Disclaimer: Harry Potter is NOT mine he's JK Rowlings and WBs. All characters that you recognize are not mine. All I own is the plot and such. Spoilers: Books 3 and 4 Author's Note: Due to the unfortunate occurrence of my first Harry Potter story I was afraid to post another. But I have been working on this story since March and almost everyday I write more of it in my notebook I keep. So far, it's 13 chapters. I'm gonna see how these first few chapters go before I continue to post. Hope you all enjoy!

Harry Potter and his Fifth Year (title may change)

Chapter 1 Forgetting is the Hardest Part

Privet Drive was the most perfect street. The grass was well cut and the gardens kept nice. Anyone just walking by wouldn't know that something magical lived there, but there was. Inside #4 Privet Drive lived 15-year-old Harry Potter. Harry was a famous wizard who was entering his 5th year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

At the end of his 4th year, something had gone terribly wrong and Harry was dreaming about it again. During the Third Task of the Triwizard Tournament, Harry and Cedric Diggory, the other Hogwarts champion, had taken the cup together. It was a porkey and took them to a cemetery. A voice from the darkness came, "Kill the spare." A burst of pain form a scar and a flash of green light and Cedric Diggory was dead. Wormtail tied Harry to a head stone. To make a spell, bone from the father, Tom Riddle, flesh of the servant, Wormtail, and blood of the enemy, Harry, were all taken and placed into a cauldron. Then, Voldemort rose again for the first time in 13 years.

Harry had gotten away that night but a part of him didn't.

Now Harry tossed and turned on his bed mumbling words. Beads of sweat rolled down his face and chest. His face was contorted with fear. "Noo!" Harry cried out into the night, still trapped in his dream. "Don't kill him, not Cedric. Kill me instead, please. No! Please!" Harry cried out awaking his aunt, uncle, cousin, and himself.

Panting hard, Harry heard the footsteps of his Uncle Vernon. Suddenly, his door burst open revealing a very grumpy Vernon, his face turning purple. In two steps, he had reached Harry's bed. "Boy how dare you make a racket in my house again."

"I'm, I'm sorry Uncle Vernon." Harry mumbled.

Vernon's face turned even purpler. He grabbed Harry's arm tightly, picked him up out of bed, grabbed his other arm, and slammed Harry into the wall. "Did you forget the lesson I taught you boy? Don't you ever talk to me again without sir." Vernon said slamming Harry into the wall after every word. "Is this understood?!"

"Y.Yes" Harry said wincing at the hold his uncle had on him and the lump that had formed on the back of his head.

Vernon squeezed harder. "Yes what?"

"Yes, yes sir," Harry choked out. Vernon dropped him.

"That's better boy. Expect to have more chores tomorrow." Vernon turned around and was about to leave when he saw the birthday cards on Harry's dresser. "What are these?" His face turned threatening, "Your little freak friends send mail to my home! Oh no!" Vernon grabbed Harry again and backhanded Harry. Then Vernon shoved Harry into the dresser sending the cards and lamp flying. The lamp shattered. Harry landed in the pieces of the lamp causing cuts to form on his arms and chest. "THESE FREAKS BETTER NOT SEND ONE MORE THING TO MY HOUSE!" with that Vernon slammed the door.

Harry picked himself up, grabbed his glasses, and went to the mirror. He had dark circles under his normally bright green eyes. Harry had barely slept since the Third Task.

Harry noticed a piece of lamp jutting out from his chest. He took a deep breath and pulled it out in a quick motion. Harry snuck out to the bathroom and grabbed the First-Aid Kit, not for the first this summer. He slowly bandaged his cuts and went to his bed. Harry closed his eyes seeing Voldemort rise from the cauldron and Cedric dead on the ground.

Harry immediately got up, took out his potions homework, and started doing while wiping his eyes. He thought it was his fault that Cedric was dead. Now, he even wished he were in potions with Snape than at the Dursley's, which had reached an all time low. 'But only a few more days more,' he thought.

His body needed sleep even though he knew he would be getting any because he can't forget.

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