So hi I'm the moonlight phoenix this is my very first story *yeyy* so please be nice.

Disclaimer - I dont own yu-gi-oh as much as I like to pretend I do I really don't

So things you need to know before reading

1. Marik Ishtar = Malik and Yami Marik = Marik

2. The first chapter is best understood with some basic knowledge of ancient Egypt

3. In this fic when Bakura lived in Kul Elna he had an older sister called Merysekhmet Webennesiah Bakura

4. Enjoy.

Chapter 1 - Work of the Gods

"Touzoku Akefia Bakura"

Bakura slowly opened his eyes. He was laying face down in what looked like an ancient Egyptian temple. Slowly, he got to his feet, looking around feeling rather dizzy.

"Ah shit" he cursed under his breath upon seeing a large set of scales. on one of the dishes was a feather which he knew his heart was supposed to be weighed against.

Around the scales stood the figures Bakura knew only to well Anubis, the jackal headed god, Thoth, the ibis headed scribe god and finally...

Ammit the devourer. Bakura shivered at the sight of them but there was no escape now; no way out, he had to face his fate. Had to face the fact that he would never avenge his family. This tugged at his heart a little. He hadn't felt emotion for a while and he guessed now he and Zork were separated he was human again so emotion came back to him, not something he was looking forward to.

"Get on with it then" he spat at the gods but none of them failed to hear the hint of sorrow behind his harsh tone.

"very well" Thoth spoke softly, unrolling a papyrus scroll.

" Your crimes include theft, murder, treason, attempted world domination, possession of Ryou Bakura, torture… in fact I think you might have committed every crime possible…"

"I never raped anyone" Bakura said in his defence.

"That's true" the ibis headed god confirmed "But I'm afraid there's little else in you favour"

All the while Ammit sat, not taking her eyes off him, licking her lips.

"please, wait just a moment" a light, almost sing-song voice rang though the room. They looked up to see Ra, the falcon headed god of the sun , walking towards them followed by none other than the pharaoh and his father.

"what do you want, pharaoh?" Bakura sneered suddenly, enraged at the sight of his enemy "or have you just come for the show?"

Bakura glared at the former pharaoh but Atem said nothing, in stead it was Ra who spoke.

"Looking at your record I presume you already know your fate, Touzoku?"

Atem looked confused at the name which Ra had referred to him with but Bakura merely nodded "yes" He was sick of this and just wanted it over with.

"however" the sun-god continued "given your circumstances your life hasn't exactly been fair, this doesn't justify what you did but…"

Atem stepped forward "Bakura" the ex-pharaoh used the name he'd always known Bakura by "you have one chance to redeem your self."

"my brother Aknadin" Akhenaden spoke now " took away your family, your childhood and, in a way, your life and as pharaoh at the time, I feel responsible for this and am deeply sorry. To redeem your self you must return to Japan to Ryou and watch over and protect him. Do so and we'll consider not feeding you to Ammit."

Atem began to speak again " I'll be going with you, of course, to make sure you don't try anything funny..."

"me? try anything funny?"
Bakura interrupted sarcastically "I'm offended pharaoh, but either way I've no interest in helping the brat, I refuse to be his babysitter.
find someone else" Bakura was lying of course. Anything to get him out of this. He just wanted to see how far he could push his luck before agreeing to anything.

"Ammit" Atem called over to the devourer "we no longer have use for Bakura, he's all yours" Bakura looked from Atem to Ammit and then back to Atem. He wasn't letting up.

"fine! I'll do it. But don't expect me to act like I care for the boy. Im doing this for me, not him.

Atem nodded "alright. lets go" The once pharaoh looked at his father "farewell father, it was nice to see you again"

"good luck my son. I'll be here, waiting for when you get back" Akhenaden hugged his son.

Atem turned and began walking towards a set of double doors which Bakura was sure hadn't been there a moment ago. Atem turned back to Bakura.

"you coming then?

So there you have it, the first chapter of my first story I don't really know where I'm going with it I'm kinda just making it up as I go but it will have an ending at some point, when? I don't know. It's rated for future chapters although I can guarantee a small bit of Bronzeshipping in chapter 3, Puzzleshipping at some point and a chance of Puppyshipping if I can be bothered but my main focus is Tendershipping anyway please leave me a review of what you think im always trying to improve also any ideas you think might go well with this story I'm open for suggestions because this story currently has 4 chapters ive already written and apart from that I don't know so yeh over and out moonlight X.