No One's POV

High school is over. The games are done. This is where everything gets serious. You have to mature, and move on.

"So… I have an idea. Nobody has any college plans right?" Tori asks her friends. They all nod their heads no. "Ok, so my aunt has a beach house down in Palm Beach. She offered it to me to spend the summer in. She said I could bring anyone. Do you guys get what I'm saying?" Tori asks everyone again.

"Yay! We can spend more time together!" Cat yells. A smile comes over Jades face. Beck and Andre laugh. Robbie nods.

"So, I'll take that as a yes!" Everyone looks around at each other. This was going to be one of the best summers ever.

"Yea, we all love the idea. So when and where, Vega?" Jade asks Tori. Tori smiles.

"Well, we could go this weekend." All of us have jobs and can afford a ticket. "By the way, all of your parents have accepted and bought plane tickets. My mom talked to them all and asked them not to say anything. So as long as you want to, we technically can head out tomorrow."

"The sooner the better. I hear Florida has really, really nice pretty beaches! Oh, maybe I can see a dolphin!" Cat yells. Everyone was excited. They all head back home to get packed after agreeing to leave tomorrow afternoon. They would all meet at the airport around 2.

Cat's POV

When Jade was done packing she decided to come over my house! We were going to have a sleep over.

"So what are you packing?" Jade asks me.

"Cloths, duh, Jadey." I say as I start pulling my summer cloths out of my closet and throwing them at Jade.

"Sure, Cat, I'll put these in your suite case for you." Jade says sarcastically. She starts to fold the cloths and put them in my suite case. I finish and walk over to the bed to help Jade

"So…" I say trying to start a conversation.

"So, when are you gonna tell Robbie?" Jade asks me.

"Tell him what." I say nervously.

"Tell him, how much you love him!" Jade looks at me, and I get silent.

Robbie's POV

"So, Rob, when are you gonna tell Lil Red?" Andre asks me.

"I can't. I don't want to be rejected…" I look over at Beck.

"Come on, man. That won't happen. Cat's in love with you! Jade says she can see it. You two would be a perfect couple." Beck explains.

"Yea, Rob. Everyone can tell she likes you. Just go for it." Andre explains.

"I want to make it special. Maybe I'll tell her when were in Florida. I'll set up something." I smile. I can make this great.

"Yea man, that sounds great. If you need help were here." Beck explains and Andre agrees.

Cat's POV

"I don't know Jadey. If I screw up what we have now, I would die. I love him too much to lose him." I explain. I want him so badly but I can't lose him. I'm a flirt, and he wants a relationship.

"Come on, Cat. Shapiro is crazy for you and you're just stringing him along. We all know you love him." We both here a knock on the door and hear Tori call out.

"Come in, Tori." I yell as Tori walks though the door. "Just having a little girl talk…"

Tori looks at me then at Jade, "About Robbie? Yea, so are you going to tell him." She asks.

"Does everyone know?! Am I that obvious?! Ugh." I say going and sitting down on my bed. I grab a pillow and hug it tightly.

"Yes and yes." Jade says. She smirks. Tori sits next to me and puts a hand on my shoulder.

"Not helping Jade! Don't worry, Cat. You do what you need to do. But remember you can't string him along forever. Tell him how you feel and if you want to make it something, then do it. But if not, then you have to tell him." Tori gives me friendly sincere smile.

"Thanks guys." I hug the pillow tighter and throw it to the side. I get up and Tori, Jade and I finish folding and packing cloths.

The rest of the night was fun. We watched The Notebook, cried our eyes out, ate popcorn and did each other's hair. Around 2 we decided to go to bed because we had a busy day tomorrow.

No One's POV

In the morning everyone woke up and started to get ready for the busy day ahead of them. They all had to meet at the airport at 1 o'clock.

The girls woke up around 10. They took turns taking showers. They all got dressed in comfortable cloths and made sure they had everything they needed, phone chargers, curling irons, blow dryers, the essentials. After eating breakfast they went and put everything in the trunk of the cab that came to pick them up.

The guys woke up around 11. The all took really quick showers ate breakfast and sat to watch TV for a little while. They turned on the TV and flipped through the channels. They finally stopped at the Bulls vs. Nets game. Basketball was something all of the guys could agree on. Around 12, the guys called a cab. It came by 12:15. They threw their stuff in the trunk and got in the back seat.

"So, where are you headed?" The cabbie asked.

"L.A.X!" Beck told the driver. He nodded and started the engine. The cab drove off and the gang was headed to Florida.

Cat's POV

Once we all get through security we have to sit and wait for about 20 minutes. I didn't sleep much last night so I definitely plan on sleeping on the plane. I'm exhausted.

I take a seat to wait next to Robbie. My eyes get watery and I yawn. "Are you tired?" Robbie asks me.

"Yes. I was thinking a lot last night so I didn't sleep a lot." I explain.

"Thinkin' about what?" He smiles.

I pause for a second. I don't want to say it. "Um, just stuff… you know." I say hesitantly.

"Oh, ok. Are you ready for Florida?" He asks. I think he was making sure I didn't pass out before we get on the plane.

"Yea! I need sunshine! So, are we sitting together on the plane?" I give him a flirty smile.

"If you would like." He replies and smiles back. I nod and yawn again.

They call out plane to start boarding. We all stand and get in line. We were close to the front so it wouldn't be long before I can sit down. Robbie is in front on me. I follow him to our seats. He lifts my carryon bag over our heads and pushes it into the compartments. He takes the middle seat so I can have the window seat. As soon as we sit I yawn again.

Robbie's POV

Cat looks out the window. I can tell she was tired. The next thing I knew her head was on my shoulder and she was fast asleep. The pilot comes over the loud speaker and says, "We're about to take off. If you could all buckle your seatbelts before we do that would be great. I hope you enjoy the flight folks."

I look down at Cat who is still asleep. She didn't buckle her seat belt though… I lean over a bit making sure I don't wake her. My hand brushes over her butt while I was trying to get her belt. I finally grab it and get the other side. I click the two together and tighten in to fit her petite body. My hand brushes her leg while I try to straighten up. The butterflies in my stomach go wild. I could have sworn I saw a smile on her face. I whisper in her ear, "Sleep tight, cutie." The plane starts to accelerate and were on our way to paradise.