Here for the final installment of Duelists of Zero. This time it will be Espa Roba and his brothers.
"Surprised you showed up commoner!" Guiche said as he pointed his rose wand to Espa Roba.
"Excuse me, do you want this baby?" Espa Roba as he gestured towards his younger brother.
"No! For the last time, I don't want that baby!" Guiche screamed out.
"But why? He comes potty trained already. That takes out half the work." Espa Roba continued to explain.
Everyone is gathered here in Vestri Court to watch the duel between Guiche and Espa Roba. It all started when Espa Roba pleaded for Guiche to take the baby. Guiche got so annoyed at this that he challenged the "commoner" for talking to a noble in this way.
"NO! Let's start the duel so I don't have to listen to you anymore." Guiche fumed as he waved his rose wand around. A petal fell and a bronze golem came out of the ground.
"Time to duel. And when I win with my cheating, er, I mean tapping into the cosmic forces around us, I will take your rarest card and locator card." Espa Roba said as he activated his duel disk before drawing 6 cards.
"What is he talking about?" Guiche thought as Espa Roba summoned Cyber Raider.
"A creature!"
"How did he summon it?"
"Is he a mage?"
This is what the crowd exclaimed about when Espa Roba summoned out his monster.
"Impossible! You are a commoner! How can you summon a familiar?" Guiche asked.
"No more talking! I am trying to listen to the headset, I mean my powers. Umm, never mind! Cyber Raider, attack his golem!" Espa Roba said as Cyber Raider punched a hole into the golem, causing it to disintegrate into dust.
"Y-you just got lucky!" Guiche said as Espa Roba set a card.
"Now you will pay!" Guiche said as he summoned up 3 more golems.
"Attack!" Guiche said as the 3 monsters charged towards Cyber Raider. 1 golem was destroyed, but the other 2 managed to destroy Cyber Raider, and punch Espa Roba before going back towards Guiche.
"I'm not out just yet. You will get this baby once I am done!" Espa Roba said as he got back to his feet.
"Draw!" Espa Roba said as he drew a card from his Deck.
"I special summon The Fiend Megacyber. I then use Monster Reborn to bring back Cyber Raider." Espa Roba said as Cyber Raider and The Fiend Megacyber appeared on his field.
"I now sacrifice Cyber Raider to summon my ace, Jinzo!" Espa Roba proudly declared as Jinzo appeared on the field. This surprised everyone as they have never seen such machinery in his life.
"I now Equip Amplifier to Jinzo!" Espa Roba said as Amplifier materialized and attached itself to Jinzo's head.
"Jinzo and The Fiend Megacyber, attack his remaining golems!" Espa Roba said as Jinzo and The Fiend Megacyber destroyed Guiche's golems with ease.
"What powerful creatures!"
"He must be a powerful mage."
Guiche was now exhausted and humiliated in his duel with Espa Roba. All of his golems were destroyed by Espa Roba's monsters and they were quickly taking a toll on his willpower.
"Do you give up?" Espa Roba said as he walked towards Guiche.
"Never!" Guiche said as he summoned the rest of his willpower to summon two more golems.
"Attack." Guiche said as the golems rushed to meet their end at the hands of Jinzo and The Fiend Megacyber.
"It is useless. I can predict your every move!" Espa Roba said as he reached Guiche, causing the latter to cower in fear.
"I give up, don't hurt me!" Guiche stammered out.
"I will not hurt you on one condition." Espa Roba declared.
"What is it?"
"This baby is yours now." Espa Roba said as his other brother dropped off the baby in Guiche's arms.
"Have fun!" Espa Roba said as he shut off his duel disk and walked out of Vestri Court, leaving Guiche with a new baby to take care of.
Well, this is the final installment of Duelists of Zero. I truly am sorry that I didn't get to do Mai/Weevel+Rex, but I was steadly losing interest in this fanfiction. Still, I give thanks to everyone who supported this fanfiction from the beginning.
Read, favorite, and review for the last time, and thanks for sticking with Duelists of Zero.(Bows head to audience)