Chapter 5: Drunk

(Unedited Version)

"Care to explain why you're with my concubine, Little Brother?"

Inuyasha smiled.

"Does it matter? If a lost bird lost its wings, are you unwilling to help?" Inuyasha retorted.

"Your majesty," Rin interrupted. "I was wandering around the palace and got lost, Lord Inuyasha was showing me the way back."

"You should be more weary of the palace, do not go out on your own again," Emperor Sesshoumaru instructed.

"Yes, your majesty," Rin bowed.

"If that is all, I will be leaving," Inuyasha stated as he turned to leave.

"Wait," Inuyasha halted at the tone of the emperor. Sesshoumaru walked towards Inuyasha and spoke in a low voice so only the receiver can hear. "Do not touch what is mine. You are dismissed."

Inuyasha's eyes narrowed and a hint of amusement passed through his eyes before he nodded and continued on his way.


"Yes, your majesty," Miroku replied.

"Send the best palace wine here to Concubine Rin's palace, also, I will be visiting the Empress tonight," he said as Rin inwardly danced at the thought. Finally! A peaceful night for herself!

"Yes your majesty," Miroku bowed as Sesshoumaru headed in the direction towards the Empress' wing.

Rin exhaled the breath she was holding and watched until Sesshoumaru's figure completely disappeared. She turned towards Sango with a confused expression.

"Why would he send me wine?"

"Perhaps…forget it my lady, even I don't know," Sango responded as Rin contemplated in deep thought. "My lady…no, Rin, where did you go? How did you meet Prince Inuyasha?" Rin snapped out of her stupor.

"It's as he said, I got lost and he helped me back," Rin awkwardly muttered.

"Lost? The Rin I know never gets lost!"

"You try navigating the palace and tell me you won't get lost," Rin joked as Sango smiled.

"Why were you gone for so long then?"

"Did you not hear me the first time? I got lost!" Rin blushed.

"My lady, the wine gifted by the emperor is here," Shippou interrupted and Rin's eyes widened. That was fast, she didn't even go inside yet.

"Thank you. Go set it by the table, Sango let's drink!"

"My lady…Rin, I can't drink, especially in the palace," Sango declined with a nervous expression as Rin observed Sango.

"And why not?"

"What if the emperor comes back? Who's going to be your mastermind to chase him away?" Rin's eyes widened in realization.

"You're right! Maybe I shouldn't drink tonight, it's not fun without a partner," Rin decided as Sango expressed a look of horror.

"It's gifted by the emperor, you must!" Sango said quickly opening the lid and pouring it into the cup. Rin studied Sango's action. Sango was acting weird. "And also, such a great wine! It would be a waste if you do not drink it!" Rin had a serious expression on her face as she continued to study Sango who smiled innocently at her.

"Fine," Rin took the cup from Sango and downed the drink.

"My lady! Not too fast!" Rin took the bottle from Sango's hand and just started to chug it. Forget it, forget everything, she needed this drink. She swayed as she sat down in the chair and hiccupped a few times.

"After spending so many nights with me, why would he go see the Empress?" Rin slurred loudly and Sango laughed.

"What? Are you by chance attracted to the Emperor?" Sango asked as Rin blushed.

"No way! I will never be attracted to him! He's too good looking for my taste!" Rin replied.

"But you admit he's good looking?"


"And you're sure you're not attracted to him?"


"You are Rin right?"


"And you want to have Emperor Sesshoumaru's children?"


"I knew it!" Realization struck Rin.

"Wait! I-"

"That can be arranged, Sango, leave us," another person entered the conversation and Rin panicked.

"Yes, your maje-"

"Sango wait!" Rin stood up and blocked Sango from leaving. "You said you'll stall him! You said you'll help me!" Sango awkwardly smiled.

"M-my Lady, what are you saying? The emperor is here to see you, just entertain him a bit. Besides, you are drunk…and want to have the Emperor's children, it's best that I leave, I'm a shy person and do not want to see that," Sango said brushing past Rin and headed towards the door.

"You traitor! You lied to me!" Rin hiccupped pounding on the door that Sango locked from the outside. Rin turned around enraged, pointing a finger at Sesshoumaru. "You! Didn't you leave to your Empress' side? Why are you back?"

"Are you jealous?"

"Yes!" Rin quickly replied. Darn it Sango! You and your mind games! "I mean, no! Of course not!"

"Oh? Is that so?" Sesshoumaru walked towards Rin and led her towards the bed as he helped her sit down. "I promised the Empress I would have dinner with her. Did you know how long it felt eating with the Empress, waiting for the dishes to be cleared so I can come spend the night with you?"

"You're being unfair! You're hurting the Empress' feelings and you're teasing me! I thought you weren't going to come back," she explained pouting. Silence pursued.

"Do you…like Inuyasha?" He asked.

"Why do you ask this question?" Rin sighed feeling a headache coming on. "I feel…sympathetic towards him. He has no one and here you have your whole harem, fighting for your love and affection. He…he doesn't have anyone to love him. I'm not saying I want to be the one to love him but I just feel sad for him."

"I will arrange a marriage for Inuyasha," Sesshoumaru responded after a short silence. Rin's eyes widened.

"You can't!" she objected as Sesshoumaru narrowed his eyes with an angry expression. "You can't…you should let him marry someone who loves him and who he loves."

"He is a prince, of course whoever marries him will love him," Sesshoumaru replied as Rin scoffed.

"Yes, they'll love him for his status! Not him as a person!" Sesshoumaru chuckled at her response.

"For someone who is 'drunk' you sure are logical," he said and Rin was contemplating if her face can get redder than it already was. "Do you like me Rin?" Rin turned to look at him carefully.

"I admit that you're very good looking," she nodded to herself. "If you didn't have so many wives, I would fall for you in a heartbeat." Sesshoumaru let out a rare smile.

"I'll dismiss them all," he countered. "However, you must provide me with an heir before my mother, Empress Dowager, will agree." Rin's eyes widened.

"You would dismiss them all…just like that?" Rin repeated as Sesshoumaru mischievously grinned.

"Yes, once you deliver the first child," he nodded and Rin shook her head.

"No, no, that can't be right! Emperors have many wives!"

"Not all emperors do, my emperor father, bless his soul, only had my mother and Inuyasha's mother," he corrected.

"So what? That's your father, you have…how many do you have?" Rin's eyes widened in realization. "No, no, no, I still refuse."

"The number is irrelevant, as I only want you," he said moving his body closer to her. Rin pushed him away…and failed. He grabbed onto her wrists. "Rin, I need you."

"Se-Sesshoumaru, I-"

Enveloped in his arms, he hungrily captured her lips in his, tasting the sweet wine on her lips. Their mouths mating as Sesshoumaru imitated what he wanted to do with a certain part of her body but with his tongue penetrating her mouth. Rin was shocked at first but felt the pleasure within the kiss. She wanted more. With her lips sealed and her wrists locked in his hands, she pushed her body closer to his as she responded to his kiss. Sesshoumaru was shocked for a second, so Rin took the opportunity to pull her wrists free and circled her arms around the back of his neck, forcing his lips closer to hers. If you have to die to go to heaven, then she was cheating the Gods as she was experiencing heaven on earth.

It wasn't enough, she felt a deep desire, a yearning, an itch that needed to be scratched. Frustrated, she pushed Sesshoumaru downwards towards the bed as she straddled him and continued to kiss him. He responded eagerly and then flipped them so she was on the bottom. He peppered kisses down her neck and roughly pulled the sleeve of her kimono so her neck and shoulder was bare to his lips. He seemed to be very attracted to the juncture between her neck and shoulder, right above her collarbone and gently nipped at the skin.

Rin was basking in pleasure when she noticed Sesshoumaru slowed so she turned her head to look…was that…fangs in Sesshoumaru's mouth?! No, that can't be right, she's drunk and seeing things. Sesshoumaru's eyes flashed red for a second and Rin blinked. What was going on?! Did someone put a drug in her wine?!

"Y-your majesty?" Sesshoumaru snapped, opening his mouth wide as his fangs punctured the area above her collarbone, where he was lovingly kissing before. Rin inhaled and held her breath but…felt no pain? Is she imagining things? Sesshoumaru continued to lick and kiss the spot and Rin closed her eyes as waves and waves of pleasure travelled around her body to the point where she was embarrassed.

"Rin, I-"

"Don't stop!" Rin pushed his head towards her neck once more and Sesshoumaru gently bit the skin on her neck and let go.

"Rin, we have to stop, you're drunk. I don't want to take advantage of you," he explained.

"You-you just don't like me!" He kissed her very deeply.

"I really like you Rin, that's why we need to stop," he said pulling up the hem of her kimono. "You understand this right?" He looked towards her face and she was already deep asleep. He kissed her forehead and held her in his arms as he used his powers to douse the flames of the candles.

Phase One Initiation…Complete

Within the darkness of the night, he smiled.


This may be the last chapter, this may not be the last chapter. The end of this chapter is open ended so that if I can't continue…I won't feel bad leaving you guys for another couple years before updating. Honestly, I was going to stop at the part where Sesshoumaru says "I need you" to Rin and leave you guys hanging again but…then I'm not that evil. So explanations if you didn't catch my hints in this chapter:

1) I planned for Rin to have drama with the other concubines however...There will be no fights with other concubines/empress because Sesshoumaru said so himself, he will let go of them all as soon as he and Rin conceive and have their first baby to prove that Rin can indeed have kids for him to easier convince Sesshoumaru's mother.

2) I was going to do a Sesshoumaru/Rin/Inuyasha love triangle but...There will be no love triangle because drunk Rin admitted that she does feel attraction towards our Sesshoumaru and that she only feels bad for Inuyasha.

3) What about Rin's mysterious dream and the dog demon she saw?! Well, mystery solved, dog demons still exist, as proven by when Rin "thought" she saw Sesshoumaru grow fangs and eyes flashing red. Wink, wink! However, there are still loopholes for her dream, I realize that. Ehhh, even I do not know the answer, who knows what I was thinking then. Hehe!

4) Yes, Sango DID work alongside Sesshoumaru to make Rin drunk in this chapter.


At the end, Phase One Initiation Complete…what do you think that means? Wink, wink! And, cough, cough, marked her, hint, hint.