In this universe, their child is adopted.

"Nik, your daughter is throwing a tantrum again!"

"My daughter? Why is it that she is suddenly my daughter when she does something you disapprove of?"

"Because no one throws a tantrum quite like you do. Seriously, this kid could pillage villages with her temper."

"You are aware that she can't physically inherent my temper, yes?"

"Maybe not physically, but your anger kind of seeps out of you and she probably absorbed it."

"You've thrown quite the temper tantrum before, sweetheart. This could as easily be your doing as mine."

"Me? A temper tantrum? I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. Really I don't. The fact that you would even insinuate—."

"Rome. Paris Fashion Week. A variety of dance committee meetings with my sister. Our first date. Our marriage proposal. Last Monday. Need I name more famous Caroline Forbes Temper Tantrum's or are you satisfied?"

"Um, those are completely irrelevant and not temper tantrums if they're totally called for. And I've never like, annihilated twelve people in the span of three minutes because of a little betrayal! So don't even start with me, because — my God, Nik, she just through her rice pudding against the wall!"

"Which wall?"

"The one with the painting Elena gave me — why does it matter?"

"That painting was atrocious. At least she has good aim."


"I'm going, I'm going. Honestly, woman, you would think I would have different obligations, being the oldest and strongest creature in the world, but no, it's, 'Nik, your daughter is throwing a tantrum,' and 'Nik, for the love of all things great and holy, will you please rinse your plate before you put it in the dishwasher, you know how things stick'. A little respect would be appreciated, sweetheart."

"No one appreciates your muttering, Niklaus."

"And now she's Niklaus-ed me, Hayden. Your mum has verbally abused me with my own name."


"Maybe if you weren't mumbling to yourself like an absolute psycho I wouldn't need to use your first name?"

"And now she's commenting on my mental state, love. I'm starting to think that she doesn't really love me."


"I'm only here for the house. Hayden needs some place fabulous to call home."

"Hear that, babygirl? Your mum is using me for my financial assets. That and nothing else. It's a wonder we're still in a relationship at all—"


"Yes, sweetheart?"

"You know that I'm in love with you, right?"

"Of course, sweetheart. I was making fun."

"And you love me too?"

"You and Hayden are my universe."

"Just keep that in mind because I'm pretty sure she just puked on your shirt."


"Just remember that you love us, alright? And we love you back."

"I love you. I love you. There is baby vomit on my shirt and I love you."

"DA! MUM!"

Another request from my Tumblr. (sociopathsweetserialkiller yay for plugs, y'all). Their child is adopted in my Klaroline universe. Hope you enjoy!