasuke removed his hand. "I have a great voice."

"I do like it." Sasuke touched his lips, tracing them.

Naruto nipped at his fingertips, biting down harder on one of them.

"Don't start what you can't finish," Sasuke said to him, narrowing his eyes.

"I always finish when I'm with you," he said, taking hold of Sasuke's hand.

Sasuke rumbled out a quiet laugh.

"Why are you so sexy?" Naruto asked suddenly. He loved when Sasuke laughed. It did crazy, unexpected things to his heart.

"You don't think I'm sexy."

"I must. I'm thinking very dirty things right now."


"I don't want to ruin the moment with graphic details."

"Hn. Maybe just one."

Sasuke brought Naruto's hand to his mouth, grazing his lips across the knuckles.

"Tell me."

"Even though you wouldn't tell me what you were thinkin' earlier?" Naruto fought the urge to pull him over and kiss him. Once he started, he wouldn't want to stop.

"You want to know what I was thinking?"

He nodded. "I do."

Sasuke hummed and kissed the back of his hand several times. "I was just thinking..." He kept his gaze lowered as he paused.

"Yes...?" Naruto urged him.

Raising his eyes, Sasuke replied somewhat hesitantly, "I'm... very much in love with you."

Naruto's eyes widened and, automatically, he smiled rather widely. "Yeah?"


"You're in love with me?" He grabbed Sasuke's hand and pulled him over. Taking hold of the side of his face, he kissed him slowly, and moved his hand to the back of Sasuke's neck.

They kissed for a few minutes. He felt Sasuke's fingers untucking his shirt and reach underneath it to press a palm flat to his stomach. Then it sank lower, over his belt... to his thigh. Naruto sighed into the kiss, which is when Sasuke touched his tongue to his while his hand traveled upward again until it rested on Naruto's stomach.

When they finally parted, their foreheads were pressed together.

"I should make lunch," Naruto whispered, voice gruff.

"If that's what you want," Sasuke whispered back, voice equally husky.

"You know what I want."

"Tell me?"

"You," he answered and nipped at Sasuke's bottom lip. "I want you."

"You have me."

"Hmm. Sometimes it feels like it's not enough."

Sasuke gave a chuckle.

"Don't laugh," said Naruto, frowning. "I'm serious."

"Well, what do you want me to do, Naruto? I'd gladly give you anything you wanted. You know that."

"I know..." He traced the shell of Sasuke's ear and let his head fall back onto the pillow.

"Maybe I want more, too," said Sasuke.

"Then what's the solution?" Naruto asked. "Should I ask you to marry me? Have my babies?" Something changed in the way Sasuke was looking at him. "What is it?"

Sasuke shook his head. "Nothing. Just trying to figure out whether I thought that was cruel to say or not."

"I didn't mean it to be cruel," he replied, eyebrows lifting as he fingered Sasuke's bangs away from his eyes. "What should I tell you? That you're my soulmate, and I knew it from the very first day?"

"Tell me what's true," said Sasuke. "I like when you're honest."

Naruto smiled softly. "You should know how I feel." He took Sasuke's hand and lay it flat against his heart. "I mean, I've turned gay for you."

"You're not gay, Naruto. Even I can tell that quite clearly, and I've had sex with you."

"Many times," said Naruto wistfully.

"Many times. Yes."

"Gay or not, I still feel how I feel for you."

"How do you feel?" Sasuke asked, his hand moving from Naruto's heart to his stomach. "So help me if you say horny, I will hurt you."

He laughed. "Hey, that's also pretty telling if all I wanna do is kiss you or..." Naruto paused, head tilted to the side, as he tried to think of the best way to phrase it.

"Fuck me?" Sasuke supplied for him.

"Maybe I was gonna say make love. You never know."

"Uh huh. Make love. Yes. That's what we do."

"We do!" He shifted onto his side. "I make love to you all the time."

"Right," said Sasuke. "I'm not sure if either of us are the "making love" sort."

"Not true," Naruto argued. "I am the king of making love. Let's do it right now!" He grabbed Sasuke by one of his belt loops and manhandled him by forcefully rolling him onto his back, almost flipping him a bit so that he bounced.

Naruto flopped on top of him and thrust his hips. "See," he said. "We're making love right now!"

Sasuke shook his head. "You're an idiot."

"Nooo!" He whined, pushing his nose into the crook of Sasuke's neck. "I am making love to you!"

Sasuke growled and pushed him off. "Go make lunch. We can talk about this later."

Naruto sat up on the bed. "Maybe we can. After our date. And then I'll bring you back here and make sweet, sweet love to you."

Sasuke threw a pillow at him. "Shut up. I take it back. I could never fall for such a moron. There's no way."

"But you have," said Naruto. "You love me. You want to marry me and be my forever life partner, and we'll register at IKEA and maybe I'll let you hang a rainbow flag out on the front porch of our little bungalow after we move to San Francisco or Sweden or wherever the hell we can legally get married."

Sasuke covered his eyes with a hand. "Please. Please go into the kitchen and make food so that I can stay here and tell myself life is still worth living now that I'm stuck with you."

"Heh. That's the spirit." Cheerfully, he bounced his way off the bed and stretched, adjusting his shirt and tucking it back into his slacks. "I'll be in the kitchen when you've come to terms with your future." He waggled his eyebrows and folded his arms behind his head to thrust his hips a few times into the air. "Oh yeah. Still got it."

Sasuke threw another pillow at him. "Get out!"

"Tch. Fine. I'm goin'. But you'll miss me when I'm gone."

"I doubt it."

"Feh." Naruto left him alone, purposely pushing the door so that it was left wide open. On his way into the kitchen, he bumped into Ollie as he came scampering out of the guest bedroom, obviously thinking Naruto was going to give him a treat if he followed.

Which Naruto did since he was in a good mood.

Because Sasuke was in love with him, and tonight he would make sweet, sweet love to him in many positions and in every room of the apartment because that's what two people in love did.