Today I woke up five minutes before my alarm. I got dressed, and as I packed a granola bar in my hoodie pocket, Ulrich woke up.
"What are you doing?" He mumbled.
"Getting ready," I told him. I thought it would have been obvious.
He rubbed his eyes, getting up. "For what?"
"To go find Lili of course," Kiwi seemed to be waking up as well.
"Whoa, Odd, we can't go now."
"Really, why not?"
"Hm, I don't know, maybe there's that funny and stupid thing called school."
"If it's so stupid than lets ditch."
"No way. I'm not ditching, you're not ditching."
"Oh, come on," I wined.
"Nope." He got out of bed and started getting ready himself.
I flopped back down on my bed and pouted.
Oh my gosh, this day could not have gone any slower. If it could, Mrs Hertz would be teaching physics backwards, and she got pretty close. The minutes felt like hours and even the seconds took forever. I was definatelly stuck in slow motion.
FINALLY, the school day was over. Back in the dorm, I toss the homework aside on my bed.
Jeremie, Ulrich and Yumi came in.
"Ready?" Yumi asked me.
I smiled, "Always."
We got down the stairs and out into the courtyard, then Jeremie stopped us just before the gate.
"Wait," He said. "I know a short-cut."
Yumi, Ulrich and I exchanged worried glances.
Next thing I knew we were in front of a tunnel that started in the corner of the gym's boiler room.
"Oh don't look so surprised." Jeremie started off into the tunnel that ended who knows where.
It was true, we WERE surprised. But we still followed him. Even though we didn't exactly like what we found next.
"The sewer, Jeremie?" Ulrich asked, kind of disgusted. I didn't blame him.
"It's not THAT kind of sewer," Jeremie assured us. As we continued following Jeremie, he explained to us that he had been to this factory before, in search of spair robot parts. Eventually, he stumbled upon this 'not so scenic route'. Apparently, he told us, there was also a man-hole in the park through which we could end up here.
For some strange reason, I wasn't really grossed out by the sewer. Besides, this was just your tap water. The, uh, other, stuff, was on one of the next levels down. Under ground that is.
Anyways, it didn't really feel weird. Somehow I got the strange feeling that this would be far from the last time we'd travel down here. Weird right?
"Here we are," Jeremie stopped us in front of a ladder. "After you," He offered Ulrich.
Ulrich turned to Yumi, "Ladies first."
"What? Are you all afraid of sunshine and fresh air or something?" she laughed and proceeded up, followed by the rest of us.
Whoa, Jeremie really was right about this short-cut. The tunnel let out directly on the bridge to the factory. We crossed the Seine together, nearing the factory with every passing second.
I can't help but smile. In the past month, I have under gone hardships, true, but I also discovered a wonderful and mysterious forest get away. I found myself some friends, too. Friends who will and have stuck up for me, and who I will stick up for when and if the time comes. And now, now I help a girl in need and welcome her to this group of friends. Not to mention Kiwi, who has taken a real liking to me.
As we crossed that bridge I reminisced on how much I had changed. When I arrived here I was friendless, and sour, and kind of wimpy. And now, I have true friends fighting with me and I feel confident like never before.
Finally walking thought the massive doorway, we enter the factory. Jeremie explains the ropes we have to swing down to get to the ground floor. Once there, we begin our search.
"I don't see her," called Ulrich, from across the factory, ten minutes later. This can't be a good sign.
"Me neither," Jeremie concurred.
"That makes three of us," Yumi replied the same.
"Jeremie! Does that elevator work?" I asked him.
He thought for a moment, "I think so."
There wasn't any sense in wandering around here when Lili's probably on a lower level.
Once gathered in the lift, I push large gray button and hope for the best.
With a creak and a crank, and a little bit of luck, the elevator began descending.
On the first floor (down), we found a room about the size of a classroom, but with giant wires everywhere. In the middle stood this huge computer with four screens. Jeremie called it a 'super computer' and it's easy to see why.
Next floor down was about the same size, if not smaller, but this one had really weird like cylinder tubes, the size you could walk into. It looked like something out of a science fiction movie. But still, no Lili.
Only one floor left. This HAD to be the one. Only it wasn't. It was the same size as level two and was virtually empty.
I groaned in frustration. "What are we supposed to do now? Where is she?"
"Odd, relax," Yumi reminded me. "I'm sure she's here somewhere, we just haven't found her yet."
"Hmm," Jeremie scratched his chin like he had an idea. "Let's see if the computer knows something." Then he flicked a switch on the wall and a giant mechanical structure rose out of the ground. I'm going to hazard a guess that this contains an on switch somewhere. More like an 'on lever' from what Jeremie layed his hand on.
"I hope we're not gonna regret this in a minute," And with that, Jeremie pulled the lever and the whole mechanism started up.
He smiled in amazement. "Follow me."
We rode the elevator back up to the control room and Jeremie sat down in the computer chair. He cracked his knuckles and began typing almost at the speed of light.
He spoke directly to the computer itself, "Let's see what you've got under the hood my friend."
It loaded in a flash and a window popped up. A window with a moving image.
Curious chartreuse green eyes, round face, curly magenta hair and a single jewel earring.
~~~~~~~THE END~~~~~~~
(like actual that's the end!)
So guys, that's the end of that adventure. But it is by no means the end of the story. No way. The story lives on, and it will always live on through all the people who love it. That is code lyoko.
I figured I'd end it right here because you already know what happens. Granted, the future of this story could differ slightly, what with the house and stuff but it would be pointless to ramble on about things that CL fans already know. Besides, this story is just a blueprint, it could go anywhere. That's where imagination comes in.
Anyhow, thanks to all of you guys who have viewed, reviewed, followed, favorited, the works. You guys gave me confidence and you are awesome. Thanks also to Adam Lambert, for those of you who didn't figure it out, who performed the song Trespassing, which gave me the original idea for the story.
Again, thx so much! Please review one last time, and I'll see you around!